
The Counterattack of Flash Marriage with the CEO

【Sweet Love + Reconnecting with renounced sister + Unforgiving + Reckoning】 Ye Shengge was the true heiress painstakingly reclaimed by the Ye family, yet no one in the family favored her. Her brothers constantly berated and humiliated her while doting on the pseudo-heiress. Ye Shengge made a decisive choice – she severed ties with the Ye family. On the day of her departure, Ye Shengge entered into a clandestine marriage with a mysterious tycoon and got legally wed.  Tolerate the pseudo-heiress?  Yield to her brothers? Absolutely not this time! A rising star in dance, a racing virtuoso, a genius composer, an expert in cultural artifact restoration... as the veils of her Multiple Identitiess were unveiled one by one, the Ye family finally saw the true face of the pseudo-heiress, filled with remorse. Her biological father rushed back from abroad overnight, saying, "Sheng Sheng, it's Dad's mistake; Daddy was blind to people's true colors..." Her biological mother was in tears, her face streaked with sorrow, "Sheng Sheng, after finding you, Mom hasn't even had a chance to hold you..." Even her five brothers wept bitterly in the rain, pleading for Ye Shengge to come back home. Ye Shengge's red lips were alluring, her smile enchanting. This time, there would be no forgiveness! Under the dazzling starlight, a certain tycoon embraced her, his deep, husky voice filled with tenderness, "Darling, let's go home."

COL+ Mao Mao Qiu · Urban
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202 Chs

Ye Shengge Is My Wife, Thank You

Ye Shengge took her phone, looking at the screen with suspicion. It was indeed a call from Fu Yushen. And he was congratulating her?

Did Fu Yushen know that she won first place in the semi-finals?

Ye Shengge put the phone to her ear, surprised, "Did you watch the competition live?"

Fu Yushen responded, "Yes."

Ye Shengge was even more surprised, "I didn't expect you to be interested in dance competitions. You even watched it live."

Fu Yushen remained silent.

Ye Shengge blinked her eyes, her watery gaze sparkling, "I remember that you weren't interested in dancing when you were a child. It seems people's interests change as they grow up."

On the other end of the phone, Fu Yushen remained silent for a while. His voice almost seeped out through his gritted teeth, "Ye Shengge, I'm not interested in dance."

Ye Shengge found this even more bewildering, "Then why did you watch the competition?"

After asking, Ye Shengge waited for a response but didn't hear anything. She looked at the screen and realized that the call was still connected. Why wasn't he speaking? Was the signal bad, or did he not want to talk? Men's hearts were indeed like the ocean's depths, and Ye Shengge couldn't understand.

"Hello? Fu Yushen? Are you busy? If you are, I'll hang up."

Ye Shengge slid the screen and promptly ended the call.

She hadn't expected that the first congratulatory message she received would come from her arch-nemesis, Fu Yushen.

Meanwhile, Fu Yushen, who had been hung up on, muttered to himself, "..."

Back at Jingyuan Estate, Ye Shengge returned to her room and took a shower. The warm water cascaded over her body, making her feel much more comfortable. The injuries on her legs had completely healed, leaving her skin flawless without any scars or blemishes. The ointment that Fu Yushen had ordered the housekeeper to send over was indeed effective. With such a good ointment, why did he let the bite mark on his wrist stay for so long without treating it?

After the shower, Ye Shengge used a hairdryer to dry her hair. She tied it up into a simple bun and changed into loose home clothes.

Just as she finished changing, her phone rang again. It was a call from the director of "Dancing in Chinese Style."

Ye Shengge slid the screen to answer, "Hello."

"Shengge, I hope I'm not disturbing you by calling at this time."

"No, not at all."

"That's good!" The director smiled broadly, "Shengge, your performance in this episode was outstanding. Many viewers have been leaving comments on our official Weibo, hoping that you can open a Weibo account so they can follow you."

"Oh, I see," Ye Shengge suddenly realized, her red lips curved into a smile. "Certainly, Director. I'll register a Weibo account in a moment."

