
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


He appeared in front of the person who heard his voice and what he looked at was an old man with some blue stripes and shooting a burning Cyan-green flame

"I felt your strong aura and set off to fight the strongest," he said arima as his gray eyes turned blood red

"Evil energy?" It seems that you have another personality controlling you when facing the powerful " the old man looked at me calmly and analyzed everything that happened in front of him and was smiling beautifully

He set off with his sword arima but was completely crushed by that old man's finger

"Absolute power mode: Berserker" spokeما where he turned into a black monster and the aura of blood boiled around him

"This is going to be a little tiring," the old man said and set off to attack arima

Two days later he woke up arima while he was sitting on a bed.. It can't be called a bed because it's a rock

"Where am I?" And why am I here I was next to Zhou fan, and I brought the egg, and mother saved the Thunderbird from the lion, why did you come here," he said as he was looking around at the dark cave in which he is


The candles were lit and the figure of the old man appeared in front of arima and he said, "Are you all right, boy?""

"Yes, who are you, big one?""He spokeما what he thought was that he looked at the power that this man possessed as if it were a vast ocean

"Well, boy, I took care of your case, since another character appeared to you," said the old man


"I can help you, but there is something in return," the old man smiled strangely

"You need to find the Heavenly Emperor's legacy اري" the old man finished his words indifferently to the opinion ofما what

"Okay, I'll do it, but how are you going to help me?""He spoke arima as he looked at the old man suspiciously

His green heavenly flame appeared, "this is my innate flame that you can refine your soul with and metabolize to increase the power of your soul so that you block the beast inside you."

Arima thought and remembered the task and agreed, he could get rewards in any case, 'hahaha' he laughed internally and took the flame and refined it into the wind element, as it represents the wind more than the flame, and two of the five stars became flashing much larger

"If you must help me develop Sicily, then I am in front of the barrier of the Heavenly Emperor and the power of the Phoenix of destructive Thunder," he said taking advantage of his position

"I will not skimp on you," said the old man, as he showed a ring and gave it to Arima, as it contained billions of Sacred Stones, herbs and polishing materials

"That's enough for me," he said and walked out of the place

"Don't forget your promise," the old man spoke quietly and disappeared from his place

"I don't make a promise unless I keep it, so don't worry," he said, when he walked out of the place and used the "change" technique and appeared next to Zhou fan, who was polishing the diamond sand at the time

He sent arima some green flames to Zhao fan where he began to refine his body with flames and sand together

He completed his mission arima and got sukuna's fingers and


It seems that he will not benefit from it at the moment, so he thoughtما as he continued to refine it, where he broke through and reached the fifth layer due to the flame

|New mission: defeat the seventh elder and kill all his disciples

Equivalent: twenty finger sukuna|

"It seems that I will finish this reward to find out what will happen to sukuna after eating all 100 fingers," he continued arima as he began to develop his body

A week later Zhou fan completed his refinement and together they went to kill the seventh elder

"Chu fan elder for you and me disciples" spoke arima

"Why don't you like the strong?""Qu fan wondered

"He's weak, so I'm not interested in him," he said arima as he continued his walk and set off for Ning's wedding.. Or to the massacre of the seventh elder!

Arrived arima and Zhou fan completedما Ma the task of killing the disciples and Zhou fan completed his task of killing the seventh and then they set off to the Grain competition because the eggs were damaged by The Lion King of flame

They set off together but arima as he was thinking of a way to greatly increase his strength, he broke up with Zhou fan and slipped into flower city quickly and when he arrived and entered the city, he had entered an inn and looked and saw Yuji eating there

"Yogi?" Why are you here"

"Brother?" I came for the competition, where my skills in polishing grain increased, " he comfortably talked with his brother arima

Arima started to find out what happened to Yuji and Yuji was talking about that he fought with one of the young gentlemen after the Luo family left and defeated him but he kept using his family's power to bully him

"He was from one of the seven families, what was his name?" Yes, huangbo Chen Yun, " Yuji continued

"How dare he hurt my little brother" a bloody aura appeared arima but it disappeared for a moment. " Viu started to control it."

