
The Creators adventure in remnant

The Creator of everything going on adventure for entertainment and fun follow Elijah and company as he goes through the land of remnant warning I don't own anything besides OCs also I'm a new writer and probably am very bad at it but I want to give it a try he will be extremely op cover image is not mine comment and ill take it down

Max_Craft · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Ch 10 Talk between Gods

After Elijah was done with that he is looking at his new weapon that he made. He is admiring the scythe form of the weapon it is a black and red scythe that is half a foot longer than his arm then gives it a couple swings and nods. Then switches its form to the bow its a black and red bow that the string is a red energy and notches a arrow and releases it hitting a rock and it goes straight through and continues until he flicks his hand and it comes back.

A/N (it's the Hate and Dread from warframe always liked them:)

He looks over to Yang and Ruby to see them complete knocked out which he can only sigh at. not many can go against the heaven will unscathed granted he help them with that. And he picks them up on his shoulders and walks back in and starts cooking

as all that is happening in the void there is a meeting of the most powerful gods happening

"Looks like dad is having fun. at least he protected the kids next to him and contained it or they would be mush by now. anyway Jen why did you call us here it must be troubling considering you called all ten of us here." said some man sitting across from Jen the room turned to Jen and waited for her to speak.

"Ya there is a big problem a minor God has disappeared." Jen said

"Who was it, you wouldn't call us here is it was a normal minor god." said the man while the rest nodded and started to worry

"I know. It was Lesa a mortal dad Taught how to blacksmith and later adopted her." She said while everyone in the room felt like cold water got dumped on them

"How? considering dad hasn't flown into a rage i'm guessing the soul amulet is fine how is the physical one" the man said slowly. remembering a time when a soul amulet cracked and broke and Elijah wiped out a universe and turned the area into a inhospital wasteland. and the man who destroyed the soul was killed in the worst way he has ever seen.

"The physical one started to crack a day ago and is still slowly cracking. So I tried to find her but its blocked that it's why I called you all here to get you help before the soul amulet is even touched. because if the soul of a god is to damaged we lose our divinity and memories and if its destroyed we are gone for good." Jen said in a solemn voice

"What do you mean blocked that would mean that there is a high level divine concealment charm or sigil, all right let me think for a second. if it's a high level one then her original universe has a quite a few planets that fit the bill. it take a bit to find with the ten of us and judging how fast its cracking it'll take dad a couple of days to start looking. but considering remnants time in will actually be for him a month or two. Jen you need to tell him before something happens." said the man and starts to stand up along with the rest. "well start and round up are our people to find her." he finishes and fades with a wave.

With that the meeting end with Jen sitting in thought.

Back on remnant a couple of days have passed and with that Ruby and Yang woke up with no recollection of the the day so the asked there dad what happen. and he said that they where'd exhausted from the training and they have been out for a couple days while cursing Elijah in his head.

Oh, good your up I thought you were trying to get out of training by trying to fake being asleep were couple days behind schedule and beacon will start for all of us the day after tomorrow." he said with a grin

I am sorry it has been a bit. I have a killer sinus infection and haven't had energy to do anything

hope you like the book by the way