
The Dance of Fates (A Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Camp Half-blood is a refuge to the children of Greek gods. Vincent Wayne was one of them. But unlike any other child of gods who knew their godly parent, Vincent didn't know. And just when Vincent's ass was hauled to war, he met the coldest goddess he'd ever know.

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Chapter 3

Vincent Wayne has been at Camp Half-Blood for his whole life. He was still a baby when Chiron found him at the border of the camp, and because Chiron sensed his demigod scent, the wise centaur decided to raise him. Chiron has called him Vincent and used the surname Wayne so he could live a normal life. As normal as a demigod could, anyway.

Ever since Vincent – or Vince for some of his friends – arrived in camp, Chiron took care of him and treated him as his son. Mr. D doesn't mind, though; since he really wouldn't mind just don't mind his business too.

However, Vince had to stay at the Hermes cabin when he reached at the age of 10. He had met a lot of kids – undetermined – getting dumped at the Hermes cabin. He had met Luke Castellan when he arrived at Camp Half-Blood with Annabeth Chase both distraught and exhausted from their run and their best friend Thalia Grace's death. He had watched Annabeth Chase being claimed by Athena afterwards. He watched Luke Castellan claimed as Hermes' son.

Vincent had stayed at the back as much as he could. He liked the shadows so much, kept hidden from all attention. His death pale skin didn't help much. Chiron would always look for him for some errand, Mr. D always wanted to ask him for more colas, and classes needed him to go forward.

The moment Percy Jackson arrived and was assigned at the sleeping bag beside his bed, Vincent knew the days will be changed forever. Quests began again, war started with Luke betraying, and Kronos rising. Vincent wasn't known to emotions. He would never cry, nor did he laugh. He would only smile but never got emotional.

When the war ended, Percy was granted his wishes. And one of them being 'all demigods should be claimed by the age 13'. It should have relieved Vincent, then. He was already 14 at that time, 2 years younger than Percy. The Hermes' cabin began to decrease its numbers, all unclaimed now claimed by their godly parent. All except Vincent.

Aside from his deathly pale complexion, Vince had a mop of black hair that badly needed a haircut and pair of coffee-brown eyes with blue ring around the irises. It's a rare color, Annabeth had said in wonder. Luke, Annabeth, and Percy were the only people who dared to talk to him aside from the dryads, naiads, Chiron, some satyrs, and Mr. D.

At first Vincent was hopeful. "It's gonna be all right, Vince. There must be a reason behind it," Percy tried to cheer him up Vincent was already 15 at that time, still unclaimed. War against Gaia and the giants broke loose. As one of the senior campers in Camp Half-Blood, he was in charged in taking care of the still young demigods and hiding them from danger.

Chiron and the others – including him – didn't know what his godly parent would be. Is it a she? Or is it a he? It always frustrates Vince from not knowing the other part of his life. He was even convinced by Luke to join him, enough reason to join Kronos.

But Chiron meant to him so much more than knowing his parents, or even taking revenge on the gods. It won't do good, he reasoned, to avenge something that never meant to you and end up hurting someone who nursed you to the day you learned to walk and talk.

Three years after, Vince was now 17 – going 18, next week – and yet he was still an unclaimed demigod. Many pitied him, encouraging him, and cheering him up. It's an agony to see those who once lived in the Hermes' cabin being claimed to go on a quest. He never had gone to a quest, not even once. And he never, ever, seen the outside world.

Believe it or not. He had stayed behind at Camp Half-Blood all the wars that happened, his duty to guard the young kids that couldn't join the war.