"Well, your Big Brother is here, so don't worry," the two spoke quietly, smiling at Yogi arima and they went up to a room together, entered

Take out the fingers arima and feed them to Yogi a finger every hour until two days have elapsed

"Yuji, I'm going to talk to sukuna, so bear with it a little bit," he spoke arima when he entered Yuji's consciousness, where there was a five-meter-long egg here, and it seems that sukuna's domain has completely disappeared and there is no one in this space

Five minutes later



The egg began to break and a six-armed person with three heads appeared and was holding in each hand a weapon a hammer sword, a spear, a dagger, a scythe

"Congratulations on your development, the strongest sukuna," he said as he looked at sukuna arima as sukuna's eyes turned completely white

"Who are you?""Sukuna spoke quietly as he looked at me arima with his gray eyes

"I arima, Have you forgotten me?""He spoke arima but sukuna was looking into what was inside my eyes arima

"Talk about who you are," sukuna continued his question, looking directly at Emma's soul, and then my eyes turned red arima"

"Kikikiki, I didn't expect this. can you see me?""Arima's form changed as his head turned into the head of a black dragon with four horns, two advanced forward and the rest backward

And his whole body was protected by dark black scales, and his tail was as black as coal, and his eyes were red, everyone who sees him will say one word "demon"!!

"Who are you and why are you wearing a body arima?""Sukuna spoke and he was ready to fight

"I arima and Arima are me, we are two sides of the same coin, sukuna," the devil spoke softly

"Well, I have a question, sukuna, what is the taste of being the strongest in the food chain, higher than all creatures, and you can kill anyone with one word?" the devil spoke and was asking sukuna

"It's not that exciting, but I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and that's what I want," sukuna said and began to set off to fight the devil in front of him, with whom he and Arema signed a cooperation contract in order to win the championship

Their speed and power were destructive, as space was being destroyed by everything in it, sukuna used purification arima: copying and copying everything the devil does in front of him, as he got it by 70% of arima

But at the moment of his loss, in less than a second, the copying technique was developed, where it reached 100% full and he began to outperform the devil, and he was fighting evenly and slightly outperforming him

But in the middle of their fight the demon destroys his body

/ Dark element seventh ability: Soul absorption|

The demon used his seventh technique and formed a black band around sukuna and began to absorb him, but will sukuna give up Of course not

"The technique of the sword God: the crescent of categorical destruction of space-time"

Sukuna spoke and his black and green aura shot out in the direction of the demon and was destroyed, but he completed the absorption and they were merged together into one form and one soul

After a whole day, he woke up arima where Yogi was waking him up because he fainted after entering his consciousness space

"Did sukuna beat you, brother?""Yogi spoke and was looking at arima was bleeding from his eyes

"I don't know, I wanted to talk to him, and I fainted after that, and I don't know what happened arima grabbed Yuji's head and entered consciousness, but he found only a dark void

"Yuji sukuna disappeared from your body" spoke Ma calmly, got up from his bed, washed his face of blood and set off to train his soul, body and energy

Within a month, he completed his preparation arima as he reached the level of the ninth layer of the deep sky, and it seems that he is ready to search for Zhou fan!

Search arima and it looks like Zhou fan is in disguise and started looking for his things okay let's let him I'll complete my training

He completed his training arima and increased his foundation in the world of deep heaven until the second Prince of the Imperial gate came to boom fortunes

He lookedما from the window of the inn and did not come down and looked at Huangpu with a gentle smile and he was carrying a high killing aura as his mental strength began to increase after training in the past months after Huangpu entered the guest reception hall

Set off arima to walk the streets

"Have you heard Zhou fan?""

"Yes, he killed the seventh elder."

"I heard rumors that his friend killed all the disciples of the seventh elder in seconds."

"What?" It's impossible."

