
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

war Preparation

beast stampede.

Near the forbidden ocean

Francis, Walter and Kate have been here for three days. Except for occasional fights with the demonic beasts who aren't afraid of death, they have nothing to do except to eat , play and wait for Charlie to show up.

"its been three days now, I don't know how Charlie has been doing," Francis said, " He should have arrived at the island by now. I hope he doesn't encounter those bloody monsters"

"You don't need to worry about him, he knows how to take care of himself," said Kate.

"Charlie is a cunning bastard, even if he can't get the fruit, he has many means of escape". Walter said.

"Right, you guys didn't notice anything strange about the demonic beasts around here?" Kate asked

"Yes, they've been acting strangely lately. Walking in groups, and their strange meetings…thanks to the gods that they didn't notice us" Walter said,

" we could have been a meal on their table, ready to be devoured"

"i eavesdropped on one of their meetings during the past two days" Kate said "but due to my insufficient knowledge of the ancient beast language I didn't get any useful information"

" But there's one thing I'm sure of, they're planning for a great war, all their generals were present for this meeting. Even the ferocious ' eye looking ape' . The three tailed fox, and the group of poisonous and blood s-----g bees were present"

Walt: They sure were planning for something big, and it has something to do with our town.

"but we still have to wait for that bastard to come back" Francis complained " we could have gone back to town to bring this piece of information back to the palace"

" they're planning for a beast stampede, it's been twenty years since the last one " a voice called out from the dark.

" Who are you, show yourself? " Francis called out as he reached for his sword.

The group didn't lose guard since they came to set up a tent here, yet someone could sneak up on them without them knowing. That means the person has means and power beyond their realms.

They all stood up with their weapons in hand, searching for the intruder…activating the praying mantis formation.

" You don't need to panic, it is I " an old man with white beards walked out from behind a large rock.

He wore a silver set of armour, his purple cape gives him an heroic vibe.

He walked majestically into the light. Merely glancing at him, you'll know that he's someone with authority.

" Elder Brad? " they all called out in shock

" Elder Brad, what are you doing here? " Francis asked

" Did you think your father would leave you to go out in the wild without any means of insurance? " elder brad asked.

" Your father asked me to protect you in secret, in case any accident occurs. "

"He did?" Kate asked " I know he'll never let us gain experience on our own"

"right, are you behind that three headed beast's misfortune?" Francis asked " I thought as much "

" not me, someone must have done something in the dark…maybe your father asked someone to protect him" elder brad said

"Well, kids, it's time to go home… they've brought war to our doorstep, we have to welcome them with our bows and arrows, entertain them with a beautiful skill and make them leave their bodies behind for us to harvest" elder brad said

"the beasts are planning a big attack, they are currently near the city gate. Gathering forces, waiting for the right time to fight. according to the letter your father sent through the pigeon, the academy has issued another mission for this stampede". Elder Brad said poetically

"what about Charlie? he's still out there" Kate asked.

" don't worry, I'll be here to bring him home. You wouldn't meet any beast on the way, they've all gone to the city gates," elder Brad said; " it's much safer when you're within the walls" he looked more like a hero who's ready to sacrifice his life for a greater good.

" the king's guard would l be ready to receive you near the South gate. When you get there, show this to the city guards, they'll let you in. " he gave them an insignia, a seal that belongs only to the Williams family.

" alright, elder bradd " Francis said.

They packed their bags as they set off to the city gate, elder Brad saw them off to the yellow mountain before going back to the forbidden ocean.

On their way to town, they didn't meet with any trouble. When they got near the city gate, the guards welcome them in upon seeing their family's insignia.

" welcome back young masters " the city guards greeted them.

" lord Williams asked me to bring you to meet him, I'll explain everything about the mission to you on the way " one of the guards said.


" so, you're saying that the number and the level of beasts killed will determine the level of rewards we're to receive? " Kate asked.

" yes ma'am, you can exchange your points for pills, advance books on formation, beast taming, some self cultivation technique , and some skills like the legendary thunder palm"

"the reward is measured in points, killing a level 1 beast will give you 2 points, level 2 beast will give you 5 points, level 3 beast will give 10 point, level 4 beast will give 15 points, level five will give 20 points which can be used to exchange for pills skill books etc and even divine coins". The guard explained.

" woww " Walter exclaimed " we are rich, so how do they know how many kills we made? " he asked.

" that's simple, before joining the war you'll have to sign up at the academy's registration point not far from here and you'll be given a 'cosmos bracelet' a magical bracelet that let you store things without taking much space, some bracelet are so big that you can even put a whole house in there and still have enough space for two more."

" the bracelet has been set with a magnetic formation that if a demonic beast is stored inside, their beast core will be absorbed by the bracelet and point will be given according to the strength of the demonic beast killed " the guard explained.

" and if you encounter an enemy stronger than you on the battlefield, you have a one time chance to use the teleportation array set on the bracelet. It'll take you anywhere as long as it's within 500 miles from your location " the guard explained, as they neared the war academy centre.

"There's such a magical tool in our town?, I can't believe this." Francis argued " why haven't I heard of such a legendary tool "

" that's because you're just a frog at the bottom of a well, claiming that the sky is round " a young, handsome man joined in the conversation but the sneer on his face and the disdain in his tone is hard to cover up.

" the cosmos bracelet formations were made in the logos empire, by a great genius formation master " master B " , he'll be 30 this year and he's already a foundation building expert with space power. If you're looking for a true genius you don't need to look far, he's at logos empire." he continued.

" Good day young master bada " the little guard greeted the young man with a bow.

Young master bada is the first son of the town's minister of finance, Mr davil Stan…he may be a braggart and a proud son of a… But he has the strength and brains to back it up.

" the magical bracelet was donated by the God'spower family of logos empire in support of this war, that's all for today. If you need more lessons, he knows where to find me" bada said pointing at the little guard while strutting back to wherever he came from with a proud look on his face.

" that braggart came to showoff again, I really felt like punching him in the face but I dare not" Walter said

"We're here" the little guard said as they reached the academy building