
The Counterattack of Flash Marriage with the CEO

【Sweet Love + Reconnecting with renounced sister + Unforgiving + Reckoning】 Ye Shengge was the true heiress painstakingly reclaimed by the Ye family, yet no one in the family favored her. Her brothers constantly berated and humiliated her while doting on the pseudo-heiress. Ye Shengge made a decisive choice – she severed ties with the Ye family. On the day of her departure, Ye Shengge entered into a clandestine marriage with a mysterious tycoon and got legally wed.  Tolerate the pseudo-heiress?  Yield to her brothers? Absolutely not this time! A rising star in dance, a racing virtuoso, a genius composer, an expert in cultural artifact restoration... as the veils of her Multiple Identitiess were unveiled one by one, the Ye family finally saw the true face of the pseudo-heiress, filled with remorse. Her biological father rushed back from abroad overnight, saying, "Sheng Sheng, it's Dad's mistake; Daddy was blind to people's true colors..." Her biological mother was in tears, her face streaked with sorrow, "Sheng Sheng, after finding you, Mom hasn't even had a chance to hold you..." Even her five brothers wept bitterly in the rain, pleading for Ye Shengge to come back home. Ye Shengge's red lips were alluring, her smile enchanting. This time, there would be no forgiveness! Under the dazzling starlight, a certain tycoon embraced her, his deep, husky voice filled with tenderness, "Darling, let's go home."

COL+ Mao Mao Qiu · Urban
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202 Chs

Sleeping with My Wife?

Ye Shengge glanced at the user who had sent over a million red flowers, ysgbtm, but couldn't recognize who it was.

In the evening, Ye Shengge went downstairs. Fu Yushen had just returned from the company, and he was in the living room. As he removed his tie, his jaw lifted slightly, and he had an alluring, restrained sensuality, from his well-defined fingers to the slightly protruding Adam's apple.

Seeing Ye Shengge coming downstairs, he raised an eyebrow slightly and asked, "What would you like for dinner?"

Ye Shengge replied casually, "Anything is fine."

She figured they could just eat whatever was available in the kitchen. However, the next moment, she saw Fu Yushen walk gracefully to the dining room, naturally putting on an apron. He said, "Then I'll make a few dishes."

Ye Shengge's eyes widened in astonishment. "You cook?"

Fu Yushen asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Shengge shook her head, walking over curiously. She sat on a high stool and stared at him with clear, unblinking eyes.

Fu Yushen stood in front of the kitchen counter, slightly lowering his forehead. His long, slender fingers skillfully washed green vegetables, and his movements were so proficient and natural that it was clear he knew how to cook.

It was really quite strange. Ye Shengge remembered that when they were children, he had looked down on cooking. Why did she remember this so clearly? Well, it was because she had once used this as a reason to reject his advances when he tried to kiss her as a child. She had said that he couldn't cook, and she wanted to marry a man who could cook, so they couldn't be together in the future.

But now, Fu Yushen had become so skilled at cooking. It was true that people change as they grow older.

While making soup, Fu Yushen noticed that Ye Shengge had been staring at him. Her black, bright eyes were round and curious, like a cat.

He raised an eyebrow slightly, ladled a spoonful of soup, let it cool for a moment, and held it to her lips. "Taste it and see how it is?"

Ye Shengge nodded and reached out to take the spoon.

But he didn't let go, bringing it to her lips himself. "Just taste it like this."

Ye Shengge hesitated for a moment but decided to trust him. She drank a sip of the soup directly from his hand and her eyes lit up. "It's delicious! The flavor is just right, not too salty or bland!"

"Then I won't add any more seasonings."

"That's fine, the flavor is just perfect." Ye Shengge glanced at the dishes he had prepared. Although he had casually said he would make a few dishes, it was clear that he hadn't been casual at all. By coincidence, they were all dishes she liked.

The meal was served. Fu Yushen had a faint, lazy smile on his lips, looking relaxed and carefree. "With this meal, I congratulate you on winning first place in the semifinals, Shengsheng."

Ye Shengge's heart skipped a beat. So that was the reason. He had personally cooked a meal to celebrate her first-place win in the semifinals. In the Ye family, no one had ever cared for her like this.

Ye Shengge felt a warmth in her heart, and a soft, grateful smile appeared on her rosy lips. She looked at him and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Fu Yushen picked up a piece of spare rib and asked, "Try it, see if it suits your taste."

Ye Shengge took a bite and, without exaggeration, said that it was so delicious that she wanted to swallow the bone as well. She swallowed her food and blinked her sparkling eyes at him. "It's really good. I didn't expect you to be such a great cook!"

Fu Yushen lowered his eyes slightly and smiled lazily. "Really?"

"Of course!"

He casually remarked, "Since I'm such a great cook, am I qualified to be your husband?"

"Cough...!!!" Ye Shengge nearly choked on her food.

Fu Yushen frowned slightly and reached out to pat her back gently. "Take it slow."

Ye Shengge felt wronged. It was all because of what he had said just now!

This guy, he must be teasing her about the reason she had given for rejecting a kiss from him when they were kids!

Before going to bed at night, Ye Shengge's bedroom door was knocked.

She went to open the door and saw Fu Yushen standing outside.

He seemed to have just taken a shower, as his hair wasn't completely dry yet. His black hair was slightly messy, hanging over his forehead. He exuded a refreshing and pleasant scent, with a casual and lazy air about him.

"It's been very late, is there something you need?" Ye Shengge asked.

"I came to get something," he replied. "There's a document here that I need to use."

Ye Shengge acknowledged with an "oh" and stepped aside to let him in.

She had been arranged to stay in Fu Yushen's room by her grandfather, while Fu Yushen currently slept in a guest room. His belongings were still scattered around this room.

Feeling a bit guilty about occupying his space, Ye Shengge watched as he bent down to organize the documents. She cleared her throat and said, "Um, why don't you move back to the master bedroom and sleep there?"

Fu Yushen paused and turned to look at her. There was a subtle gleam in the depths of his eyes.

"Are you asking me to move back and sleep with you?"