
Chaos In The Village

I wish I had never gotten so attached. I wish I hadn't tried to recreate the makeup look they did on me so many times. I wish I hadn't left that window open every night and expected to find them with me the next morning. Last night marked one month since Lucius walked into the forest followed by Rygal who had just kissed me. These past few days I have made an effort to remind myself that they're Werewolves and I shouldn't be sad over monsters who hurt our kind for fun, or at least that's what I've been told they do, I can't necessarily believe it anymore after my encounter with two of them. I had the best time with them that night, my mouth started aching from laughing too much. That's never happened to me before, coming up in a household like mine has rendered me isolated from people like that, people my age, people I can actually consider friends. There are so many things I look back upon, even though I should be aspiring to forget them, I can't help but to mourn over our lost friendship, I wonder if it was a friendship to them too. My days now consist of the same morning training and scolding myself when my eyes drag towards the forest, the northern forest where the creatures prey. The northern forest where the boys I thought I could call friends would now be, they're out there somewhere, I doubt they even remember my name. Right now I am situated in the library, I have sought an escape from the boredom filling my life in the pages of books. My father now refuses to take me out with him, hunting the creatures of the forest after what happened to my sister and the fact that I am only eighteen, though one would debate that classifies me as an adult, he wants me to experience more training before I pursue the position of headhuntress. But even this book is boring me, I wonder if my dull emotions have seeped through the words on the ink and deprived me of the privilege of escaping the world. My eyes start hurting as the words turn into a blur of ink on the page, I can't take being inside anymore so I make way towards the nearby village. It is a short walk to the entrance of the house as the library is directly near it, so it doesn't take me long to breathe in the fresh air of the outdoors that has been carefully mixed with various scents of nature. Shades of brown seep through the curtains of green grass, probably wishing to obtain the beauty of the blue sky. I wonder how it feels to be so trapped. It is around midday and the only thing I see when peering up is blue, there are no clouds, there is no sun to be seen as it has hidden itself over the horizon, everything is blue. The walk is nearly as peaceful as the shades of blue I am admiring. The forest has a choir of birds perched on the different types of trees, the dirt track has imprints of history, as a guest book of who has traveled this path before. My legs are aching as I stroll because of the tensity of training I put myself through this morning, a sprint around the entire perimeter being the worst and having the most consequences. Though magic is limited I can probably grab a healing ointment or something whilst I'm at the village, after all there is something for everyone there, I just pray I don't see the cosmetic stand and remember things I ought to forget. When I arrive there are kids wandering on the cobblestone path, there are a variety of different smells wafting through the area, mostly coming from different spice stalls, there is different noise originating from all the different people here. Most are cloaked figures but others have the normal fashion accessories and clothes a person has in Pervensia. The women are wearing blouses with long skirts and the men have the casual waistcoat on and a cravat, if they were fancy enough for one, this village belonged to the middle class citizens, but wherever I look I see very well dressed people. I'm in my own white blouse and long black skirt, it isn't a very exciting outfit but there aren't many people to impress in my life anyway. My boots scraping along the cobblestone makes a sound that scratches my brain perfectly and sounds like a carefully orchestrated song, it is the small things like this that make me enjoy coming here whenever I can. I'm not sure what made me want to come here today but I'm glad I did, everything here is so-

A scream interrupted my thoughts.

Everything happens so quickly.

Time feels as though it has come to a halt, another scream initiates the clock to start ticking once again.

One seconds everyone was laughing and having a nice time, the next there was chaos all throughout the village I was just praising in my head.

I don't know what's going on, but I don't run, people could be in trouble, I could never just run. I make my way towards the source of where everything started going wrong and find myself in the center of the village where most of the stalls are found, I gasp in terror as my eyes drag over the scene unfolding infront if me. The stalls have large claw marks in them and from what I can see the shops that have evidence of magical items have been completely set on fire.

"Werewolves!" A man running past me cries.

I can't tell what my face is showing right now but I carry on, looking for anyone injured, and I soon see someone, my legs carry me to them with an impressive pace, I almost scream as I see the old lady who runs the cosmetic stall I visited about a month ago. She has clearly been trapped under her stall that appears to be flipped over. Powders of all sorts are scattered across the ground, creating highlights on different areas of the stone. My hand reaches out to her as I drop to my knees and try to get her free, confusion flutters to my facial features as she bats away my hand.

"Ma'am you must get up." I encouraged her whilst trying to pry up some of the fallen wood from her stall.

"No, you don't understand, you have to run dear, run away now." She commands, but I don't listen.

" I can't leave until you come with me al-" A voice from behind me cuts me off from what I was attempting to say.

"Leave the lady alone, love."

I turn to see who said that and I am met with his knees, as my eyes travel up I can see his face. In front of me stands one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. He has dark brown hair that compliments the hues of green I found whilst looking into his eyes. He is standing with his hands in the pockets of his pants and wearing a black and rather casual grey waistcoat, if it weren't for the thing he just said to me I'd believe him to be a handsome man just walking through this village, but his face and the way he is looking between me and this old lady make me believe he isn't.

"Run." the old lady says, pushing my back in an effort to get me to move.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as it is the first and only thing I can think of saying right now.

"That does not concern you I'm afraid, now let go of my prisoner and we should be fine."

"Prisoner? She's an old lady." I state, now getting up and trying but failing to come to eye level with him, he completely towers over me.

"She is a witch." He says, frowning down at me.

I freeze, my head slowly looks down at the woman who is still trapped. Looking down at her all I see is an old lady trapped.

"It doesn't matter what she is, she is hurt and you can not have her." There is rage in my words, rage that fills me as I look around this village that I have grown to care for, the civilization I have come to admire, now ruined by the actions of this man and by the scale of destruction, I'm guessing his friends too. The man merely stares at me for a long while, I wonder what he is thinking as he looks at me with such a stoic expression. His eyes travel along my body, he seems to take in every button of my blouse and proceeds to reach the bottom of my skirt that meets the cobblestone we are standing on. Fire rages around us, smoke has scarcely made its way to my lungs which has filled me with dissatisfaction I have hidden from this man. My face shows no emotion as I try to match his, that all changes in a matter of seconds. It truly only takes one second before everything changes. One second I was just staring at him, wondering what he was going to do next. Then it happened, he punched me. Pain soared through my face and then my knees that collided with the ground. His movements were too fast for me to process, I have never seen anyone move like that. I am on the ground shocked as the old lady reaches a hand out for me, I don't even realise I push her hand away as I hull myself up from the ground and display my hidden wraith for the man to see.

'How dare you?"Is all I say as I get up and punch back, if I were smart I would have processed the strength behind the punch and the pain in my jaw, both of which were an indication that I should run, but I'm not smart, so I do neither. His hand catches mine with ease. But I am not as weak as he thinks, he doesn't even try to stop my foot, I'm guessing he didn't expect it. As soon as he hits the ground his eyes widen in shock and look up at me as though I am some foreign beast. He growls at me, he doesn't say anything vulgar or insult me, he literally growls at me, this action makes me realise it, he is a Werewolf.