
The Contract : Madness

Ben is a multi millionaire who runs the biggest company in America called Matrix, mandated by Grandpa Jeff to get married or lose the company. Ben was abandoned by his father, who does want to see him ever and a terrible tradegy, Ben lost his mom afterwards. Ben is the second grand son of grandpa Jeff, he was groomed by his grand pa, Ben handled 89% of his companies and businesses. Kim is a no-nonsense, stubborn woman. She's in love with a man who doesn't regard her but stays with her because all he stands to gain. It's all about romance, action, money, drama, betrayal, suspect, and mature content.

Xplorewit_Mimi · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

The only one

"Do you trust them?" Ben asked.

"Yes! They're my friends." Henry assures him.

Ben got up and walked toward a whiteboard, threw the half cigarette on the ground, and stepped on it. Henry and the other two guys moved closer to have a view of it.

"Those are our targets." Ben points to the board. Picture of Noah, Uncle gold, and of stone that was hung on the board also.

"What I will need you to do for now is to stalk them. Poison, I want you to start spying on them and take their pictures without being exposed, do you think you can handle that?."

"Yes boss, I'm on it," Poison said.

"And we're going to plan on how to stop my grandpa from going to England with stones," Ben explained.

"Is this a blood spilling mission?" Ruby asked.

"No blood, I just want the world to know them for who they are." Ben said.

"What if they turn back on us?" Poison said.

"Then we'll share blood," Ben said huskily.

"That's gonna be cool." Rudy's mouth forms into a wicked grind.

"This place will be our warehouse for the mission no one is going to find out.

Ruby, I want you to make me a GPS tracking device, Can you?."

"Yes boss," Ruby replied.


Ben went back to his car with Henry.

"Office or home?" Henry asked from the front seat.

"Home," Ben muttered. Thinking of Kim, her angelic face, and tender Hands. He doesn't want to involve her in this mess, he knows it's not easy to let go of her but he has to. Kim being with him would let him slow down, and has to protect her and himself.


He entered the house and there was no sign of Kim at home. He sights a cake on the dining table.

"Kim touches him from the back, he turns and sees her. She wears a colourful cone cap on her head which makes her look like a two-year-old kid. She was smiling from ear to ear. He can't help but laugh it out.

"Today is your birthday?" Ben asked.

She nodded her head impatiently.

"Why didn't you tell me today is your birthday?" Ben inquired.

"You've been busy lately so…Come." She held his hand and dragged him to the table.

"Why don't we go out to celebrate your birthday?" He suggested.

"Maybe some other time. Now, let's cut the cake." She said grinning.

"Do you always celebrate your birthday this boring?" He asked, raising one of his brows in amusement.

"I celebrated it with my best friend last year. And now with you." Kim chuckles.

"Today is the second of August, noted. I won't forget your birthday next year. but I'm still taking you out." He smiled.

"Okay, boss. can we just cut the cake now?" Kim requested.

She held the knife to the cake and slid it down. Clapping her hands.

"Not even a word before cutting the cake." He folded his Arms.

"I've made a wish." She said smiling.

"What do you wish for?" Ben asked.

"I wish for l you to have better health and God should give you strength to defeat your enemies." Kim said.

Ben's emotions crumbled, and he released his arms, "You didn't have a wish for yourself?" Ben asked.

"Your wishes matter a lot, I have had a lot of wishes over the years." She smiled.

Ben stared at her. She is a good woman. He has been meeting many women in his life but she is different, something about her seems supernatural. She is not the only beautiful woman, but she has the charm that drives him crazy.

"Let's do this." He said and scrolled to his phone and played solo music. Put his phone on the table and stretched his hand.

"Shall we dance?" The corner of his mouth curves into a smirk.

She took his hand. He pulled her close and held her waist, moving to the rhythm of the music. She placed her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"You know." He said.

Kim lifted her head to look at him and he was staring into her eyes.

" You are the only one I want." He blurted out.

They stopped the dance and stood face to face with his hand still on her waist.

"I'm stressed." He whispered.

"How can I help you, I want to ease your stress?" She replied quietly, almost innocent.

He grabbed her cheeks, making them puff up with her lips. Her face looks like a cute golden fish.

"I want to be inside of you." Ben replied.

Looking into each other's eyes, he slowly moved his head closer and took her low lip into his mouth feeling her tender, soft lips. She felt his hand inside her gown, close to the inner thigh.

She held her breath, unable to know what she felt as his touch brought tingling to her lower body. No one has ever touched her like that before.

Kim gasped when she felt his finger on top of her lace pant. He draws a circle around her clitoris, stroking so gently that it makes her want to pee.

He shakes his other hand around her waist and pulls her, even more, closer to him. He leaned and whispered into her ear.

"You can tell me to stop if you want me to." Ben said.

She grabbed his shirt from the back, clinging her fingers to his body.

"D..Don't stop." Kim replied.

Ben's mouth formed into a wicked grin. Who could restrain his touch?

His finger then found their way inside her pants, rubbing her whole fold.

"Ah.." she moans when she feels his finger rubbing her clitoris over and over again, not stopping anytime soon.

She took a deep breath as she arched her back, surrendering herself to the multiple sensations she was feeling right now. Her leg was shaking, unable to stand.

"Call me daddy." He said quietly and licked her neck.

"D.. Daddy." She shuttered.

"You're so sweet." He scoffed and choked her neck.

"I love that." He Inserted his two-finger into her slick hole.

"G.. Sh.." she gripped his shirt from the back.

She did not even recognize her voice as he dipped his finger inside of her.

He carried her and made her sit on the table. "You'll love it, trust me." He said

She even dared to nod her head impatiently as she wanted it badly. He smirked, he spread her legs widely making the side of her gown go up to her waist, leaving her with bare thighs and pants in front of him. He stares at her thighs with eyes full of unadulterated lust.

Ben immediately fisted on the waistband of her pants and brought them down without any stress. He bends her knees and pushes them against her side, making her stretch wide in front of him.

"Fucking mine." He utters as he delves into her core. His tongue in the centre line from the bottom to the top before sucking her clitoris. He teases it with his tongue flicking the fold and grabs her left breast.

She moans softly and sinks her hand into his hair, feeling a thick sweat coming out of her body sending a shiver down her lower body.

They made love.