
The Crown that chose me

Luna Luxembourg The daughter of a Duke and a princess of a foreign country. The rose of the social world, a genius and the best empress candidate. A woman who everyone covets. If there is one thing that she wants the most, that is to not be dragged into the imperial family and the struggle against the throne.

Liwanag · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

Imperial year 994

Six years before the official start of the novel. Right now, Luna should be safe as long as the engagement between Luxembourg and imperial family does not happen or even at least not catching the eye of any of the prince's maternal relative.

However, she was still anxious for some reason. That was because the man she was taking care of on the tower have black hair.

It was only this morning that she belatedly realise the significance of that hair colour. Surely, there are five families with black hair color. And two of them are the families that Luna should run away from.

The Duke of Edinburgh which is the family of the dead empress.

And the Imperial Family.

Needless to say, both the male lead and the first Prince which Luna would be engage to in the future have the same hair color.

And that was why she dread the idea of confronting the man that is currently residing in the tower.

Taking a deep breathe, she grasped the basket tightly. Inside was full of food, medicine and bandages. It has been thirty minutes since she was pacing back and forth in front of the lift, contemplating whether she should just leave the basket or deliver it herself.

In the end, she shook her head, with the determination of intergorating the man, she pressed the door open and pull the rope to take her up.

Prince Raul was awake since dawn. He had been sitting in bed with his eyes on the window, as soon as he heard the bell from the left he turned his head towards the door on time as it burst open.

His ruby red eyes met with Luna's. There was a hint of unknown familiarity that was present in the air.

For a while, Luna was stunned to see his awake figure, her eyes darted on his handsome face tracing the shapes and edges of his features. The high nose that emphasize his eyes and his fine jaw that give off the sharp impression.

The two locked eyes as if there was no end, the longer they stare at each other the louder the sound of their hearts become. Both were not sure if it was due to the nervousness of meeting a potential novel character, or because of the beauty and intimidating aura the two of them exude or if was it simply a love at first sight.

It was after a minute that Luna broke free from the contact and clear her throat.

"You're up. I found you lying in the tower yesterday."

Her voice was shaking but she elegantly put the basket on the table.

"Thank you for helping me."

His deep voice resounded the whole room, there was an echo however it sent shiver down her spine for some othe reason. She took a sandwich out of the basket and gave it to him.

"Would like to eat first? There's a lot to talk."

Prince Raul silently received the sandwich and eat it. For a while only silence was heard between the two but it wasn't awkward. Rather, it was comfortable. When he finished his food, Luna quietly handed him a medicine and water.

He looked at her for a while before drinking. When he thought it was time to talk, Luna took out the bandages and lifted his shirt.


He said in panic, it was an unexpected action coming from a young lady who clearly belongs to a noble family. He wasn't stupid to not realise that this woman in front of him was the Luxembourg princess.

"Should we not change the bandage?" she asked innocently. Stopping midway from lifting his shirt. Prince Raul shook his head.

"I'll do it."

But Luna distorted her face as if she was hearing something absurd.

"Does it make sense for an injured person to treat himself?" she asked in return but the Prince was adamant with his refusal. He already checked his wounds last night, it was unsightly that is why he doesn't want to show it to his benefactor.

"Fine, do it yourself. I'll be back in a minute so change it now." upon hearing her serious voice, Prince Raul only nod his head as he grabbed the bandage.

As soon as she left, Prince Raul undo his bandages and what was revealed underneath was the swollen wound from a sword. It was almost closed thanks to the potion that he poured last time but it was still in the process of healing and in need of bandages.

As if used to it, he grabbed the towel to clean it and apply the herbs that she left. There was a fresh set of shirt inside the basket that seems to be brought for him so he took it out and wore it.

Minutes later, Luna came back and saw him all good in a new set of bandages. She pulled the chair closer to the bed and looked at him.

" Who are you? How did you get here?"

The conversation started with no hint of vagueness and introduction. Her amethyst eyes stared at his like it would swallow his existence.

However, he cannot reveal his identity. Not because he wasn't trusting of the Luxembourg, but this incident should never be known to any other party. It was problematic enough that he went out in the middle of the night to head towards the red light district, although his reason was nothing vulgar but information gathering, it was still scandalous enough that he went out without an escort and was attacked and injured.

But he didn't want to lie to her, in any case he would not bat an eye to come up with any excuse however, for some reason his heart can't bear the thought of lying through her face. So he decided to modify.

"My name is Raj. I saw the carriage that time and hid inside when I woke up I found this place. As for the attack... It seems like they mistook my identity." Prince Raul said.

He wasn't lying though, the assassins was clearly sent by Marquis Antipuesto it was originally aimed to kill the heir of Duke Edinburgh to eliminate the support force of the first Prince however it might have been an added bonus of the first Prince himself was killed.

"Which family are you from?" she asked, clearly knowing he was noble.

"I... Just call me Raj. I promise not to cause you any trouble and live when I recover. Just keep my situation secret."

It was funny that the prince of the empire who was known for his resolute majesty and decisiveness, stutter at the presence a woman. It was even more surprising to see him struggle making up a reason.

"Why should I bother? When I can just contact your family and they can take care of you." Luna raised her brow.

Her words were correct, if only he would make her contact his trusted aid and secretly leave this place, he can recover comfortably in the imperial palace receiving the best care in the country. But unknowingly, he was hesitant to leave this place.

"I don't think I can be safe there, specially now that I'm hurt."

At his words Luna had no choice but to consider it. However, she asked just in case.

"You, by any chance... You're not the young lord of Duke Edinburgh, right?"

Surprise was evident on his face. He knew of the Luxembourg being away from the capital for awhile where the duke's children grew up in the estate. But it was seems that the young lady of Luxembourg was aware of the Edinburgh family.

Prince Raul shook his head. In which Luna sigh in relief.

"My, thank goodness." it was weird for him however, for some reason he was annoyed with the fact that she was talking about his cousin.

"Since it was impossible for the prince to be injured in a alleyway, I thought you belong to the Edinburgh duchy. You see your black hair is quite rare."

The way she expressed herself as if she was relieved from a heavy burden was cute yet her words strike a nerve.

Because it was actually possible for a prince to be injured in an alleyway.