'The rumours spread very quickly,' he continued اري as he walked until he found a child begging in front of him

/ Chen Yu

Cultivation level: intensification of Chi Class IV

Talent: high sword, high ICE , high space

Age: 10 years

Height: 136|

A poor boy looked at the boy, whose bones were visible due to not eating for a long time and it seemed that he was almost dead

"Baby, why don't you come with your older brother?""He spoke arima when he took the child's hand and went

He took himما to the inn and changed his clothes with his food as he healed his body by regenerating the darkness

And he looked beautiful with black hair and black eyes like it was pitch black and his white skin like filtered milk

He took him arima and bought him clothes and some food and a sword for him

"Chen Er, how about you become my disciple?""Speak arima what

"Are you strong, Big Brother?""Qin Yu spoke, rejoicing at what he had done arima what to him

"So strong at the peak of the Deep Sky realm, what do you think?""He spoke arima with a smile on his little brother's face

"Very strong, you are strong, brotherما Ma," Chen spoke in amazement, looking at arima and was surprised at the level of his refinement

"You will be my strength one day, so come on, Will you become my disciple?" he continued what he offered

"Yes, definitely, brother," Chen Yu said with joy, and he was crying because he was born an orphan and there was no one to help him since he started walking, he was begging and eating garbage. he had been homeless since childhood

"He sighed... What a miserable child " he spoke sadly about Qin Yue's condition arima and then he went to the place where the seven families were gathered, where he found Shi Tian in front of the door

"Hui Shi Tian is that you?""He spokeما when he was next to them

"Huh اري what?" That's you, how are you? it's been a long time since" Shi Tian spoke with joy as he agreed withما they were like brothers and they were practicing swordsmanship together

"Why are you standing, let's go in?" he spoke arima when he took Shi Tian and entered

'Oh that's why' he looked at where the Shi family was sitting and there was a man there that was Zhou fan in disguise

"My friend Song Yu, How Are You arima" he continued to advance and reached Zhou fan

'Complete the wave with me' send a message to Zhou fan

"Hello Brother arima How Are You?" Song Yu said with a smile and they drank together

'This shi's brother Zhou fan' sent a message to Shi Tian arima and Shi Tian sat down and completed their play

"Who is this kind guest?""Huangpu Qingyun spoke

"Ma, the angel of the icy void" spokeما Ma showed his right eye from a sample band where his gray eye appeared as he looked at Huangpu Qingyun

'What is this overwhelming pressure that has come down on US' was the thought of everyone in the hall as he showed a space aura especially on Huangpu Qingyun but he dispelled it before a battle started between them

'We will take the Buddhist roots and then kill them arima' he sent his message to Zhou fan where the aura of death was felt by Zhou fan and his body was chilling

'Well, you have it,' Zhou fan said, and then a discussion began about the treatment of the elders of the Flower Tower sect

"So why don't you make it a bonus in the cereal competition, will you accept that?""He kissed everyone while the rain Flower Tower boss was in a bad state of mind he came out arima and he went with Qin Yue and started training him

He transferred all his ice, vacuum and sword skills and gave him the divine body technique of the five elements and increased Qin Yu's strength to the first bone refinement layer

After that the cereal contest started Arima went to see her with Yuji and Chen Yu

"Yuji is he that person?""He pointed to Huangpu Qingyun

"Yes, it's him," Yuji said, and he's sure of it

"What's there, brother arima?""Elder jiu spoke in bewilderment

"They bullied my brother and I the debt multiplied exponentially," he said, " and the aura of murder enveloped the whole arena, where everyone under the Deep Sky realm was crushed to the ground and whoever was in the Deep Sky couldn't breathe with great difficulty."

"What the hell is this pressure," everyone at the contest said in unison

Yuji held Arima's hand until he regained اري his sanity and dispelled his bloody aura, " he sighed.. He sighed, " I must develop my soul more and more, speak more strongly arima deep down

The competition was completed and Zhou fan took the Buddhist root but the fifth Elder stepped forward and hit him on the chest but Zhou fan repelled her with his wings

The fifth Elder shouted one name, "Chu fan," and rushed over to him, but

"Change" appeared arima in front of him and the fifth Elder was crushed into small pieces

"Huangpu, I have endured you so much until now, show your corruption or I will kill you and your whole family, you coward who bullied my little brother," he spoke with all anger and might and was drawing his sword

Huangpu was urinating on himself out of fear of his aura arima the deadly thing that crushed his body into crumbs

"You're not coming huh?""Ma appeared arima next to him, grabbed his neck, sent him flying to the first podium of the competition and began arima to use his skills

"The element of darkness: the fifth skill of destructive darkness"

Use the sixth skill arima where it destroys Huangpu's body from the inside and regenerates it, but it does not increase its strength, but rather increases the pain every time, twice as much as before, this state lasted for a whole hour, where he turned into a paste of bones, blood and internal organs

Huangpu was screaming and crying, but no one found him until they were all watching "The Devil Returns From Hell."

