
The Crown that chose me

Luna Luxembourg The daughter of a Duke and a princess of a foreign country. The rose of the social world, a genius and the best empress candidate. A woman who everyone covets. If there is one thing that she wants the most, that is to not be dragged into the imperial family and the struggle against the throne.

Liwanag · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

When Luna's father got home, the guest were guided towards the Duke's office. Naturally, the children left and let the adults handle the conversation they should have.

That is to say, the male lead— Rasen Edinburgh was also included in the 'children'. This situation annoyed Luna the most.

She had to entertain the guest who was left behind the closed doors of the office and was told to guide him around the mansion.

"Young master Edinburgh, is there any place you'd like to see around the Luxembourg mansion?"

Enoch carefully asked Rasen at it seem like his sister had no intention of talking.

Rasen Edinburgh, the male lead of the novel. He had turn 17 this year and was taking his succession classes, which explains his presence today, obviously he was supposed to be inside the office and participate in the meeting.

However, for some odd reason. He was the one who suggested

"I believe the meeting was important, how about the adults talk about it seriously while us children roam around and get along well?"

Was what he said which everyone agreed. This situation baffled Luna the most, as they strut along the hallway where portraits of the Luxembourg family ancestors was displayed.

Rasen only hummed at Enoch's question, putting him in a difficult situation. They all stopped in front of the painting that depict the legend of the empire and the three families.

The painting portrayed the image of a woman with a silver hair, her face was blurred and her figure was slightly disappearing. But one can guess that this woman was of an ethereal beauty. She was floating on top of a lake where the moon shines behind her, reflecting on the waters.

In front of her was a figure of a black haired man, crying was reaching out for her hand. There were three other individuals behind him, one was another black haired man holding his shoulders, while the two other figure with blond hair was staring at the woman with their hands wide open.

On the background, a spirit guardian, a shadow of darkness, a mask and a shield was drawn as if to blend.

It was the story of the goddess, giving away her powers to their predecessors before disappearing into nothingness.

Rasen spoke for the first time, facing Luna.

"The lady had silver hair, like the goddess." He said in a tone that almost sound as if he was enchanted.

Luna raised her brow. While it was true that her hair color was unique in her family, even her mother had blond hair but she was from another country where silver hair was quite common.

"It must me from my maternal family, silver hair was quite common in Luvokia."

"I see."

The two of them proceed to tour around in silence, Rasen was naturally a quiet kid while Luna was too bothered to speak. In the end, it was Enoch's responsibility to explain every part of the mansion.

Rasen was quite annoyed with Enoch's presence, he naturally suggested that they would go tour around in the hopes of spending some time with Luna.

It was the moment when she entered the drawing room that she caught his eyes. Her figure that gracefully strutted towards them was captivating, her silver hair that fluttered as she walk complimented her amethyst eyes that shone like jewel. Her high nose was at a perfect length that made her red lips stood out, her eye lashes was long enough to create. More importantly, her pale beige dress compliment her well that made an impression of a moon fairy.

It was at that moment that he decided to have her at all cost.

The purpose of this visit was to convince the duke Luxembourg who was known to be politically neutral to side with them even with the intention of suggesting a marriage between his daughter and the imperial family, however in his mind if that were to fail, he'd rather ask for her to be his fiancé since the nuance will be the same.

To do that, he obviously intended to seduce the young lady. But upon seeing her, if at first his move was for the sake of political gain, right now he wanted the lady more for himself.

When they reached the garden, Rasen's eyes darted towards the tower in the east side of the mansion.

It was quite a distance however, anyone who was trained and skilled enough could still see the sight of the high roof.

"What's over there?" he asked.

"Oh, that was the viewing deck our mother loved. Would you like to go there?" Enoch asked, he was happy that Rasen was finally responsive.

'Raj is there!'

But Luna on the other hand, panicked. It was because going there would reveal the presence of the man he was looking after.

She had promised him not to let anyone know he was there, although naturally any sane man would be suspicious of that, Luna was convinced. Well, that was only a natural cause because Prince Raul had a face that could save a country.

'To be convinced because he was handsome!'

Luna belatedly realise her stupidity. She then glanced at Rasen who was busy eyeing the tower.

'Raj was even more handsome that the male lead.'

She thought. It was when Rasen met her eyes that he smiled and nod his head.


"We can't!" She hurriedly said. The two looked at her in question.

"I, I went there last night. Enoch, it was not well maintained it will be dangerous for us to visit. The walls and staircase could collapse."

She naturally talked to her brother, rather than convince the guest who was interested in going there.

"I see. I apologise young master. It seems that it won't be possible."

Enoch said with a slumped shoulders.

Which Rasen clicked his tongue. He was planning on taking them to the tower and ask Enoch to call for a servant when they reach the top to bring refreshments.

Since the tower was quite a distance, it will buy him enough time to have conversation with Luna.

'How do I shake off this guy who seemed to follow his sister well.'

It was when he was contemplating on what to do when a maid rush in and called Enoch.

"Young master Enoch, young master Detran is here."

Detran Polz was Enoch's friend. They were supposed to meet for today but due to the unexpected guests, he forgot about the meeting and ditch on him without notice. It seemed that his friend was enraged and visit in a hurry.

"Oh, no. I promised to meet him today. I'm sorry Young master, sister. I'll have to leave the two of you alone."

Contrary to Enoch's regretful appearance, Rasen was pleased. The corners of his mouth twitched as he tried to resist them from going up into a smile.

Luna on the other hand was annoyed. It would mean that she would be left alone with him.

'I had no intention of involving myself with the story.'

"It's okay Enoch, you have guest. Go and don't make him wait." Luna answered in a sweet voice which made Rasen stare at her in bewilderment.

The Luna he encountered earlier had a gentle tone but fierce and harsh voice as if every word she spat was poison.

But the Luna in front of him now was genuinely sweet as if what happened earlier was a joke. This made him even more enamored.

The two continued their stroll in the garden in silence. They passed through a tunnel of wisteria that formed a labyrinth, and reached to an open space where a pavilion in the middle of the pond was located.

"Oh, this garden is beautiful." Rasen said.

"It was an interesting idea to make a secret place like this, should we head towards the pavilion?" he said and offered his arm to Luna, escorting her towards the chairs as they cross the bridge.

"The young lady doesn't really like to talk much."

"My apologies, I was not used to engaging in a conversation with people I just met."

"You'll have a hard time surviving in the social world with that attitude."

"It's okay, I have no intention of stepping into the society." Luna said venomously.

It was her plan to live without having a social debut, but in any case she'll fail, she had decided to develop a bad reputation that will not make wives consider her as a daughter in law.

"The lady is quite unique. I like it."

At his remarks, Luna was irked. It was like a thousand bolts was shot through her body and sent shiver to her spine. Of course, for a bad reason.

'No, are you telling me that the male lead is after me now?'

"It seems that the young lord had peculiar taste. Your jokes can be misleading."

"I am the next Duke of Edinburgh. I don't joke."

Luna only smiled while Rasen caught her eye. It was a contact with the intention of letting her know that he favors her but for her, it was a contact that seals her death.