
The Counterattack of Flash Marriage with the CEO

【Sweet Love + Reconnecting with renounced sister + Unforgiving + Reckoning】 Ye Shengge was the true heiress painstakingly reclaimed by the Ye family, yet no one in the family favored her. Her brothers constantly berated and humiliated her while doting on the pseudo-heiress. Ye Shengge made a decisive choice – she severed ties with the Ye family. On the day of her departure, Ye Shengge entered into a clandestine marriage with a mysterious tycoon and got legally wed.  Tolerate the pseudo-heiress?  Yield to her brothers? Absolutely not this time! A rising star in dance, a racing virtuoso, a genius composer, an expert in cultural artifact restoration... as the veils of her Multiple Identitiess were unveiled one by one, the Ye family finally saw the true face of the pseudo-heiress, filled with remorse. Her biological father rushed back from abroad overnight, saying, "Sheng Sheng, it's Dad's mistake; Daddy was blind to people's true colors..." Her biological mother was in tears, her face streaked with sorrow, "Sheng Sheng, after finding you, Mom hasn't even had a chance to hold you..." Even her five brothers wept bitterly in the rain, pleading for Ye Shengge to come back home. Ye Shengge's red lips were alluring, her smile enchanting. This time, there would be no forgiveness! Under the dazzling starlight, a certain tycoon embraced her, his deep, husky voice filled with tenderness, "Darling, let's go home."

COL+ Mao Mao Qiu · Urban
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202 Chs

Congratulations from Mr. Fu

The scoring card displayed a single number: 10 points! This score sent shockwaves through the audience.

"10 points?"

"Am I seeing things? Did teacher Yao really give a perfect score to Ye Shengge?"

"Full marks! teacher Yao actually gave Ye Shengge a perfect score!"

Even the host was astonished and quickly raised the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first 10 points we've had in both of these rounds! It's also the only perfect score! Congratulations to contestant Ye Shengge!"

Ye Shengge graciously acknowledged, her red lips curling into a faint smile. "Thank you, teacher Yao."

Yao Ruosu returned the smile, but her expression seemed even more excited than the contestant herself.

The host continued, "teacher Yao, could you please explain why you awarded such a high score of 10 points to Ye Shengge?"

Yao Ruosu raised the microphone, her eyes fixed on Ye Shengge.

"I believe I'm not the only one who noticed that Ye Shengge's performance perfectly embodies the theme of 'pure white.' Furthermore, her dance skills are exceptionally solid. She effortlessly executed several challenging moves, which were executed flawlessly. To put it plainly, she performed even better than I did back in my day."

Her words stirred up a commotion in the entire venue, and even the livestream chat exploded with comments.

"Wow, teacher Yao's praise for Ye Shengge is exceptionally high!"

"Who doesn't know that teacher Yao was the first-place winner in the national dance competition years ago? She was hailed as the most talented national-style dancer at the time, and no one has surpassed her in all these years!"

"Earlier, teacher Yao only gave Ye Shanshan 9 points, but now she's giving Ye Shengge a perfect 10. It seems teacher Yao has a lot of confidence in Ye Shengge!"

"teacher Yao is more professional than the other four judges. Those scores from the previous judges were nonsense!"

"Woohoo, I've already downloaded Ye Shengge's dance from this performance and put it on loop!"

After listening to Yao Ruosu's comments, Ye Shengge graciously bowed and spoke, "Thank you for your evaluation."

Yao Ruosu nodded and her gaze towards Ye Shengge held a touch of warmth.

The host stood on the stage and addressed the audience, "Now that all twenty contestants have completed their performances, please welcome them back to the stage. We will determine today's first-place winner based on the judges' scores!"

The twenty contestants took their turns to return to the stage. Ye Shanshan glanced at Ye Shengge on the stage, and her eyes betrayed jealousy and resentment.

That wretched Ye Shengge... she can dance so well?

The host announced, "Now, let's reveal the total scores for each contestant on the big screen!"

Accompanied by tense drumbeat music, the big screen sequentially displayed the total scores for each contestant.

When it came to Ye Shanshan, she nervously stared at the big screen, clutching her hands tightly together, anxiously waiting.

Finally, the screen showed: 46.8 points.

The host announced, "Congratulations to Ye Shanshan, who has achieved a score of 46.8 points! This score is currently the highest among all contestants!"

