
The Window

We intended to just get food and leave, but the sun was going down by the time we were leaving. Making our way along the cobblestone paths of the small village, the three of us had full faces of cosmetics, my eyes were a shade of lilac, Rygals' were green, and Lucius' were a striking orange that rivaled the hue of the setting sun in the distance. We strode through the forest back to my house and I don't know why but I expected them to follow me through the window, the entrance we deemed our own personal door, but reality hit as the twins stopped underneath it and looked at me.

"Well, that was awfully fun Mrs Emerys." Lucius says, dropping my hand he was playfully swinging throughout the entire walk back.

"Why don't you both stay?" I suggest, failing terribly to hide my disappointment.

"Um" Rygal hints, he looks towards the north where the moon is set to rise and I say "oh" as I understand why they can't stay. How could I have forgotten such an important thing?

"It is a difficult thing for a human to see us in our true form, Abigail, we will see you again soon." Lucius promises, he is the first to leave and make his way into the forest. I know that Rygal will follow him soon but I'm not mentally or physically prepared as he approaches me with the eyes of a wolf and leans in. His lips graze mine before he pulls back, "I didn't ask if you wanted to be kissed, at the makeup stall, I'm sorry."

The way his voice breaks mid sentence makes me throw my arms around his neck and rise to the tip of my toes as his height proves dominant to mine. Our lips collide and I feel that same sensation of water, the water that seeps through and makes him most vulnerable.

"We both know I wanted you to kiss me Rygal."

He lets out a sigh of relief he didn't have to then kisses my cheek.

"We will visit again soon, just leave the window open." He smiles, I do too.

I watch them both disappear into the northern forest and only once my wide smile starts aching, do I turn towards the real entrance of the house. I decide to reserve the window for when the twins are there with me, that's the only time it is fun and worth the immense effort anyway. I make it to the front entrance and instead of walking through the door like I had planned, I drop to my knees. I then turn so I am sitting on one of the steps, then I tip my head back so I am laying on top of the staircase.

"Selena, I don't know what you've kept from me. I don't know what you never told me. But there are so many things I want to tell you about right now."

It was exciting, the whole day was one of the best I've ever had. I have had many friends in the past but none like this, none that I could invite onto my bed and lay with, none that I could go to a cosmetics stall with and feel comfortable letting them stare at my face, none that I could feel so secure around.

"I don't care if you did anything bad, when I'm ready I will ask the twins, and they will tell me. But for now, I think I just want to remember you the way that I do, my lone memories of you are enough."

I get to my feet and walk to the door. Once inside, I take in my surroundings, I'm on such a high from my day with the twins that I can't stop smiling, or at least that's what I thought, my smile proves easier to get rid of than I thought as I see my father standing on the grand staircase with a woman that I can not recognise.

"Ah, Abigail." He says, pushing the woman a little further from him, as if that little action will conceal me from knowing what he and that woman were, as if the action will allow him to be the caring and loving father who could never do anything wrong in my eyes a little longer.

"This is my-"

I don't let him finish. I rush past him and go through the nearest available door. This door leads me into our family library. Shelves are full of books, a mess of color on every spine. The shelves reach to the ceiling which justify our need for the ladders that glide smoothly along the ground. The white of the shelves makes all of the colors of the hardcover books stand out brightly, only furthered by the paintings on the roof, paintings I can not decipher due to the height of the ceiling. I usually come here to escape, to pick up a book and fall into it. But right now, I don't feel the need to escape, I just had one of the greatest days of my life and I feel no need to plunge into a new world, for once I am content in the one I was born into. With this knowledge in my head I collapse onto one of the comfortable reading chairs with no book in my hands and fall asleep.

The early morning singing of birds flutters over the bookshelves and wakes me from my slumber. The sun stings my eyes that feel as though I will have to pry them open. Once I have regained my vision, I stretch and my aching muscles and joints scream at the tension. Yawning, I get up from the comfortable chair I so very dearly want to crawl back into and make my way to the towering entrance of the library, heading for the kitchen as my stomach had let out a growl that could rival the sounds creatures in all these pages around me release. I turn my head upon leaving and marvel at the zenith of the door as I realise just how big this house actually is, when I bump into something behind me.

"Gosh, watch where you step Abigail."

I turn around and meet my mother's blue eyes that both my sister and I inherited, the one feature we all identically shared.

"Sorry, I just woke up, I'm rather tired."

"Yes, I can see that, your hair is an absolute mess and your eyes are purple, are you not feeling well?" She asks.

"I will fix my hair before going to breakfast and it is just makeup, don't worry." I say, less embarrassed than I should be because she is my mother and I know she isn't judging.

"Want to tell me why you slept in the library?" she asks with concern evident in the way her eyebrows have now knotted together.

"No, mother, I was just too tired to make it up the stairs, you see."

"Are you sure it wasn't those twins from last night dear? I didn't even see you coming back home." She throws her hands up in defense as she adds, "not that I mind. You are perfectly capable of looking after yourself and being with who you wish for the night."

"Ugh, no I was just tired." I say as I bury my head in my hands out of embarrassment, these are my least favorite types of conversations.

"Well, let me know when I am able to meet your new friends." She says, patting my head and heading towards the kitchen I assume.

I walk up the single flight of stairs and try to deny the fact that I am out of breath to myself as I step inside my room and seek my hairbrush. Once I have finished making myself presentable, my eyes flutter towards the open window that kisses a soft breeze to my face, my neck, just as Rygal had last night. Rygal and Lucius, I wonder when they will be back, they didn't give me a specific date or time but I hope they will be here soon.