
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


'Is there a way I can get stronger?' '

Ryu asked

[There are billions of worlds and trillions of universes that exist, the struggle will take you to one of them and as soon as you enter one of them, you will lose your memories and you will have new memories with time, you will regain your memories and when you return to you fully, you will be able to get out of the world whenever you want + if you die, you will get out automatically ]

"Can I take Mihok and Borsalino with me?"

[ The first trial is free, so yes, you will take them for free, but you will not be together ]

Ryu went to explain the matter to them and after getting their consent, Nizam ordered to transfer them to a random world

In the void between the worlds we can see a soul waiting for its fate Byas (Ryu after he entered this world )

One day, while watching one of the anime and he was crossing the road on the street, he found a damn truck sending him a bird in the sky and tore into the ground without any prior warning or, you know, I'm a liar, everyone on the street was warning him, but he was wearing headphones and focused with the anime and didn't care about anyone else, so here he is now ( his new memories ) until a God appeared in front of him

How does he know that he is a God simply he has seen almost all the novels of transition and desires and so on simply being hit by a truck from the cosmic trucking company of carriers goes into the void a few years a god appears in front of you asking for your desires to move become the strongest in the world this is very simple

"It's not as simple as you think."

The young man was surprised and said

"Why don't I get my wishes and so on?"

God's response

"You will get them, but the world you are going to is not simple."

"Does it make sense that it's dragon ball or maybe martial peak?"

"No, it's a world you've never seen before."

"Is there a God in it?"

"It's full of Gods."

"Well, it looks like I have to make strong wishes. well, how many wishes do I have?"

"You have 4 wishes "

"Well, first of all, I want a strong struggle that suits me in this world, secondly, I want to have a great background that gives me some strength, not money, and it's better to be an orphan and I don't mind some money either, before I say my third wish, what kind of energy is in this world?"

"This is a world of magic and elements."

"If my third wish is, I want the highest magical talent and affinity for all elements."

"They're supposed to be wishful thinking, but I'm kind and in a good mood, so I allow it ( or maybe it's because the writer wants it)."

"Wonderful and my fourth and last wish I want immortality ( eternal youth / infinite age / absolute renewal ) "

"All your wishes are accepted now, the window of order will appear in front of you, so let's choose what will appear in it, and now goodbye."

The God disappeared and the window of Nidam appeared

[ Name:



Gender: ]

Our hero began to choose and in the end it became like this

[ Name: Akatsuki Ryu

Age: 13 (Khaled )

Figure: Gogo Satoru

Gender: male ]

After finishing the selection, he suddenly found himself in one of the most luxurious rooms that his eyes had seen, so he immediately asked the system

"Hey, the system told me my new identity."

[ The host is the son of the God of light and the God of dreams because of your grandfather's fear of you because you had the strength of your parents and also other abilities he brought you to the planet Earth and put you in a mountain and left you there fortunately a couple found you who just got married in their first month and were on an expedition in the mountains and when they found you, they took pity on you and adopted You. years passed until a few days ago they died in an accident of your uncle's fabrication and today he told you on the phone that he is coming and you have to sign a paper to take care of you until you grow up, but he wants to the possession of the inheritance because you are their only heir and now it is close to arrival ]

"So how should I deal with the situation now, regime, show me my situation."

[ Name: Akatsuki Ryu

Age: 13

Magician rank: you haven't become a magician yet

Title: there is not yet

Physical strength: 10

Magical energy: not yet awakened

Authorities: none

Divine abilities: turning dreams into reality ( as the son of the God of dreams, of course you will be able to turn the things you dream about into reality) - the son of light ( as the son of the God of light, you have the ability to use the power of light and holy energy in everyحية life) - the grace of the sun ( as the grandson of the God of time, you have his blessing, the blessing of the God of time, the grace of time )

Abilities: Supreme Magic talent-absolute regeneration

Elements: total affinity

Contracts: so the host has no contract

Gender: male

Bloodline: holy God (when parents and grandparents are gods you get the bloodline of the Holy God ) ]

"Hey, system, there's a starter pack."

[Of course you want to open it ]

"Open it."

[Congratulations to the host I've got

Awakening of magical energy

Medium-level magic spell { fire spear }

Demon slayer sword ]

"That's great. now at least I can kill my bastard uncle."

[Have you been killed before?] ]

"No, it will be the first time."

[So are you sure you can kill him ]

"I'm going to try it, or at least I'm going to threaten him with a fire spear."

[Try to kill him, this is advice ]

After half an hour

While I was in my room trying to get used to using magical energy, I heard a knock on the door, I said

"Come in."

A well-muscled and articulate valet with firmness and strength walked in, he told Ryu

"Ryu sama I advise you not to sign that paper "

"I wasn't going to sign in the first place. I just called my uncle. is he here?" "

"He and the lawyer came, but I asked the guards to try to delay them so that I could talk to you."

