
The Crown that chose me

Luna Luxembourg The daughter of a Duke and a princess of a foreign country. The rose of the social world, a genius and the best empress candidate. A woman who everyone covets. If there is one thing that she wants the most, that is to not be dragged into the imperial family and the struggle against the throne.

Liwanag · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

Luna roam the mansion in upbeat mood, it has been three days since she confirmed the identity of the man in the tower.

The fact that the one she rescued was not the male lead had lift the heaviness of her chest.

As she graced the hallway of the mansion, through the window she saw a bunch of carriage passing through the main gate. There were a total of five carriages bearing different family crest. And what has caught her eye was the carriage with an Eagle seal.

The Duke of Edinburgh

Luna muttered a series of crispy curses as she watch the carriage parked in front of the mansion. One by one, the guest got off and was greeted by the butler.

'No, what do we have today?'

She was thrown into a panic especially when she saw the duke of Edinburgh step out with his son, the male lead of the novel. She called the nearby servant.

"We have guest?" she asked, baffled by the scene beyond the window.

"The Lord is still on his way back, but the Duke suddenly showed up at the mansion gate." the servant bowed

She pulled her hair in frustration, under any circumstances she should be out there greeting the guests but seeing as she was not called or informed the visit seemed to be unexpected.

Still it was her duty to entertain the guest now that her father had gone to the Imperial Palace.

"Call Enoch." she said as she hurriedly changed her clothes.


The guest was guided by the butler inside a drawing room. There were a total of six people inside, all were the central figures of the first Prince faction.

"We apologise for the lack of welcome, we were had not prepare for the sudden visit, the Lord will be back soon."

The faces of the nobles present contorted as they understood the hidden meaning behind the butler's words. However, the Duke of Edinburgh payed no attention to it and sat on the sofa. It was true that their visit was abrupt. Seeing him seated, the rest followed suit.

A moment later, the maid carrying a bunch of refreshments and snacks came in and set the table.

"It seems that the Duke has not taught his children manners, seeing as we were only greeted by a butler."

One of the nobles retort in an attempt to gain the upper hand in the war of nerves. It was outrageous of him to talk about manners when in fact it was them who barge din when the owner was not around. The butler only smiled.

Luna was behind the door with Enoch beside her. The door was slightly open so they hear what was said.

"Sister, why do you think they're here?" Enoch asked in a worried tone.

There were three families that helped with the founding of the empire, the Duke of Edinburgh who was known as the shield of the empire and was granted the power of protection by the moon goddess. Also the central figure that pushes the first Prince to the throne.

The Marquis of Antipuesto, who was the supporter of the second Prince.

Then finally the Duke of Luxembourg, the sword of the empire who had always remained politically neutral.

'It was obvious what was their intention'

"Either they want win Dad over, or win me over."

Luna said in a joking tone. Enoch only look at her in bewilderment. But he understood the meaning of her words. It could be an engagement talk or a political conversation in an attempt to join their side.

"Shall we fuck them over and let them wait?"

Luna ask her brother. She was terribly annoyed with the fact that she had to meet the male lead in the absence of her father, plus the fact that they went in unannounced. Enoch only shool his head and opened the door.

"Greetings, My Lords. Welcome to Luxembourg Mansion."

Luna greeted them without introducing herself. It was not the right manner and was rude however, she had no intention of letting them be comfortable. It was evident that the people present was not pleased.

'that's right. Be as annoyed as I am.'

She laughed internally.

"I hope you find it comfortable despite the lack of preparation, it was my first receiving guest alone without my father, such an honour for me to host someone as noble as the Duke."

The nuance of her words was the same as what the butler said, but her intention was clear.

'how dare you barge in and intimidate the children of Luxembourg'

The faces of the nobles behind the Duke flushed red. But she paid it no mind as she and her brother sat opposite them.

"When is the Duke coming?" Duke Edinburgh opened his mouth for the first time. But Luna didn't answer his question immediately after a few seconds, she offered them the tea.

"I was told he was on his way, please do enjoy the tea, I heard it's good for the brain."

'You guys are stupid enough to ask me'

The duke was obviously not pleased by the answer but chose not to express it. As she gracefully lift her tea cup and sip on it. A dead silence dominate the room.

"The lady sure is elegant." a young voice said.

Luna's eyes darted on the youth seating beside the duke.

Rasen Edinburgh

His face was really handsome, a face that screams 'I'm the male lead'. His black hair and blue eyes created an impression of a deep dark ocean in the middle of the night.

'Are you talking now?'

"Why, thank you. I was taught manners and etiquette the moment I learned how to to walk, I guess my hardwork paid off."

Her tone was gentle but her words was full of hostility to the point of being rude.

Luna's words keeps on attacking the rudeness of the guest however, Rasen Edinburgh only laugh.

Everyone in the room was now well aware of how annoyed the lady Luxembourg is. To the point of insulting the duke and his vassals even when they came in as a guest.

Enoch, sensing the atmosphere opened his mouth.

"If I may ask, what's the purpose of the visit? It may take a while for father to get here, how about discussing it with us?"

Count Lonsdale snorted at Enoch's word.

"It was not something the young lady and young master need to handle."

"Well, sad enough it was only this young lady and young master present at this moment. If it was important how about discussing it with my father some time else?"

It meant that they should go leave and go back when the duke was home. Shutting his mouth, the count only took a sip of the tea. Rasen Edinburgh kept his eyes on Luna.

She was aware of the stares however she only kept her face and gracefully drank her tea despite the awkward atmosphere.

"Say, young lady do you have a fiancé?" one of the vassal who came with them asked cautiously.

'I see, so is this how I got engaged to the first prince?'

Luna thought this was the starting point. 'Let's test it first'

"My father has yet to ask me that, Baron. Have you heard of the story of Viscount Ranue? I heard you are friends with him. " she asked curiously. Viscount Ranue was a noble who was recently condemned for marrying a child three times younger than him.

The intention was obvious. How can you ask a lady who had not made her social debut and coming of age yet.

She was trying to see who is it that would like to ask for her hand. There was silence. For Duke's daughter, she had no power to do the things she's doing right now, but she was confident enough to pull it off because the guest was in the wrong. Besides, objectively speaking Luxembourg holds the most influence between the two families.

"The young lady misunderstands. I was hoping to recommend you a groom had you not been engaged yet." The baron answered.

"I'll just accept your heart. But I believe my father will make the best decision for me, after all it involves the family."

'In short, it was none of your business'

"Ha, haha" The baron can only laugh.

Meanwhile, Enoch who was supposed to be the next Duke remained quiet all time, shaking his head as he stared at her.

'Sister, your temper is really admirable'

Luna had always been a gentle kid but after Selene took over, she became a boisterous kid with an unusual temperament. She vowed to not be the same person as in the novel, to built a bad reputation enough so that the imperial family won't consider her as a bride.

Nevertheless, Enoch liked the current Luna.

It was when the atmosphere was about to become heavy that the butler announced Duke Luxembourg's arrival.