
The Counselor

I should break that silence which fell between us, that one which only sparked the tension in the room, but I was found gaping at the young man away, watching the delight which rushed to his gaze. In there was a haze of glee. One which mocked me, one that said, 'I know how well I've gotten you, and it would be unwise to turn away now' How those eyes scrutinized my form, Lord! Mouth was found turning dry, the tensity and anticipation coursing through every vein in me, building up so bad, and coming to burst up right in my chest. Those eyes were ravenous on my form, pulling mine so well, and I could tell you, my own eyes faltered, warmth rushing to every part of my being, and in a second, he brought his lips to mine, body freezing under his hold. It was a like a rush of breeze had snapped past me, with my legs found numb, I swallowed hard at the touch of the young man. I was tossed in a state of shock, left completely bewildered at what was happening, but more so, dumbfounded that I gave no resists to his actions. His lips remained light on mine, waiting for me to give entrance for his to settle in, and in a moment, they pushed in, sending every heat to my body. It came to last for as long as a minute was, our lips moving in sync, and only at that instant when his hands reached for my thighs, had I pushed him off at once, coming to realize what was enfolding. The silence that passed, gave enough volume to sound of our breaths and pants. While the young man away remained watching me, I avoided that scrutiny of his, hands adjusting my clothing. "Leave, Logan" My breath was low, voice heavy. No utterance was emitted from him. Those eyes only contracted on my form, watching as I brought my gaze to his. "Leave" I called yet again. "And let it be known that this will be our last counseling session" I dropped those words, right before moving away from him, meanwhile, I just could feel that scrutiny lingering on me.

ArazellaSnow · Urban
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28 Chs


"Where have you been, Cara?"

"Lord! I haven't seen you in months!"

A smile crept up my lips at the voice of the girl blaring from my phone's speaker. Nothing about her had changed, that cheer she was known to be filled with still lingered with her even after a year.

"It's been a year, Zoe" I corrected. "Also, you were the one who bailed, not me"

"Oh, come off it" She called at once. "You know I've been busy here and there, having one thing or another to do, hooking up with one gentleman or a rogue fellow, either way, Zoe still remains the same" She laughed.

That voice of hers was filled with such life that was bound to pulling anyone, always to be found laced with joy.

"How have things been, Cara? Come on, let me in on all, let's do some catching up" She began.

"Nothing much has happened" I followed in a sullen voice. "I've been here, basking in the boredom that is, my life, mother still has it out for me—

"Oh, when is she gonna get off your back?" She called at once. "I mean, let's be real here, you're an adult, your own person. It's high time she let you be"

"I don't think she cares to put that into condsideration, Zee"

"I even had to move out, just to rid myself off her"

"No way!" That voice followed.

"Where do you now stay?" She called at once, voice filled with even more enthusiasm.

"Somewhere, north of Oakstown" I let out. "Nothing too fancy, just a little home to catch some peace" I followed with a sigh.

"That's wonderful, Cara! We should meet up this weekend, you know there's a new bar that opened up in town, we should meet there"

Classic Zoe! That nightlife still remained with her. One to get hammered and wake up requesting to be drenched in a bath of Vodka.

"I work now, Zoe" I let out. "I don't think, getting drunk and acting wild would impress my subjects" My voice was low.

"Don't tell me you took counseling serious?" She called at once, that high pitched laugh pouring out from the other end.

"Yes I did, Zoe" I stated, matter of fact. "In fact, I now work as a counselor at Maple Valley High"

"Where's that?"

"It's in town, Zoe. You know the school so well"

"Eww" She called at once. "Doesn't it get boring being surrounded by kids who would do nothing but nag about how life is tiring, when they are yet to be introduced to what life really entails"

"How do you cope?" I could catch the frown in her voice.

"It's my job, Zoe" I called. "I've been equipped to cope"

"Whatever you say, friend. I just can't imagine being in the same spot for eight hours a day, doing nothing but listening to the problems of teenagers. You'll be alright, though"

"Anyways" She drawled, the silence falling for a moment, and in a breath, she followed—"Did I mention that I crossed paths with William?"

"For the love of God, Zoe—

"Hear me out, Cara" She called at once, perhaps, catching onto where I drove at.

"He's a fine young man, now. Has a lot to his name, Cara. He still is smitten over you" She followed.

"You're searching for roses in a bush filled with thorns, Zoe" I heard the gasp that poured out at my utterance.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She called.

"It means nothing holds Will and I together" I uttered.

"Oh, please. You know the guy goes crazy over you" Followed her utterance.

"He'll be fine" I sighed. "I think I'm pretty occupied right now to go searching for a relationship to build"

"Occupied with what, sweetheart?"

"Come on, you'll—

The bursting open of the door drowned the voice of my friend, as the form of Principal McKenna made her entry into the space.

Face blank, those eyes made sure to scrutinize me so well, and in a second, bright set of teeth were out in the open, with eyes beaming on at me, they managed to earn my focus.

"Oh, Cara" She called out, voice filled with so much cheer.

"I trust your day's going well" She followed.

