
The Curious case of Crafovac Nee MaScotch (Fantasy/nobility/magic)

The curious case of Crafovac Nee MasScotch. https://discord.gg/TXRenRsfev Crafovac transmigrates into a world of sword and magic, where the kingdoms remain at war while defending themselves from cross-species invasion. . Words are deceptive and so are titles, why do you not just join me to understand what words signify

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Crafovac nee MaScotch II

*Clink* The man brought down what was remaining of the glass wall with him entering from the outside. He was posing a JOJO-style reverse bend while his middle finger stuck out, but...

The rope was still stacked to his left hand, which pulled him out from where he had entered and then.


The rope gave in while being weakened due to the glass fragments it had been through with.

*Aaaaaaahh* "Why is she shouting from the top floor while I am the one falling from the fourth floor? This would always be a mystery to me." Crafovac was falling through the window, and with a *thud* he fell upon a flower shop tent, which was surprisingly open at 9 the night.

"My hand feels off, and I am halfway sure that it is not supposed to be twisted around the wrist the way it is now."

*Wooounnnn* Siren sounds came from around the corner of the street as the woman above the building had long since called 911 upon the suicidal Crafovac, or as he looked in her sight.

"Should have calculated the rope won't let me pose for more than that, but the brick and rope placed me right on the mark, so hurrah for that though," said Crafovac as he rose up from the ruined tent, and Ambulance came to admit him.

"With the current medical costs in the US, no please, I have a sister who is a doc, I would go to her, Now if you would excuse me." He walked past the crowd while holding his wrist upward.

"Mister MaScotch, I just wanted to questions about your fall, if you would be free to allow it." Asked the policeman in a demanding tone.

"No sir, I am injured you see, won't be coming with you today." Crafovac continued his walk when his suit was pulled from the back.

"Sir this is important police work, we would like answers why the owner of a 700 billion dollar company was just found to jump 20 stories" The policeman came forward with his partner.

"And I would repeat that I won't be answering you today, come tomorrow when I would have time to ignore you again. Now if you would excuse me." Crafovac pulled up the suit which was just pulled by the policeman and threw it in the trashcan near the road to walk in the vest under it, still looking as dashing as he looked before, probably more actually.

"Rich bastards," said the Policeman's partner, in hope of scoring some point in his senior's eyes.

"At least he is a self-made honest and upstanding philanthropist, unlike you who got in due to commissioner's word." Ignoring the anger-stricken red face of his junior the initial policeman got back into his car while speaking something on the radio.



/Up on the fourth floor/

"You said nobody would be today in the building! not even security! why was he here? This is supposed to be yours for another half a year." Asked the man lemoning the girl just five minutes ago.

" I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! What am I gonna do? My father will kill me. I had to make him marry me, and now he knows about us! I am dead" Said the girl while pulling up the clothes from the corner, wearing them in a haste.

"Say something you dumb fuck What can we do! I need to get out of this otherwise my life is over!!" The girl continued her ranting.

"Your life? you gold digger you still have your rich fucks of a family to support, what about mine!! I am a mere secretary in this company I am fucked you dumb fuck!!" The man pulled his jeans as he set to leave the scene.

"Wait I know, I know what to do."



"Fuck that hurts."

"If you swear one more time your other hand will join you in your misery while I am plastering this one." A female doctor with square glasses and red hair, dressed like a bun and wearing a white coat, as most doctors did was applying bandages on the wrist of her patient.

This patient was, of course, Crafovac and this woman was his elder sister.

"Can't believe you slept with your hand in this condition. If you could have just come a day early..."

"What my hand has to be cut! No! This hand is supposed to do all my important tasks in solitude! This just can't be."

"No your pervy idiot, it will take more time than normal. You have to come here weekly, for 6 weeks tops. Normally it only takes three to five, but you had the gall to drink and go to bed with your hand in this shape. And jumping off from 20 stories! what were you thinking."

"What no surprise or exclamation marks?" Crafovac checked out his newly cast hand.

*Ding Dong*

"You didn't change the doorbell?" His sister asked.

"What its a classic, you search for the original doorbell sound and Ding dong is what first comes to your mind." He stood up to check the door, to welcome a policeman.

"Mister MaScotch, you are summoned to court tomorrow for domestic violence against women." Saying this he proceeded to pass the summons to Crafovac.

"Ah, I don't like to be handed over things. Not with a casketed hand. Peri takes this please." His sister took the envelope and read it along the way while he closed the door on the Policeman.

"I won! I told you she would press charges for this." His sister fist-bumped his casket for her win.

"Damn. Well ask Steve to give me the net worth of her family, let's make her bankrupt before they take this case off." Steve was the butler for the whole family, nothing mafia-level shit but he was precise and fast in the tasks which were handed down to him.

"You want me to contact Matt? " His sister picked her bag up to leave.

"The lawyer? Nah when will the Law degree I scored will come to use?" "Bye" "Bye"



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THE CURIOUS CASE OF Crafovac nee MaScotch (Original)


STEVIOL_GLYcreators' thoughts