"Great, I'll be waiting for you!"

After ending the call, Ye Shengge downloaded the Weibo app and registered an account.

The official Weibo account of "Dancing in Chinese Style" immediately posted:

"Dear viewers, in response to your requests, Ye Shengge has now opened a Weibo account! Her username is @Ye_Shengge. Feel free to follow her!"

Since it was a newly registered account, Ye Shengge had no followers at first. However, after the official Weibo posted, many viewers who had watched the competition began to follow her.

In a short time, Ye Shengge's Weibo account gained thousands of followers.

Fans immediately requested her to start a live stream so they could see her.

Ye Shengge thought for a moment and decided to start a live stream directly on Weibo.

As soon as she went live, without saying a word, her screen was flooded with virtual gifts.

User "SushiCottonCandy" sent you 5 red flowers.

User "IdiotZhouKai" sent you 10 red flowers.

Ye Shengge quickly understood that these red flowers were virtual gifts, and they were quite popular among fans. However, they cost money to send, with each flower costing 2 RMB.

Her fans had already spent 20 RMB to send her flowers.

Ye Shengge immediately stopped them, "Please don't waste your money. Stop sending flowers."

Before she could finish speaking, the screen was lit up with more gift effects:

User "BoyfriendFanRising" sent you 5,200 red flowers.

Fans were stunned. 5,200 flowers? That's 10,400 RMB!

The user left a comment: "Shengsheng, my love for you!"

Fans were in hysterics: "This guy sent so many! Why?"

The user responded with pride: "I'm willing to do it for my Shengsheng!"

Wow, he keeps calling her "my Shengsheng" and he's a boyfriend fan. This is true love for sure!

Just as fans were amazed, another user named "ysgbtm" suddenly appeared on the gift leaderboard, sending 520,000 red flowers.

Fans were in disbelief. 520,000? That's over a million RMB!

"ysgbtm" left a comment on the leaderboard: "Ye Shengge is my wife, thank you."

Ye Shengge: "?? Who are you?"

Fans: "??? OMG!"

The user "BoyfriendFanRising," who had sent 5,200 flowers, was instantly overshadowed. Was this guy doing it on purpose?

Oh my god, this mysterious person spent over a million RMB just to tell everyone that Ye Shengge is his wife? Is this a declaration of sovereignty?

Fans immediately sensed the scent of money. Who was this mysterious big spender, buying a pile of virtual red flowers worth over a million?

Curious, they clicked on the user's profile, but it was empty. There were no posts or even a profile picture. The user only followed Ye Shengge.

The username "ysgbtm" was a strange combination of characters, and its exact meaning couldn't be deciphered. However, it seemed most likely to mean "Ye Shengge belongs to me."

Wait, was he even declaring sovereignty in his username?

Ye Shengge had to stop this behavior again, "Thank you for your support, but please don't send any more flowers."

Fans began to send barrage messages.

"Okay, okay, we won't send anymore."

"Hahaha, I bet this Weibo is definitely about the mysterious user @ysgbtm."

"Lol, I can't take it anymore."

Then, fans noticed that the mysterious big spender, "ysgbtm," was surprisingly obedient. After Ye Shengge asked them not to send any more gifts, they didn't send any.

Ye Shengge chatted casually with her fans during the livestream. Onscreen, the girl had a simple bun, a smooth forehead, fair skin, and a smile that made her eyes crinkle.

"Oh my Lord, Shengsheng is so beautiful!"

"I'm falling for Ye Shengge's beauty again!"

"Friends, I'm sure of it now, Ye Shengge is my long-lost wife!"

"Hey, you upstairs, stop calling her your wife, or that mysterious big spender @ysgbtm will come and declare sovereignty again!"

"Hahaha, this is hilarious!"

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Fu Corporation, Fu Yushen held his phone with a slight raise of his eyebrows, watching Ye Shengge's Weibo livestream.

He only exited Weibo after Ye Shengge finished her livestream.

His Weibo username was none other than "ysgbtm."