Ye Shanshan smiled briefly and immediately turned her gaze toward Ye Shengge, as if she cared more about her sister's score.

Ye Shengge... must not surpass her!

Next, they revealed Ye Shengge's total score.

Unlike Ye Shanshan's nervousness, Ye Shengge appeared calm and composed.

The big screen flickered, leaving the audience in suspense.

Finally, the results were displayed: 46.9 points.

The host carefully checked, making sure there were no mistakes, and then announced loudly, "Congratulations to Ye Shengge, who has scored 46.9 points! She has the highest total score among all the contestants! In other words, congratulations to Ye Shengge, who has become the first-place winner of this round!"

The audience erupted in enthusiastic applause.

In the livestream chat:

"Wow, Ye Shengge is the first-place winner!"


"Did you see that she only beat Ye Shanshan by 0.1 point? The competition is fierce!"

"Truth be told, Ye Shengge's performance was indeed better than Ye Shanshan's. teacher Yao even gave her a perfect score!"

"Congratulations, Ye Shengge! Now, let's look forward to her performance in the finals!"

Upon hearing this result, Ye Shanshan's gentle expression couldn't be maintained any longer. She looked somewhat unsightly.

Damn it, that wretched Ye Shengge took first place for no reason!

And Yao Ruosu, why did she give Ye Shengge a perfect score?

Just a moment ago, Ye Mingzhe and Ye Huaijin had congratulated her on winning first place. Now, it felt like a slap to her face.

Ye Shanshan felt embarrassed, and her fingernails dug into her palms.

Fortunately, this was just the semifinals. In a week, the finals would take place, and no matter what, she was determined to win first place there and become Yao Ruosu's top disciple.

In the backstage area, Ye Mingzhe and Ye Huaijin exchanged glances, their brows furrowing deeply.

The first place was supposed to be Shanshan's, not Ye Shengge's. How could this happen?

Ye Huaijin felt a surge of anger rising within him. Did Ye Shengge do this on purpose? She always wanted to take away whatever Shanshan wanted!

Seeing Ye Shanshan return backstage, Ye Huaijin couldn't help but comfort her, "Shanshan, don't be disheartened. Ye Shengge just had a stroke of luck in the semifinals, that's all."

Ye Mingzhe added softly, "Shanshan, don't lose heart. Eldest brother will support you in winning first place in the finals."

Tears welled up in Ye Shanshan's eyes. She was both saddened and determined. "Thank you, eldest brother, third brother. With your support, I will definitely give my best in the finals. However, I'm genuinely happy for my sister winning first place in the semifinals. I just didn't expect her dance skills to be this good."

Ye Huaijin sighed deeply. "Shanshan, my naive little sister, why are you still thinking about that Ye Shengge? She wanted to sever ties with the Ye family, didn't she? She's no longer one of us."

"Third brother..." Ye Shanshan looked conflicted on the surface but secretly felt a surge of triumph.

Ye Shengge, even if you got first place in the semifinals, so what?

You won't take away anything from the Ye family!

The three of them were discussing when Yao Ruosu arrived backstage.

Ye Shanshan's eyes lit up, and she immediately approached Yao Ruosu with excitement. "teacher Yao, why are you here backstage? Is there anything I can assist you with?"

Yao Ruosu glanced at her, politely smiling. "No, thank you."

Ye Shanshan sensed the coldness in Yao Ruosu's attitude and furrowed her brows.

Yao Ruosu had come backstage to look for someone, but after searching for a while without success, she finally grabbed a staff member and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where Ye Shengge is?"

The staff member thought for a moment. "Ye Shengge? She finished her performance a while ago and went change her clothes in the dressing room. She had left after answering a phone call."

Yao Ruosu couldn't help but smile wryly. That girl had disappeared so quickly, and she hadn't even had a chance to meet her.

In the distance, Ye Shanshan observed the scene. She could tell that Yao Ruosu was looking for someone, but she hadn't heard whom she was looking for. She furrowed her brows, thinking, "Could Yao Ruosu be looking for Ye Shengge?"

No, that's impossible. Ye Shengge grew up without knowing anything; how could she attract Yao Ruosu's attention?

Over there, Ye Shengge finished changing her clothes, left the competition venue, and answered her phone.


A deep, husky, and magnetic voice with a hint of electricity came through the phone. "Shengsheng, congratulations."