Some even called the empty Angel of death, they gave him this name because of the deadly aura and empty because there are no feelings for him except destruction

He continued torturing him and eventually absorbing him by "manipulating the energy" that he had developed from Mahito's technique, he could absorb spiritual power and energy from them

After he completed that, he came out arima with his blood-red hair that had changed due to the blood splattered on it, he took Yuji and Qin Yu and set off to return with Zhou fan to the family

|The main character was killed

Reward: increased spiritual strength|

I feel like arima he can control himself more now, and I say, the monster inside him controls his body now

"It looks like I'm going to kill some of the main characters" Ma returned to the preemptive place and killed the Yu Ming family elder and the pleasure forest elder arima"

/ Your spiritual strength has increased|

/ Your spiritual strength has increased|

After completing this, he carried the grain King and returned to the place where he was with Zhu Fan and his brothers

Later, the grain King was persuaded to work with us and gave Zhou fan a detox pill, where he returned to his youth

Two days later

I felt when an old man approached the world of divine illumination where he stood arima when Zhu Fan and Yan Song felt that

"Zhou fan, take the children and go," he gave arima Chen Yu and Yuji who were sleeping to Yan Song and Zhou fan

"So, are you the one who was following us?""He spoke arima as he was looking at the old man in front of him

"I'm Li jingtian, I came to steal your martial arts," the old man spoke and began to attackما but hehat hehat couldn't take a blow even once

"The basic sword technique: chopping" spoke arima as the old man was cut hundreds of wounds, but not deeply, as this technique is simplified from Infinite chopping

He grabbed him arima when Zhu Fan and Yan Song's creation set off, he reached out to them and gave the old man to Zhu Fan so that he could join the family and they set off together where he saw arima some elders from four families all in duos

Advanceما and slaughter them in seconds and complete their way to the city of Fengning Ning Xi

He arrived arima when there was a rebellion by the Tai family, he detained them in the Void Prison World, killed all the elders who were here and completed his way to the inside of the mountain where everyone was there

He took Yuji and Qin Yu with him to train and also treat them, as their body was damaged due to the overwhelming aura he showed arima while crushing Huangpu

The aura of darkness began to intensify significantly around them and the treatment for injuries began, as their powers returned and they are now deeply asleep

After that, he entered the offense and began to train his body for five months and when he came out, his body had swelled so much that his muscles began to appear on his body in a big way that he almost resembles tuji in terms of the body currently

He continued to train the foundation until the foundation of his refinement reached the highest attainable, then he completed the development of his soul by Phoenix lightning and green flame and increased his spiritual strength so greatly that he thought he would intensify his primordial soul

After that, he and Zhou fan went to whiten the Thunderbird in order to enter the purple lightning Valley in order to obtain the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance

As they were setting off, there was something moving in the depths of arima

Inside his conscious mind there was a black egg pulsing exaggeratedly as it's every sound of the pulses was destroying a mountain in this world and eventually it started to crack a little

After a long time

He had reached the Thunder Strait after fighting the four demons and also defeated Gu Santong in terms of physical strength alone and finally became the brother of arima

Now he is standing next to Zhu Fan in order to hatch the egg and then search for the Thunder Valley, but at that time the sky began to darken and a large cloud appeared, shooting purple Thunder farther away arima when each of the four Demons, Lu jingtian, taking Zhu Fan and Santong with him, Heath rushed to the weak point of the formation and smashed it where he appeared in

"Xiao San, Can you find a way out of this matrix?""

"Brother, I can use my nose" and then he took off arima behind saintong and they came out of the barrier, but what appeared in front of them was a giant shadow!!