Rio's response

"Let's tell everyone to leave, their work period is over for this day."

"Even the guards?" What if they were armed or something like that?"

"Don't worry, before they know it, they'll be dead."

The server was shocked, but he said

"If you are confident, well done."

The server left and came back again 15 minutes later and said

"Everyone who is in the Palace, just me, you, your uncle and the lawyer."

"Well then, lead the way to them."

After walking for a while, they entered a room where there were two people, one who had serious features and another who seemed happy to the point of insanity, the first was lawyer Miyamoto Shino and the second was his uncle zartora akimochi

Let me explain something, which is the reason for the difference in family names

When Rio was put in the ground, his grandfather wrote his name on a piece of paper, so they recorded him with his real last name, and now let's go back to our events

Ryu said, smiling at his uncle

"How are you, dear uncle "

"I'm fine, How Are you?"

"I'm fine too."

His uncle immediately said

"Come on, Rio, take this paper and sign it."

"Why are you so excited and hasty, uncle, there's something I don't know in this paper."

"Of course not, of course I'm excited because I'm going to follow you."

"Really, isn't that like taking over all my parents' property?"

I showed signs of tension and anger at her until the uncle said

"What is this nonsense you are saying, Ryu, who told you this is a liar, is he This despicable servant?"

And angrily hurled at the unique server

"Oya Oya why did you get angry, uncle, I was just kidding you, of course, I know you only want my good for that."

{ Fire magic ● fire spear }

Suddenly a spear appeared in Rio's hand, which shocked everyone there and immediately attacked them, his uncle pulled out a gun, but before he shot or was ready, Rio cut off his head, and the lawyer immediately and filled his body and clothes with blood, turned to Alfred ( I will call the servant by his name from now on), whose features remained normal even after seeing the magic and told him

"Clean up this mess quickly before anyone sees it."

Alfred raised his hands and said

{ Fire magic ● holy cremation }

Within seconds, the bodies of his uncle and the lawyer were completely cremated, their clothes and blood left no trace other than the blood on the sofa and that on Rio's body, Alfred said

"Add yourself, Ryu Sama, and I'll burn the whole room and say that the room burned down, and give any reason, and don't forget to burn those clothes too."

Ryu nodded and went to take a shower after it was over, raised his hands and tried to do what he was doing to summon a fire spear, but he was trying to make a fireball, not a spear, after focusing a little, he succeeded and a magic circle appeared in his hands, a small fireball was fired at his clothes to burn them the reason for being small is because he

[The host has successfully made a low-level magic spell { fireball }

Because the host made the first technique, I got 50,000 shop points ]

"Well, I'll check the store soon."

While he was pleased with his achievement, Alfred came and said

"Sir, how about going to the Magic Academy?"

"What's the Magic Academy?"

"Didn't your parents tell you when they opened the magic energy for you "

"I actually opened it on my own."

Alfred was shocked and said

"To unlock magical energy on your own at this age, you are a miracle, you must actually belong to a family of talented magicians who put you on the mountain to live life."

"It is possible "

"Anyway, the magic academy is an Academy where you will study for 5 years, when you graduate, according to your strength, you will become a magician of some degree, and this is determined by your strength, skills and achievements in the academy, there is a magician of the first to ninth degree, a holy knight of the first to ninth degree, and a legendary knight of the first to ninth degree, those of the ninth rank are the most powerful existence on this planet."

After he finished explaining, someone with pink hair and pink eyes suddenly appeared, he was neither tall nor short at the same time, and he looked like a show of strength, he said

"I claim Akatsuki Nero, the director of the magic academy, I felt a magical power here, so I came to check it out and I kept watching you all the time. you, Akatsuki Ryu, how about you enter the elite class in the first year of the Magic Academy?"

Alfred was shocked and said

"Can my young Master really enter the elite class?"

Nero said

"Of course he's very talented."

He paused a little and then said Seriously

"But where are you from, Rio, why do we have the same surname?"

Rio got nervous and said

"They adopted me and found me on a mountain."

"So, all right, let's get your things, we'll go to the Academy now."

"Right now today?"؟؟؟ "

"Yes today "

"Okay, I'm going to get my things ready now."

After 30 minutes

Ryu came back with a big bag in his hand

He bid farewell to Rio and said to Nero:

"Let's go, Director."

They came out of the palace and Nero clapped his hand and a horse-drawn carriage appeared whose horses were pure black winged and the carriage the carriage looked royal Rio was shocked how it appeared like that until Rio said

"How I brought her out of the Blue "

"It's the magic of Dreams, a magic inherited from my mother."

After saying this, Ryu confirmed that this person is his brother