"It is" I chuckled. "But is there something amiss here?" I was forced to ask.

"There's always cause to be jolly, Miss Sangretti. Even during tough times"

My perplexed eyes sure must have caught her attention as she waved her hands at me, laughter soon fading.

"I'm impressed" She began, taking the seat opposite the desk.

"Impressed?" The confusion pulled me, scrutiny centered on the form away.

"Mister Marshall" She stated.

Chest tightened at the drop of her words, eyes narrowed her way, and not until a wide grin had crossed her lips, had that burn being off me.

"It's like you worked miracles on him!" She cried.

"We couldn't have hired someone better for the position" She followed.

"Miss Sangretti, You've given enough smiles to your degree. I must say"

"It's nothing serious" I pitched in, hoping she would turn any moment now, bidding her farewell, but she only remained in that seat, eyes taking me in.

"It's like Logan's been reborn"

My eyes were blank at the lady, wondering where such life flowed from.

"We've not had an ill report of him for a while now, in fact the teachers have been stating how good of a conduct he's been in lately"

"It's like you worked those magic fingers on him"

Her eyes contracted on my profile, gaze rested on me.

"Are you alright, Miss Sangretti?"

"Of course, I am" I cleared my throat at once, sitting up in my seat.

"Still you don't seem to fancy the news just told" She added.

"Oh, I very much appreciate it, Miss McKenna. It delights me to know that he's much—

Words got lost in my throat, as that figure pulled into the room, snapping the gazes of Miss McKenna and I, as he made his way into the office. For a long minute, those green eyes took my form, lingering for a long moment, and at once they shifted to the form of Miss McKenna, finally acknowledging her presence.

"Logan" She squealed at once, getting off the chair, moving over to him.

"Come! Come! Come!"

She had offered a seat, eyes soon turning to him.

"Perhaps I should stay back and observe the wonders you work on this young man and how you manage to keep him in check"

I caught the eyes of Logan taking a rest on me, a sneaky grin crawling up his lips, while he relaxed back in that seat.

Both of their gazes fixed my way, I appeared to be the object of inspection here.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh come on, Cara. Don't be shy" The woman began. "Ignore my presence and assume I'm not in the room, I'd like to behold your lecturing" She followed with such wide smile on those lips, eyes still holding onto my form.

"I wish I could bare it all to you, Miss McKenna, but I hold the confidentiality of my subjects so well that it wouldn't be proper for you being in the room"

"Subjects?" She smiled "I love that"

"Very well, then. If you say so"

She pulled over to Logan, giving the young man a pat on the back, and in a second, she was way past the door.

My gaze came beholding the figure away from me, eyes watching that scrutiny lingering on my profile.

"Hey" My voice could barely be made out, with eyes faltering at the lingering ones of his.

"I love when you shudder" He followed.

"I don't shudder" I fixed my eyes onto the young man in front of me, gaze examining him.

"Certainly not in front of you" I followed.

We both remained there, gazes not leaving the other's, with all to be felt, the tranquility that poured in.

"I heard the principal" He began, eyes shifting away. "Do you in anyway think I've changed" His gaze soon came back to me.

"They want you to" He followed.

"Do you?"

His eyes held mine, that gaze of his so warm, questioning me, awaiting for a response, but they only managed to have me lost.

"Peace is all you need, Logan" My voice remained low, hands pushing away the file which had his name on it, onto an isolated corner of the desk.

"You definitely don't need my opinion, the principal's or any other person's opinion. But I do wish to see you heal, Logan"

"You think there's something wrong with me?" He called.

"You're hurting" I followed.

"But I don't feel like I'm hurting"

"I feel better"


"Believe me, Cara"

"I do believe you. But that could also be because your mind has found something much entertaining, it has decided to put a rest to the pains of what happened"

"You'll need to face it someday" I called.

"It's in the past already" That tone had fallen.

"What happened to your brother will always remain with you, Logan. I won't lie telling you it will all be gone"

"That is a memory that will live with you. He is a close one. He is family. You never forget, no matter how hard you try"

"But one thing I can tell you is that you can heal" My voice was low, figure soon tearing off the chair, as I went over to him.

"You're not the cause of your brother's death" You need to start from there" I followed.

"Why do you keep bringing him up?" He questioned.

"Because I hate to see you hurt"

His eyes took mine at once, with that puff of breath he gave, fanning against my face.

"You're beautiful" Those words poured out of nowhere, with hands soon grabbing mine, I pulled back at his touch, right as he had gotten to his feet, pulling my form to his.

"Logan" I called, laying my hands flat on the surface of his chest.

"You should heal" My breaths were found pouring low, while those lips inched even nearer to me.

"Tell me what you want" He called, eyes meeting mine.

"I want you to make a promise" I called at once, eyes beaming on at him.

"What is it?"

"I want you to promise me never to blame yourself for Ashton's death" Those words softened that gaze beholding my profile, with his hands reaching for mine, he pulled me even nearer.

"And I wish to see you heal"

He had crashed his lips onto mine at once, arms linked in mine.

In a low breath, his words hit my ears.

"I want you to come with me"