
The crowned princess of paradise

Calista Galanis was always passionate about video games and science but she also has a passion for fashion. Being a prodigy also gave her quite a chance to create her own world. A sudden change will cause lots of confusion and thoughts. But only one thing won't be forgotten completely,the desire to continue on living.

Dorixxo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The sacred blade

As I walk off that path with Rosé holding my hand I slowly start to realise a fact,that we were lost for real. That monstrous old lady was nowhere,I wonder if she really exists or not.

"Citizens! Today we are gonna run the festival,get your children and a place to stay in because today is a special day. Number 1. Rozalia!"

A lady was presented in front of a mysterious stage, wasn't the festival supposed to take place in the centre? Why now? Why not tomorrow?

"Hello, I'm Rosalia and today I'm going to show al of you a magic trick. Let's start. You most likely saw in your teenage years that lots of people enjoyed things like, parkour, drinking, smoking and especially cutting so today we are gonna reinterpret their actions." Says as she pulls out a wooden spoon from her right pocket,she was wearing a veil which carefully covered her face and with the power of magic she lifts up the wooden spoon.

Creating a fire.

People were screaming and as they crowded more and more it gave her the power to laugh about it as a child caught on fire.

"Hey, you! What are you planning to do here." Says Rosé as she was getting ready to attack,the lady runs away and slightly disappears.

"Are you sure that what we are seeing right now is not only an hallucination,I think that it is and I'm dying to see if it really is."

Since when are you dying for stupid things? I state as I raise an eyebrow out of nowhere.

"Since forever,I couldn't express that because you were all bullies."

Bullies,you say? Really? Me,a bully?

When did I even threaten you,I don't even have the courage to touch a strand of your hair,I don't have the courage to speak bad about you. You are like a Very good Friend.

"Friend?" She looked like she was about to faint after she heard the word.

"Are you two really gonna let me escape." Said an audibly old voice.

The old woman was looking right into our eyes as she pulled out that dammed wooden spoon.

"Calista,quick let's fight!" Announces Rosé but as soon as she does the spoon hits her.

"What the fuck was that? Old lady,do you seriously wish to remain without your neck? I can do more than use a spoon."

"Shut up or I'll break your back with it,today's generation doesn't know how to behave with elders. When I was your age I was already completing complex mission,I wasn't born for you to Shane me in such a grotesque way."

Can I ask a question? I raise my hand as the woman stares at me with a visibly upset gaze.

"Go ahead, young woman at least you didn't hit an old woman."

What is going on here, weren't you supposed to be the enemy?

"Well, young lady,I was. But as it says,the tables have turned,I don't have any intention in becoming your enemy instead I can actually help you achieve your goal of defeating the real evil. As you can see I can't be the real evil because I no longer quality in this competition. My granddaughter is playing jokes on you,she stole one of my spoons and everyone thinks she is me. Do we even look alike?"

I analyse her,she sure looked a lot like her,the only thing that was different was her style of doing things. The old woman wasn't the type to enter like that and burn children alive but the one that ran away was surely faster.

"If she really was your granddaughter...then,why did you ask us if we are going to let you escape? I'm asking this because it felt quite fishy to ask that in the first place but also a pain."

"That is because, people often tend to still believe it's me even when I explain and as I understood that I got used to saying that so that I can at least fulfill their minds with a lie, that's why I'm so feared. This is anyways not the thing I came here for. I came to train you." Mutters as she puts some spell on herself.

A woman in her twenties was shown up in front of me and Rosé.

"How in the bloody hell did you do that?"

"Shut up!" Says as she hits her again.

"I was just asking something,no need to spank me."

"You greedy child, using such language with your elders, can't you see that I'm actually trying to be nice,be like me. Nice and beautiful.

You two,give me a honest opinion. Do I look good?"

"You look good,at least the looks shall be good."

"Silence or I will hit you again. You uneducated offspring."

So,first things first you look good but how are you going to train us? We just meet and how shall we know you won't cause any danger to any of us?

"That's simple I'll promise you in the most beautiful way possible."

There's no need I believe you already,we would like to request something, if you see two teenage boys almost killing each other don't attack them,they are our friends and we will be sad if they somehow die.

"You shall not be scared of me,I won't harm anyone,I just want to train you and teach that shitty granddaughter of mine who's her boss. She will not escape so easily after I catch her I must lock her up for another 200 years. But for that I'm gonna need your help, because I still have a bad bone structure I can't move properly for more that half an hour so if I will catch her,you help me fight her. Understood? Or shall I use other options to get a correct answer from the two of you?"

We will one hundred percent help you,but please show us the way to the little house in the middle of nowhere, I know my description seems uncertain but I promise that in it's uncertainty there is still a flame of good path.

"I apologize but your mission here didn't end yet,we must fix our minds on only one thing,the sacred blade once we touch that,we are invincible and the training will be taken slower than the usual,the slower it is the faster you see the progress."

Where is it located and what is it.

"On mountain ji there were four swords with the name of 4 gods on them: Wang Shi,Zu Shin,Wei Mei and Shi Li.

But as four signified death the four decided to put their souls inside a single blade the blade being the sacred blade."