
The Crazy Adventures of Kevin

Kevin Ethan Levins's story changes the moment he touches the forbidden philosopher's orb. Enjoy this altered timeline of the Man of Action multiverses. Here, destiny takes a different turn as Kevin encounters someone other than the expected mentor, 'Kwarrel.' This new mentor hails from a warrior race feared throughout his galaxy. Who is this mysterious figure that crosses paths with Kevin, and how will their encounter reshape his fate? Read more into the captivating twists and turns of the best Kevin Levin fanfiction. Unlock 10+ chapters ahead of Webnovel release and exclusive content on Patreon: www.patreon.com/HeavenlyEnel. There will be a harem, but it is not the main focus of the story. Every character here is over 18 years old. Lemon scenes will be available on the Patreon. Feel free to donate on Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/HeavenlyEnel. 

Heavenly_Enel · TV
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49 Chs





Kevin arrived at the airstrip and contemplated storming in or landing without Vulkanus guards knowing but decided against what he considered something fun to approach from the entrance. Landing gently on the ground he walked through the entrance seemingly unnoticed by the pickaxe aliens who were on guard duty. Kevin simply let out a wave of energy from himself that can be sensed by someone who doesn't even know what sensing means.


The pickaxe aliens were shocked at first and immediately decided to investigate the source. On encountering Kevin they looked confused as to why a stranger would willingly risk their lives. But Kevin spoke to them, requesting for an audience with Vulkanus which made them sceptical. A ring of pickaxe aliens formed around Kevin while some went to report inside the warehouse and soon came back to escort Kevin inside.


"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show his ugly... Who are you?" Vulkanus questioned, pointing a metallic finger at Kevin.


Vulkanus wore a huge robotic armour that made him well over six feet. His face had orange pigment, wide jaws with a dark bone protruding out of both edges and his teeth were fused into his skin. He sat on a large throne, lording over pickaxe aliens in his business.


He appeared surprised at the youth that stood before him. There was no way that person in front of him was Kevin, even his aura was different. The way he carried himself like he was not walking into someone else's home ground with home advantages. His hair stood out and his fashion had clearly changed. Where was the ragged shirt or jeans? Maybe the pickaxe alien got the name wrong surely.


"Ahh, c'mon Vulk, after all, we have been through together. I can't believe you would forget me, especially after the isotope business a few years back," Kevin remarked with a smile, attempting to maintain a professional and friendly tone as he approached Vulkanus.


"You... You really are Kevin. What happened to you?" Vulkanus scratched his chin, recalling a previous deal with Kevin that had ended in a less-than-satisfactory manner.


"Now that you're here, I don't know whether to trade with you or tear you to pieces!" Vulkanus exclaimed, banging his hands on his throne while Kevin watched on, unfazed.


"You left me holding the bag after that counter-isotope scam, at the mercy of the plumbers! I had to escape to Earth and start swapping level three tech just to get by, thanks to you!" Vulkanus' complaints poured forth, but Kevin's patience was wearing thin.


"I came here to make a deal," Kevin interjected, finally halting Vulkanus' rants.


'I should just ask him where I can exchange my modified crystals for cash and be on my way. But Gwen is looking for her Grandpa,' Kevin thought to himself as he waited for Vulkanus' response.


"I have the plumber badge that you want," Vulkanus declared, rising from his throne to reveal a tiny plumber badge in his oversized robotic hands


'I could just grab it leave quickly, then burn the building and him in it. But there is too much to lose from doing this. Wait, why am I even thinking of burning him?' Thoughts swept through Kevin's mind the instant he saw the badge. He could take it with his innate speed that was already as fast as Mach 2 but if he uses his Kineceleran traits, it's a different ball game. Still he had the means of making away with the gadget.


What would you give me for it? Vulkanus asked leaning closer.


Kevin at that point gained the upper hand and decided to back away a bit. Vulkanus watched his behaviour but was surprised when a dark purple crystal throne erected itself from the ground on which Kevin sat.


The pickaxe aliens tensed at the sight, unsure of Kevin's intentions, but Vulkanus waved them off, recognizing that Kevin was not to be underestimated.


"I heard from Argit that you needed more of those crystals that he exchanged with you," Kevin remarked, observing Vulkanus' reactions carefully.


'Don't tell me…' Vulkanus thought to himself for a moment and proceeded to answer. He had already put away the badge for now since it was time for negotiations. 


"Yes, I had a guy look at it for me, and he told me it was a bioengineered crystal that falls just short of Taydenite in value. If I can meet whoever made or found those crystals, I could create a market for them and live out my days in wealth!" Vulkanus proclaimed, his voice echoing throughout the warehouse.



'They are here already.' Kevin thought as he looked to the side then back at Vulkanus.


"Let's say I have some with me. I would be willing to trade them for the badge, as well as information on where I can exchange alien minerals and materials for cash. I need a new ride, custom-made, of course," Kevin proposed, presenting a small bag containing the modified crystals that floated in front of him.


"What, are you psychic now?" Vulkanus asked immediately so as to draw attention away from himself since he couldn't think properly for a moment after seeing a bag of those crystals.


"How many times do I have to explain it to people? Its Ki telekinesis!" Kevin argued but could see what the alien in the big robotic armour was trying to do.


"How do I know I am not being scammed again?" Vulkanus asked and tried to grab the bag forcefully but the bag moved to Kevin's side quickly.


"Neat trick, but still, I am not buying this," Vulkanus declared, though Kevin could sense his hesitation.


'Good. Now he will be forced to give me some to confirm its legitimacy, which is of no cost to me. But if this turns out to be the real deal, I can keep asking for more and use him to generate Taydenite for me until he dies. Kevin, you are too young for the cruel business world,' Vulkanus thought to himself, relaxing on his throne.


"It's fine. I can just leave and ask another to help me with what I need," Kevin stated calmly, his crystal throne shrinking into the ground.



"And what about the badge? You think you are smart, but you need this? And where do you think you are going?" Vulkanus signalled to his pickaxe aliens to block Kevin's retreat.


"Oh, look at that, Vulkanus. You had better take my deal because when I walk out of here, I will consider you my enemy, and your days are numbered," Kevin said, instigating a primal feeling of fear within Vulkanus and the pickaxe aliens.


"Who are you?" Vulkanus asked once again, his tone laced with uncertainty.







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