
The Lip Product

"You have both gained my trust very quickly but do not think you are immune from demolishing it faster. Answer me truthfully, why are you both shocked at that name?" I ask with panic laced throughout every word that leaves my mouth.

"Because we have heard it before. Everyone in our pack has." Rygal says, I am laying on my back in between the both of them when Lucius places a confronting hand on my abdomen trying to calm me down as I am obviously distressed.

"Abigail, we knew your last name, we know of your family, but I think we both tried to deny the fact that you could have been close to Selena Emerys, a girl who all of our pack knows of."

"What?" I ask, slapping his hand from my stomach, sitting up and then whirling around to look down at the both of them who were slowly sitting, realising how serious this topic was and how badly this conversation could go.

"My sister was involved with your kind?"

"Just one of our kind." Rygal corrects, with that humorless part of him that tends to reveal itself in serious situations.

"The Alpha of our pack, Kelan. He wasn't used to not getting what he wanted so he killed his lover, who was named Selena."

I gasp.

"I wanted to believe that you had no connection to her, Abigail, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, but truthfully, we don't even know the whole story, but I can offer what I know." Lucius says.

"The whole story is that your Alpha killed my sister isn't it?" I am angry at this point, I violently spat the words at them and once they started they wouldn't stop until I told them to get out of my house.

They didn't object, they didn't even try to persuade me to let them stay, they just started leaving. But before they fully made it back out of the window Rygal turns to me and says "You can be left alone if that's what you want, but just know that you aren't alone Abigail, you're not and won't ever be alone now, not with us here." he says, securing our friendship with the words.

He turns back around to place a kiss on top of my head and tries to walk back to his brother who is waiting by the window, looking at me with a pained expression. But Rygal can't walk, as I have grabbed his arm.

"Stay." Is all I say as I drop back onto the bed.

I turn my head to watch them both as they approach me with caution, as though I might completely fall apart if they walk too slow or too fast.

"If you want to know more just tell us, if you want to hit us, merely request it, if you want to cry do so in my arms." Lucius says with pure kindness in his unjudging words that make me feel safe. I am in a room with two werewolves whose capabilities and strengths are unknown to me, but I feel the safest I ever have as Lucius lies next to me to my right, and Rygal takes the left. It is only around lunch time and I'm not tired in the slightest, but I dont think I'm prepared to hear what happened to Selena just yet, so I say nothing to what Lucius said, I just lay there listening to their breathing, knowing that if I asked they'd tell me everything, and if I didn't, they would be quiet. We spent roughly ten minutes just laying next to each other. It was Lucius who got up first saying he needed to use the bathroom.

"I never thought you weren't the type to have about one thousand different types of soap in your bathroom." Lucius says, making his way out.

"I believe your idiot brother tried to eat the one I put on display and I threw it out the window. You'll find the other nine hundred and ninety nine in the cabinet above the sink, organized into order of colors- darkest to lightest."

Rygal throws his hands up in the air then says, "It was a very nice looking soap and all that alcohol has made me rather hungry." He says, emphasizing the word hungry by whispering it in my ear. By the time I look up Lucius is back in the bathroom and Rygal has nuzzled his face into my neck. My hand automatically makes its way to his hair, the dark locks look ravishing intertwined between my pale fingers. The twins truly are the most handsome men I have ever seen, I can look at rygal's face up close right now in this position and I see every faded freckle on his nose, the way the light reflects off his tanned skin and his grey eyes that are piercing through mine right now as I look down at him.

"I don't know if this is going to be that kind of friendship but if it is I want in, I'm not about to be a third wheel to you two." Lucius suddenly interrupts from the entrance of my ensuite.

Annoying and recurring heat rises in my cheeks as I swiftly get up from the position I was in, but Rygal never moves; he merely raises his eyes to be able to still see me as I tell Lucius to shut up. I am standing when I give them the option of either going to the nearby village to get food or going down to the kitchen and asking the chefs to make something.

