
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
95 Chs

Real Act (18+)


Phil's crotch was pressing against Sarah's veiled entrance as he gulped.

"W-what do I do to become more 'intimate'?" Phil asked.

Sarah chuckled for a moment before pointing at his pipe that was hitting against her pussy.

"How about you try and push that thing into me?" She said while licking her lips.

Phil looked at his cock that was being soaked by Sarah's love juices and could only feel the adrenaline in his body flood his system as his cock became harder and harder.

He was about to reach the point of no return.

And Sarah knew that fact.

Sarah grabbed Phil's hand and gently brought them towards her entrance.

"Let me show you something special..." She whispered.

Gaining his trust and attention, Sarah took Phil's hand and used it to slowly remove the garment hiding her leakage.

And soon after, Sarah's pussy was revealed to Phil's naive and innocent eyes.

This was the first time he had ever seen any woman's private parts ever.

But that wasn't the end.

Immediately after, Sarah took some of Phil's fingers and pushed them inside of herself.

"Ah~" Sarah moaned to show Phil how it felt like to make a woman moan.

Phil gulped his saliva in nervousness once again as he decided to try and take agency of the situation.

He added another finger, before starting to move them around in Sarah's pussy like brewing tea.

"Mnh~ Anh~ Ha~"

Sarah moaned to incentive him to continue before quickly backing up and taking his fingers out of her pussy.

"Ha... haa... that's enough... I don't want to cum before we begin the real act," Sarah said before bringing Phil's fingers towards her mouth and licking her own pussy juices off his hand.

Phil couldn't help but get more and more turned on as he saw Sarah's action.

He was started to stroke his cock out of pure instinct at this point because of how heated Sarah made him.

But even though she saw the agony on his expression, Sarah didn't stop licking herself until a few moments later.

"There we go. Now, how about we finally use this bad boy," Sarah said with a seductive glance as she took Phil's hand away and started to slowly stroke his cock in his stead.

"Nh..." Phil groaned lightly at Sarah's touch. But he also felt a heat start rising within his groan as he felt his cock start to throb in Sarah's hand.

And Sarah continued stimulating him until just before he was about to cum and paused her actions there.

"Agh!" Phil groaned as he felt the cum about to burst out of his cock, but unfortunately he was denied from such an experience.

At this point, his mind was breaking down, he looked to the floor and smacked the bed in frustration.

"Why did you-" Phil started but was stopped by a sight he hadn't imagined.

This time Sarah was back to the position she had begun with before, just this time without anything covering her honeydew pot.

It was wet, and waiting to be stirred.

Sarah brought her arms out as if waiting for an embrace, "Come on, it's time for your reward," She said.

Phil suddenly felt his previous shyness return but his immense lust had overwritten that with aggression and confidence.

[Seductress' Aroma has run out...]

[Target is showing signs of Corruption]

[Corruption of 'Phil' increased by 10%!]

[Phil's Corruption: 40%]

'Oh, what 'love' does to a man,' Sarah thought malevolently before telling Phil to come closer.

"Come here my child," Sarah said while moving her fingers like a wave.

Phil would've normally gulped at this point and started asking questions of 'how to this or that'. But this time, he only gulped before he started crawling forward with all the bravery he could muster.

Phil came close, and his throbbing cock was right against Sarah's entrance as if it couldn't wait to hop right in.

He tried putting in at this point. But for some reason, whenever he tried his pipe slipped against her leaking pussy again and again. He was acting like a blind man trying to shoot a target with a bow.

After some attempts at penetrating and failing, Phil looked at Sarah with an unwilling face as he seemed on the verge of venting his frustration on a pillow and running away.

Sarah just gave a light giggle with before grabbing his cock and slowly circling it around her entrance.

"You see my dear, penetrating isn't as hard as you think it is..." She said as she brought the head towards her pussy.

"All you need is some, experience~," Sarah said as she finally allowed Phil to plug her hole, causing her to recoil in satisfaction.

And as soon as the entirety of his meat entered inside her, Sarah moaned like this was her first time.

"Ah~!" Sarah moaned as she pulled her hips back to ease the pressure she felt.

"Mm... That feels good... You're so big..." Sarah moaned as she enjoyed the feeling of Phil's cock inside her.

"Agh!" Phil groaned as he tried his best to clumsily move back and forth into and out of Sarah.

It was clear he was inexperienced in this sort of thing. It was a blessing that Sarah knew about this beforehand and was able to plan to make this situation happen.

"Phil... ah~... let me get up~" Sarah moaned as she kissed Phil on the lips.

Without hesitating Phil held onto Sarah's waist for support while helping her get up.

"Mm... I'm gonna ride you~" Sarah said as she pushed herself onto Phil.

She leaned forwards so that her breasts were pressing against Phil's chest and then guided his hands to her ass.

"That's it, grab my ass~" Sarah cooed.

Phil obeyed and grabbed hold of Sarah's rear, causing her to moan with pleasure.

"I-it feels so good~" Sarah moaned as she moved her hips back and forth.

Phil watched Sarah's body sway as she rode him. Her tits bounced around in front of his face as they swayed.

"Mm~" Sarah moaned as she looked down at Phil, "Do you like this~?"

Phil nodded nervously, "Y-yeah! Just like that... I want more!"

"Good boy~" Sarah replied as she slowed down her motions, "I'll give it to you."

Then Sarah took his hands off her ass and placed them near her breasts.

"Squeeze my boobs~" Sarah said as she rubbed her nipples against Phil's palms.

Phil obeyed and began squeezing her soft breast. Sarah moaned in delight and sped up her movements.

"G-god!" Phil moaned as he gripped Sarah's breasts harder and began thrusting faster.

The sudden increase in speed caused Sarah to cry out in surprise.

