
The Dance of Fates (A Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Camp Half-blood is a refuge to the children of Greek gods. Vincent Wayne was one of them. But unlike any other child of gods who knew their godly parent, Vincent didn't know. And just when Vincent's ass was hauled to war, he met the coldest goddess he'd ever know.

black_stars · Others
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Chapter 2

They stepped out at the other side of the vortex, into the vast throne room made of tall and huge gray columns with complete void space surrounding them. The place was unusually lighter even though the place was surrounded with nothing but black space. But, well, what can you expect from a godly place?

Sillari and her two companions walked directly at the lone figure sitting at a lone throne, the figure in a form of void with galaxies floating in nothingness.

The two generals knelt and bowed low when they arrived in front of the figure. "Should I welcome you back, Father?" Sillari began.

Her black armor was now replaced by black dress with every kinds of end projected – end of life, end of objects, end of every fate. Her silver hair was now braided and an ink black crown sat atop her head. She is the protogenos goddess of her namesake, End or much known to Greeks as Omega.

The void seemed to lean forward as the galaxy seemed to tip away from its original place. "I will not expect it from you, my child," he replied in a calm, gruff voice.

Omega was clearly bored. "What do you want from me, then?"

A mirror-like void appeared in front of her, and started to show some scenes. Her eyes narrowed drastically, almost in animosity. She wouldn't mistake the scene taking place on the first planet that was inhabited by creatures that she hated and loved the most. Earth.

She hated Earth as it is her enemy for so many centuries, and loved it as it is the major source of her power. There are too many endings there, and mostly it came from the lives of mortals and the end of their actions.

The vision showed the Laistrygonians, a tribe of man-eating giants, doing a huge rampage in the Southern Canada. Led by their brain-whacked king Antiphates. Another scene was shown in New York.

This time Omega twitched her eye visibly and Althea recoiled behind Max when she saw Omega containing her composure. Standing at one of the roofs, in black suit and his human form, was her older brother – the god of darkness himself – Erebus.

"Father..." Omega said in a calm tone but there's an edge of hatred in it, all directed at the man in the mirror vision.

"I know, daughter," her father answered warily. "But we have one more problem."

The vision disappeared and they all looked at Chaos, intently listening. "After 3 years of peace in Earth, the gods and their children will be attacked by the monsters under Erebus' orders in surprise. Last I've heard, Apollo had been punished by his father for a misunderstanding and until now they have no connection to their prophetic riddles. Hence, not allowing them to hold quests."

Omega actually scoffed at hearing of the gods. Same old – very old – scenery. A narrow-minded arrogant king of the gods punishing someone for what? She doubted it's a misunderstanding. It should be another series of 'someone has to be blamed' again. The very reason why she hated that universe, Earth and the particles that surrounds it.

"Father, I don't think that's any of my concern. Have you forgotten? Zeus had cast all Protogenoi to oblivion, trapping us to our domes because of what? Because he's scared – like the scaredy-cat he is – that we will oppose him. And look what happened? Every god that has the opportunity opposed him," Omega ranted.

She still couldn't forgive those Olympians for trapping her on her dome for centuries. If not because of the rising of the giants and titans, she could never escape it. However, she knew that the gods will still win so she never gets near that planet. Ever.

And now because of her brain-whacked of a brother, she has to.

"Omega, my daughter. Why don't you consider this for a moment?" Chaos actually pleads in a calm tone as Omega's. And it surprised her to hear her father beg. He never pleads something to her before. So it's true. He really loved Earth, no matter how bitchy her sister was towards their father. It made Omega's heart drop in the bitter oblivion again.

"We must at least warn the gods of the impending danger," Chaos continued.

Omega took a deep breath as she stared at her father, pondering about it. She then sighs, a sign of defeat. She just couldn't make her father sad just because she acts like a centuries-old brat. "If it satisfies you, Father. But those impudent gods wouldn't like it if we interfere with their business. Especially if it's the Protogenoi."

"How about we send Dione to deliver a message to them?" Max suggested and immediately regretted it the moment Omega's clear distaste of the idea. They all know her huge distrust of the Olympian gods and Titans, and Dione is the Titan of the oracle of Dodona.

They couldn't blame her she had a lot of dislikes on the way they handle their problems.

"Sillari," Max quickly continued, without bothering in using her chosen mortal name, "you must – "

She sighed loudly, cutting off Max's reasoning. "I know, Max. I may dislike the idea of it, I know it's the only way to save their ass. However, don't we have to show up there to let them know we're..." she paused as if the word wouldn't come out before she managed to push it out of her mouth. "... allies."

Chaos seemed to smile as the stars that revolve around his void form lit up. "Don't worry, my child. I have it covered."