"If we stay, do we get to meet Mr Emerys?" Rygal says, this alone makes me grab both of their hands and lead them out the window towards the nearby village. The front door is wide open and we don't really have anyone to avoid anymore, as I could just tell my father they're friends of mine and he'd leave it at that, but as Rygal swept me into his arms and leaped out the window perfectly with whatever powers he has, I planned on never using the front door every again whilst they were here. We landed perfectly on the soft grass of my family's estate and started our five minute journey to the village. The village is small, most people there are middle class and I've only been a few times, but it has always been beautiful. It is just as I remember it from all the times my father brought me here to purchase hunting gear when we arrive and I take in the view, the streets are littered with cobblestone paths surrounded by green grass, the Pervensia kind of grass that takes everyone's breath away. The houses facing eachother on opposite sides of the streets contrast with shades of purple, yellow, green, going all the way to black. Every road has at least one stall selling a variety of things. The twins immediately gravitate towards a stall selling spices from eastern Pervensia to western. Magic here is uncommon but there are the odd folk who are aware of spells, spells that they sell, which are often used to ward against things like the two boys at my side who are now pulling me towards a stall selling extravagant cosmetics of all kinds.

"Take a seat princess." says Lucius picking up a crushed powder used to put on the eyelids, cosmetics are as foreign to me as is this moment where two guys are intently examining my face. I look at the owner of the stall in an attempt to receive help, but am immensely disappointed when I see an elderly woman happily encouraging the boys to put her handmade lipstick on my lips, happily and proudly giving them the product.

I groan, "no, absolutely not."

"Absolutely yes my love, as beautiful as you are Abigail, everyone can use some of this, especially me, I demand that I go next." Rygal says, pushing my shoulders back down as I try and fail to get up from the small wooden stool.

"Aren't we meant to be getting food here?"

"Oh, dears, are you hungry? I've got a lot of fruit here, please help yourselves." The old lady who I'm starting to dislike offers.

"Oh no thank you, we-"

"We will take the lot ma'am." Lucius interveins, I groan even louder as the lady hands over an entire basket of fruit Lucius puts behind him as he grabs my chin. From out of the corner of my eye I see Rygal offer the lady some money then walk back over to where Lucius and I are.

"I will put up with this on the condition that I get to choose what goes on your faces." I say, pushing down my exterior walls of mental protection like I always do when my mind simply says

screw it.

"That's my girl." Rygal says.

"Hmm, I guess we don't have to apply powder on your cheeks as long as my brother talks to you like that, you will be full of color as long as he keeps it up." Lucius laughs, winking at me, I think I groan for the third time but I'm not sure as I have lost count by now.

"Shut up, let's get this over and done with shall we?"

I regret every ill thing I mentally said about the old lady as the lip product made contact with my lips, cherry, strawberry and even a hint of blueberry filled my mouth, seeping through the small opening I left. This is the greatest thing I've ever tasted. Rygal senses my shock.

"Dear god, is it poison or something? Why do you look like you're about to die?"

"Ma'am. What's in this?" I ask, furiously licking my lips now.

"Oh, I made that one, one of my favorites, good isn't it?"

"Bloody amazing."

She laughs, "It is a mix of all different types of berries along with some other things I'm not going to give away."

"Wow, it's amazing, I've never-" I don't get to finish as Rygal's lips crash onto mine.

The entire village around us seems to completely disappear, with the way my eyes are so wide open I'd expect to be taking in more of my surroundings, but right now all I see is Rygal. He has pulled away but his eyes stay locked on mine and I can tell that his cheeks aren't even half as red as mine, but there is definitely a kiss of blush there. For a boy who carries himself like a rock, he kisses like water, everything is soft and flows so well, my lips suddenly feel dry. My trance and cornucopia of thoughts halts as Lucius' laugh grabs my shoulders and pulls me back into the stool I'm seated at.

"Gods, you're insufferable Rygal." Lucius says getting up and going to get a piece of fruit.

"Sorry," Rygal says with a smile, "you were talking about how good it was and I wanted to try it for myself." With a wicked grin he backs away from me.

I try to reply but all that comes out of my throat is an embarrassing little squeak I can not describe.

Rygal only laughs then tells Lucius to start on my left eye while he works on my right.