

His growl shakes my body, it rumbles through the ground we are connected by and makes its way throughout my body. It seems as though the sound he just projected shook everything. Maybe getting him to the ground was a bad idea after all, he seems extremely mad now.

"What is wrong with you? Don't you know who I am?" He asks, his eyes are so wide now that I swear they might fall out. His face is rather amusing now actually, even more so because he is still on the ground.

"Um, no I don't. Nor do I care, you aren't taking her." I am a little more confident now, for better or worse.

"Do not think you are superior to me girl."

"If I aren't, why am I on my feet and you are on your ass?"

One second he was on the ground the next he was standing and looking down at me with his much higher height. His teeth are bared at me and I take in the fangs that I hadn't noticed before, maybe they weren't even there because I surely don't remember them but I don't think I'll be forgetting them any time soon. I have only ever trained by myself, I have never had an actual opponent before, but I am prepared this time, I am ready when he goes to hit me again. I blocked his arm that intended to hit me and twisted it with all my strength so he was now facing the ground and his arm was in an uncomfortable position. But my glory is short-lived. My smirk of triumph quickly faltered as he humbled me and knocked me to the ground. I am not sure what fighting style he used or how I got here but I was now on the ground with his knee digging into my chest. My back was on the ground and he had just very clearly declared himself the superior one.

"You're correct, maybe I should just leave the witch here, you are honestly much more interesting." He says as his knee pushes further into my chest. My skirt had ridden up my legs now bunching at my thigh but thankfully still covering me.

"Get up." He says, after he gets off of me and offers his hand out to me. He wants me to grab his hand, he wants to take me somewhere with him.

"No, just leave the both of us alone and be on your way you-"

"Kelan." He says.


"My name is Kelan, you were about to call me something, I corrected you before you made a mistake." He says, his words made a chill go down my spine.

Kelan. That is the name the twins gave me, they said kelan was involved with my sister. My heart stops beating and I think I'm completely numb, the pain in my jaw fades as I am swallowed into an endless darkness right there on the cobblestone path. But I can't bring up the fact that I know him, I can't let him know that I am Selena's sister, I don't want to die and I'm not sure whether or not he will like the fact that we are related. I look around, the fires of some stalls are still ablaze whilst every other stall that wasn't engnited lays on the ground in pieces, there is no one else in sight as I look down once again at the lady and grasp his hand before I make one too many mistakes. I understand now that he can hurt me, I am not stupid enough to risk my life with anything so without further objection I follow him as we stroll the cobblestone path together. He doesn't say anything, and he doesn't let go of my hand either. But he isn't grabbing my hand kindly, he's holding it with dominance, telling me he won't let go, demanding me to stay with him. I thought it was a tear, I wouldn't have been surprised if I had automatically started crying at the situation I had gotten myself into, but as I look up at the sky and feel more drops of water I realise it is raining. It is raining as he walks me through the forest, I think I actually start to cry as we make our way directly north. I can't do it, I can't squander my fear and pretend it isn't there. This fear is too big for me to ignore, so I just stop walking and look up at him with pleading eyes. I can't survive in that forest, he and my father can, but I'm not so sure about myself.

"Please let me go home, I'm sorry for what I did." I sound pathetic as I say these words.

"What? Home to your family that has been hunting us for sport? Your home missing a family member?" The bastard laughs, he actually laughs as he brings up Selena.

I am once again consumed by that awful rage and I can't stop myself as I swing to punch him in the back of the head as he starts to walk off as if he didn't just insult my dead sister, my speed surprises both him and myself as my hand collides hard, my hand hits his soft hair first then the back of his skull underneath. As he falls forward I quickly move in front of him and bring my knee to his crotch area. I'm surprising myself in these seconds but I guess that's what happens when you're angry enough. I have heard that once you win a fight you are filled with a sense of pride and superiority, but I do not feel anything close to that as I look down at Kelan. I have knocked him out cold with maneuvers I can't even remember doing due to being blinded by absolute hatred for this man. He is laying there on the floor completely vulnerable, yet I don't feel like doing anything to him, I do not know why he went to that village, I do not know why he told me to go somewhere with him, and worst of all, I don't know how he was involved with my sister, but I don't think I want to know any of that. I have a choice to just go home or involve myself and right now my mind is screaming at me to pick him up and hurt him, use this time to my advantage, but I somehow find myself walking back home with an empty mind.