"Aaagh... Ahh~!" Sarah cried as she felt her first orgasm quickly approaching.

"Hahaha~! I won't let you escape~!" Sarah laughed as she pushed herself up and slammed her pussy down on Phil's cock.

"Aaaaah! Mm!" Sarah moaned as she rode Phil to his limit.

As they continued their sexual romp, Phil's cock grew even bigger inside her.

"Mmph~!" Sarah moaned as she felt her pussy being stretched by the thickness of Phil's dick.

Soon enough, Phil felt himself nearing his own climax.

"Ah~! Mm~!" Sarah moaned as she felt Phil's cock throbbing against her sensitive walls.

"Cum inside me!" Sarah cooed as she yanked Phil's hair.

And just like how she planned, Phil went berserk as he plunged his cock deep inside her pussy and unloaded every ounce of cum he had into her womb.

"Aaa~!" Sarah moaned as she felt Phil's warm seed fill her up.

Several seconds passed before Phil stopped cumming. He was panting heavily as he remained inside Sarah.

[Semen is being absorbed...]

[Life Essence has been absorbed...]

[Your MP has been regenerated]

[Cultivation has been increased proportionally with semen absorbed.]

[440/440 MP]

Eventually, Sarah got off Phil and touched her pussy, which was filled with Phil's sperm.

'This ain't enough,' Sarah thought coldly before bringing her persona back up.

"You sure liked that, huh~?" Sarah teased as she looked down at Phil.

Phil opened his eyes and saw Sarah smiling at him.

"Yeah... It was amazing-" Phil replied before he suddenly felt his cock getting sucked like a water pump.

Sarah started sucking Phil's cock because the amount of semen she hadn't gotten this session wasn't enough.

'I need more,' She thought as she tried to suck the cum out of Phil's semi-flaccid cock.

"W-wait! I just came-!" Phil protested.

Sarah ignored him and kept going.

She slowly bobbed her head up and down until she had drained the last drop of sperm from Phil's cock.

"There we go..." Sarah said as she sat back up and licked her lips, "Now it's time for round two~"

"W-what-" Phil stammered.

[Seductress' Aroma has been used!]

[-75 MP!]

[This skill shall last for three seconds!]

[365/440 MP]

Suddenly, Phil's cock started to harden as if it had a mind of its own.

Sarah turned around and crawled back towards Phil, who was still lying on his back.

"Mmm... I want you to be on top this time.You can ride me," Sarah said as she laid on the bed.

Phil didn't know what was happening with his penis, but he didn't think twice about what Sarah said and immediately got up on his knees as he stood behind Sarah.

He grabbed hold of Sarah's waist and positioned his cock between her thighs. Then he began to rub his cock against her slit.

"Mmh~? Did I not show you where to put it?" Sarah asked.

Phil looked down nervously before shaking his head.

"N-no, you showed me just fine," Phil answered.

Sarah giggled as she guided Phil's cock towards her pussy.

"Go ahead," Sarah said as she spread her lips apart, "It will feel good."

Phil hesitated for a few seconds before he finally managed to push his cock inside Sarah's pussy.

"Ooooh~" Sarah moaned as she felt Phil's cock slowly sliding into her.

"Ngh!" Phil groaned as he felt Sarah's pussy hugging his cock tightly.

Phil's cock slipped deeper and deeper inside Sarah until he was completely buried inside her.

"Ah~! Is this your first time like this~!" Sarah asked teasingly.

"Y-yeah... I'm sorry for taking so long," Phil replied apologetically.

Sarah smiled at Phil and said, "Don't worry about that. Just focus on how good it feels~"

Phil nodded his head before he started thrusting his hips in and out, moving his cock inside Sarah's pussy.

Sarah closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Phil's cock plunging inside her.

"Ah~! Mmph~! Ah~!" Sarah moaned as she felt Phil's cock throbbing inside her.

"Ride me harder~!" Sarah told Phil as she arched her back.

Phil obliged by pressing her body down as he started to go harder, making them both moan in pleasure.

"Ah~! Agh~! Mm~!" Sarah moaned as she felt Phil's cock going even deeper inside her.

Phil pushed his entire body weight onto Sarah as he continued to plunge his cock inside her pussy. He could feel his cock twitching inside Sarah's hot tunnel, ready to spew another load of cum into her womb.

"Cum in me~! Cum inside my womb~!" Sarah begged.

Phil couldn't help but feel turned on by Sarah's words, so he gritted his teeth and rammed his cock even deeper inside her.

"Mnnn~! Nngah~! Ah~! Ah~! Yesssss!" Sarah screamed as she felt Phil's cock throbbing inside her pussy.

Phil's cock pulsated inside Sarah's pussy and soon he spurted a large amount of cum into her womb.

"Haah~!" Sarah gasped as she felt Phil's cum splattering inside her womb.

Sarah laid there catching her breath as she felt Phil's softening cock slipping out of her pussy.

Though the rest wasn't for her, it was for the man fucking her.

Because even after all this, she still wasn't finished.

'This ain't enough,' Sarah thought lustfully in her mind.

She had a lot of stress from the Lieutenant's antics recently, and not only that, but she also had to go through the effort to seduce this naive man onto her bed afterwards.

She wanted at least some compensation...

"Man, I think I'm do-" Before Phil could finish his sentence he suddenly felt his cock spring up as of everything in the past hour practically didn't exist.

[Seductress' Aroma used!]

[-75 MP]

And then, he felt the gaze of a predator upon him.

He looked to Sarah's panting face and could only think of one thing.

"Mommy?" Before he screamed out in pain for the rest of the night.

Early chapter ay?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It definitely wasn't late... yeh... it defo wasn't.

Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts