
The Dance of Fates (A Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Camp Half-blood is a refuge to the children of Greek gods. Vincent Wayne was one of them. But unlike any other child of gods who knew their godly parent, Vincent didn't know. And just when Vincent's ass was hauled to war, he met the coldest goddess he'd ever know.

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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson is not mine, unfortunately. It's owned by the awesome Rick Riordan :)

She blocked the strike that aimed at her head with her sword and shifted her weight to push it away. She blocked another sword coming to her stomach and turned to another opponent. Her opponent aimed at her throat but she ducked under the blade and swept her foot to knock her opponent off-balance.

She turned to her opponent and dodged to the side when her opponent dabbed the thin dangerous sword on her midsection. She spun behind the opponent and slammed her hilt on its left back shoulder. The opponent grunted and dropped to the ground, hissing in pain.

She felt a tingle on the back of her neck and she knew what was coming. She ducked and rolled to the side, and in her place were two daggers in the ground. She spun to her feet and pulled her arm with the sword back then her hand in front of her, palms facing the opponent.

She smirked, not even a drop of sweat or uneven breathing could be seen or heard from her. She stabbed her sword to the ground and stood straighter, facing her other palm towards her other opponent who was ready to use its Dance of Night. She twisted her wrists and allowed her hands o gracefully turn round in a cramp position. Her opponents dropped their weapons and grunted as their body twitched and twisted to the wrong direction.

She remained them in pain and satisfied that they are partially paralyzed, she released the two who dropped to the ground, panting heavily.

A winged woman flew down to her feet and walked to their direction. "Winner for the nth time, Commander Sillari."

Ink black eyes void of any emotions except some streaks of twinkling dots and swirling masses that seemed to reflect in it snapped up at the winged woman. She let out a breath before she smirked, facing the two opponents and held her gloved hands to them. They took her hand each and stood.

"Damn, Sill. You almost killed me there," one of her opponent cursed as he took off his helmet, shaking his messed-up raven black hair out of his midnight black eyes. His voice was hoarse, and calm... unfitted for his pale, scrawny physique.

The other opponent pulled her helmet as well, letting her luscious blond hair to cascade on her shoulder and slightly covered her blue eyes that lit up like a clear white bulb. She looked very much the youngest among the three, both in her bubbly and warm behavior, and petite body.

"Perhaps, if you didn't use your Dance of Night, Max," Sillari said in a tone full of authority and regal as she flicks her long and wavy silver hair back, "you wouldn't taste that again." She then turned to the patient winged woman. "I take it you have a message for me, Angelia?"

The spirit of messages smiled at her. "It's good to see you, too, Commander. Your father has arrived and wanted to talk to you. Your generals can come with you."

The blonde girl started to bounce on her feet. "Of course, we will! It's been a long time since we've seen the Lord," she exclaimed excitedly.

General Maximilian was apparently controlling his eyes from rolling at the behavior of his female counterpart when it comes to the army, General Althea, while the silver-haired woman sighed. "Thank you, Angelia. You may relieve yourself from your duties."

Angelia bowed her head respectfully before she flew away. Sillari turned to the cemented training field and raised her arm in front of her, palm facing the space. The wind swirled around, pressure seemed to gather at the center of her head. Small black ball appeared at the center of the gathering pressure until it grew bigger and became a hugged swirling vortex of mass that could fit the three of them.

Sillari walked past it with the two generals behind her. The vortex then closed behind them.