
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

faking it to make it

The soft gentle whispers of the wind flowed and tugged on the clothes of a figure. Scattered streaks of light permeated this expanse of space swiftly falling on a lone boat, however, this lone boat was rocking back and forth.

The waves of the bellowing sea threaten to tear the boat into several pieces. This boat shook and was pushed to the brink of shattering to tatters on several occasions but strangely, it held itself on.

The undulating waves stretched into the distance and seemingly connected with the sky at the farthest horizon, it seemed there was no end in sight, each wave seemingly wrestling with each other to devour the lone boat.

Countless streaks of lightning twists and flashed in the sky, dying the surroundings in its splendor and thunder boomed resoundingly, it seemed like the end of world. Bucket sized lightning flashed like a coiling dragon, exerting it's dominance on the onlooker as it struck the surface of the sea, every place struck would induce massive droplets of water washing across and a concentric wave spreading around it's surface

"This storm sure looks treacherous," Charlie muttered under his breath, his voice carried a hint of anxiety.

A deep frown was etched on Charlie's face. All along, he had thought after defeating the three horned demon and surviving the assaulting voice of the siren all would be as easy as a walk in the park but it seemed, destiny had played him a fool again and brought this damnable storm. But this was not the time to be infuriated. Instead, while sailing across the sea, he had discreetly planted a grade 1 formation to stabilize the movement of the boat

That is why, regardless of how the storm raged or how the waves bellowed, the boat won't fall prey to it.

"It would seem this Ocean eye fruit isn't as easy as I had thought. There might be more trials along the way... I-i-..." Charlie's decisive tone cut short abruptly.

At this moment, a massive violet tentacle riddled with gaping holes swiftly made its way towards the boat's direction as if it was making a casual motion of sweeping all within its path.

"BASTARD!!!" Charlie had truly lost his cool at this moment, just when he was trying to deal with one problem, another came up but there was no time to think. Charlie flicked his sleeves and his finger moved in half an arc, tapping at six place on the boat, this motion might seem casual to the untrained eye but in actuality, Charlie was changing the movement of the boat through the formation, and as expected, the boat narrowly dodged the onslaught of the tentacle.

Shortly after, a massive head surfaced, its sheer size and height towered above the boat several times over, infact, the boat was like a mere ant to it. A pair of deep crimson eyes glared at the figure on the boat, viciousness and ruthlessness could be seen. Its murderous intent overflowed and even its presence instils fear to its onlooker, some might even piss in their pants but just when it was making its entrance and trying to be as fierce as possible to its prey, a cold voice sounded out.

"If you know what's good for you, this rascal, scram from my way and let me pass, don't you know, you're blocking the way of an emperor, if you want to pose as an expert can't you do it somewhere else?"

Truthfully, Charlie was truly vexed, he could deduce, this ugly creature was the one with the tentacles earlier and now, not only did it try to sink his ship, it even sieze the opportunity to pose before him.

Can't you tell that, I'm not in the mood for your posing as an expert? Don't you know, I want to leave this damnable place?

The creature itself was taken aback, it was shocked speechless, it couldn't process what was going on. It had come to eat this young man alive and yet, the man is saying, he is posing as an expert?

Pose your head?

Infact, all your family are posers

It was almost at the verge of tears when it heard what completely snapped his mental sanity

"If you want to pose, it's fine but at least, you should know how to pose better than this, you think that baring your fangs and looking at me, would make me think you're an expert? You can do better than this. How about this? Why don't you bring me out of this place and I would teach you how to pose like a true expert.." an unhurried tone sounded out from Charlie.

Charlie placed his hand behind his back, his presence was reminiscent of a dragon or strictly put, an emperor overseeing his officials and denizens of citizens, his back ramrod like a spear attempting to tear through the sky, his gaze domineering and authoritative. The relentless breeze tugging on his cloth further accentuated his presence, for a moment, the creature was shocked and it seemed, it was looking at a true expert.

It silently nods his head at the young man posing, even though the creature wanted to tear the young man alive, it won't hurt for a little entertainment.

Charlie himself was no dummy, he could tell, the beast was here to devour him and at the rate the boat was moving, he won't be able to bypass the creature, except he delays and puts up an act, although, it might not necessarily be efficient but this was all he got.

If this doesn't work, I might as well act as it's long lost teacher.

After stumbling upon such thoughts, his eyes glowed brightly in excitement and then, he flung his sleeves like a furious sovereign berating it's official for doing something wrong. His expression had that look of "do-you-know-who-you-are-looking-at"

"Little creature, it seemed you have forgotten who I am so early. Several years ago, on this very sea, your mother was desperately looking for an expert to teach her son some cultivation, after being subdued by me with ease, she noticed just how powerful I am and she allowed me to tutor you and I did for just a week and your cultivation increased by leaps and bounds but who would thought that several years later, just when I'm passing this sea, you would come here to stop me?!!!" Charlie glared furiously at the creature, in his eyes the look of someone who has experienced the vicissitudes of life; an old monster.

The creature was dumbstruck, coincidentally, it did had an expert that trained it when it was young but as far as it could remember, that expert was a monster like him and not a human, or was it's memory lacking?

While it may seem impossible for humans to survive underwater for a long amount of time, to cultivators, it is no big deal especially when they have reached the required realm.

Charlie noticed the contemplative look and hesitation, it seemed his plan had worked, so he decided to push on.

"Oh when, you were just a young less ugly creature, your talent was so mediocre, as a teacher, I taught you day and night tirelessly but is this how you repay me?" His voice had a tinge of sorrow and the lamentation of a father over a spoilt child.

The creature felt the emotions emanating from the young man and it felt, maybe the young man words was true.

"Y-you were my teacher?.." it asked in agitation

"Of course, I have told you this much, you should know what to do" Charlie spoke while shaking his head

The creature felt moved, an excited gleam sprung forth from his eyes.

"Teacher, I'm sorry. I deeply apologize for my ignorance. I shall carry you out of this place" it spoke with resolution. Without even waiting for a reply, one of it's tentacles propped up the boat and it's body flashed into the distance.