
The Creators adventure in remnant

The Creator of everything going on adventure for entertainment and fun follow Elijah and company as he goes through the land of remnant warning I don't own anything besides OCs also I'm a new writer and probably am very bad at it but I want to give it a try he will be extremely op cover image is not mine comment and ill take it down

Max_Craft · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CH 11 The Final Test

"Alright let's see how you two have come along in these last couple weeks. same rules as before make me move no more training make me use my right hand and you don't get an increase in training when we arrive at beacon." Elijah said with a smile Ruby and Yang both got ready to show Elijah how far they have come. Tai was was watching them with a smile knowing full well if he wanted to they wouldn't be able to do anything to Elijah.

"Ok then Ready, Set, Go." Said Elijah with his right hand behind him

Ruby jumps back and turns her scythe into a sniper and covers yang by aiming at Elijah's vitals. as Yang sprints forward while keeping her openings to a minimum and starts with a shotgun blasts from her gauntlets towards his stomach and jaw. Elijah move his head to the right and uses his hand to catch her hand just to be shot by Ruby right in the face. after the small cloud of smoke clears we see Elijah with soot and tick marks on his face as he looks between Yang and Ruby with a smile.

"Hey Elijah hahaha." Yang said with a nervous laugh and then is picked up and thrown like a football towards ruby

RUBBYY LOOK OUT!!!" she yelled as she was flying at her

We see Ruby looking left and right frantically and jumps out of the way as Yang faceplants into a rock and proceeds to get up and rush at Elijah with flaming hair and red eyes turning it into a slug fest we see Yang blocking and dodging some still trying to stop herself from tanking Tai and Elijah smile at this.

"You have definitely improved Yang good job but now we need to see how far Ruby has come." he said with a smile and chops the back of her neck knocking her out.

"Ok Ruby it's just me and you now. Lets stop with the bullets we need to see how far you have come in close combat and how long you can keep at it." he said and signals for her to come.

Ruby nods and switches her sniper for her scythe and charges at Elijah with her semblance. she gets behind Elijah and faints a hit for Elijah's head and goes for his legs instead. only for him to step on the blade and dig it into the ground. Elijah sends a palm strike to Ruby's chest and sends her a couple yards back.

"You have improved in wielding a scythe you have a good talent for it and you are making better decisions by trying to faint your attacks. it works well against human opponents but not so well on one that use instincts like grimm and wild animals. that is why having smarts and battle instincts are both important. Yang is a good example here she is both smart and has good instincts though she relies on the latter more. she does fight smart unless she gets mad. that comes with time and getting in fights. you have good smarts but poor instincts that comes from the lack of fights. and spars will only go so far the best way its to fight in actual combat with your life on the line. but that will happen later right now we need to see how far your hand to hand has come." Elijah finishes with a smile and twirls Ruby's scythe and throws it to Tai

Ruby nods with a smile and burst into rose petals and starts using hit and run tactics against Elijah.

He smiles at this and thinks. "She has improved significantly in hand to hand I wonder if it's just talent or her soul is the cause. she has been blessed by the will of a dying world I think by the end of her journey she will have a spark of divinity and with her latent holy power in her eyes she may break her shackles and become a demigod or a lesser god if she is lucky." with a punch to the face he is snapped of his thoughts.

He and Ruby look at each other Ruby looks excited and Elijah is smirking. then Elijah starts pointing out her flaws and instructing her after a little Yang wakes up and joins them. this continues until Tai was done with diner.

------------Ruby POV---------------

As we were sitting at dinner we were laughing and talking like a family. Yang was telling Elijah she will win next time and Elijah just said "maybe who knows." with a dad like smile. Me and Yang found weird at first but everyone here knows Elijah is older than he looks. we tried to ask dad who he was he just said a friend of the family so we dropped. as we were sitting i see Elijah perk up and then there was a knock at the door thinking it was uncle Qrow I sprint to the door and fling the door open only to see a woman. she had bright golden hair that looked like the sun. crystal clear amber eyes that seem to look through me. she proceeds to smile at me and say. "Hello my name is Jen is Elijah here."