
The Creators adventure in remnant

The Creator of everything going on adventure for entertainment and fun follow Elijah and company as he goes through the land of remnant warning I don't own anything besides OCs also I'm a new writer and probably am very bad at it but I want to give it a try he will be extremely op cover image is not mine comment and ill take it down

Max_Craft · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CH 9 making the weapon of ages

As Ruby was laying in bed she was thinking of Elijah sending her away with Glynda to the police station. she got mad at him for just sending her away she knows that he is extremely strong but he still sent her away. she sighs and turns to see yang asleep and follows her soon after.

As Tai was laying down he was reading one of his old course books from history class "legend's and myths" as he turns pages we see drakes deep sea Grimm's and a couple stick out "Twin Gods" danger level Planet class. "Ancient Grimm" Danger level country class "the creator" danger level Unknown

Said to be here since the formation of remnant. it was said that the twin gods respected him and that he treated them like his own kids. it was said after the twins left he went back to sleep in a unknown location. while some also speculate that he also left. finally Tai fell asleep.

in the morning the family woke up to a delicious smell emanating from the kitchen. they all did what they had to do and sat at the table Yang and Tai could see that Ruby was down in the dumps right as they were going to ask Elijah walks in with the food and serves and sits down and waits.

they start eating and talking about different topics while ruby is off in her own thoughts. Tai finally sighs and asks her after prepping himself

"Ruby what's wrong" he said while ruby flinches

at this Elijah looks at ruby and Yang looks between them all but mainly at Ruby. Ruby finally gathers her courage to confront Elijah about abandoning her.

"well last night when I was at dust till dawn it was getting robbed at the same time I was fighting the boss of them. a fully fledged huntress came but before she could do anything Elijah shows up out of nowhere. and tells the huntress to take me from there and in his words he said that "this isn't something a kid should see". as we were going I see Elijah get behind the boss and throw him out that was all I could see before were out of range." she said and take a breath and looks at him and finishes with. "but what I want to know is why did you send me away you know how strong I am."

"because the they were out of your league especially to main one and you could have been hurt bad or killed you need to learn how to gauge your enemy and know when to engage them." he said with concern

they finished breakfast in a awkward atmosphere. clapping his hands Elijah says. "ok onto todays training".

Yang looks terrified and starts waving her hands and says. "Wait ruby just got out of a fight could we not train today".

"Nope and we still need to increase your difficulty". Elijah said with a smile.

Yang collapses and starts foaming at the mouth as Elijah drags her behind him to start training with ruby in tow. after most of the afternoon is gone elijah is seen carrying ruby and Yang back to the house.

him and Tai are sitting a having a blast drinking a playing card Tai is completely hammered. As Yang and Ruby walk in on them Tai collapses and Elijah starts laughing his ass off and looks for a marker. he see Ruby and Yang he hops up and walks over to Ruby and says. "Ruby you ready to watch me make my weapon we were talking about". and drags her out to a forge he set up in the backyard. yang is also curious so she follow completely forgetting about tai passed out on the floor

as she gets out side she is looking at Elijah hammering on a lump of ore of some kind but she doesn't know what it is and she has never seen this style of making weapons so she sits next to Ruby who is staring at Elijah with stars in her eyes. thirty minutes in changes started to appear wind started to pick up and almost pitch black clouds started to roll in they wanted to warn Elijah but as they look at him he is covered in golden aura and as they approach him it feels like they have the weight of the sun on them so they jump away. and look at Elijah worried because lighting is forming above him and every strike he takes it get more potent.

after three hours of him making the weapon he stops and looks up and holds up the scythe and the bow and said to the heavens and made to so none on remnant could hear his words.


As he said that the lighting above him struck his weapon and all around the universe can his voice be heard making the void shake and crack. the two fused and are ready to be shifted into a scythe and bow at his will.

sorry for not making the chap it has been the most busy couple weeks in my life for a long time. ill try to get a chap out in the next couple days sorry.