
The Contract : Madness

Ben is a multi millionaire who runs the biggest company in America called Matrix, mandated by Grandpa Jeff to get married or lose the company. Ben was abandoned by his father, who does want to see him ever and a terrible tradegy, Ben lost his mom afterwards. Ben is the second grand son of grandpa Jeff, he was groomed by his grand pa, Ben handled 89% of his companies and businesses. Kim is a no-nonsense, stubborn woman. She's in love with a man who doesn't regard her but stays with her because all he stands to gain. It's all about romance, action, money, drama, betrayal, suspect, and mature content.

Xplorewit_Mimi · Urban
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39 Chs

Trouble comes home

Ben struts inside the penthouse. The security and workers bow when he passes by. He walked into the elevator and pressed the button, it whisked up and stopped.

He made his way into the hallway and turned to a black door, held the knob, and pulled it open.

Grandpa was sitting in his suit with Noah and a man In a black suit standing at his back. With a black sunshade on his face, he doesn't look like an easy puzzle.

He bows his head. "You called me last night." He said.

"Have your seat son." Grand Jeff said coughing. He looks thinner and sick.

He settled on the couch, facing Noah who was smiling brightly. "Have you been doing well?"

"No." He coughed again. "I want to go to England for treatment due to my health. I haven't been doing well lately." He used a handkerchief to cover his nose and coughed again.

"Should I come with you to the USA? I'll fain for it" Ben asked curiously.

"No, the new bodyguard Noah assigned Would come with me, he said my safety comes first. When I'm gone Noah will be managing this place so I want you two to support each other," Jeff. Ben glanced at Noah who was staring at him.

The bodyguard walked to the middle. "I'm stone, nice to meet you, Mr. Ben." He stretched his hand, and Ben hesitated before taking his hand. That moment brought his eyes to his wrist. He saw a butterfly tattoo. He recalled very well the day his brother died the man he saw had the same tattoo on his right-hand wrist. He had a deja of it.

Pains form at the back of his skull all of sudden. He squeezed his eyes and grimaced in pain. "Are you okay Ben?" Noah asked as if he cares.

"Excuse me. I'll use the restroom." He said and walked out then into the public toilet. He opens the tap and splashes the water on his face and looks into the mirror. His heart was beating fast, perhaps it was a panicked attack.

The toilet door opens and Stone enters Ben, watching him through the mirror. The man moved to the sink, losing his belt, and started to pee.

"You seem not fine. Is everything okay?" Stone asked for no sign of sympathy in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ben turns and wants to walk out.

"Have we ever met before?" He boosted out.

Without turning back. "No," Ben said. He heard his footsteps approaching. Stone held his shoulder and squeezed it a little.

"You look perplexed back then, did my appearance give you trouble?" He is brusque.

Ben yanked his hand away. "Don't touch me and I don't know what you're talking about." He opened the door and stormed out.

Ben smells nothing but bad. Noah is not up to something good. He hides somewhere and waits for Noah and the man to walk out of the penthouse. As soon as their car zooms off, Ben's car follows them.

He parked on the other side when their car stopped in front of a place called the studio gallon. When did he start to record music everyone knows music is not his thing, but there's only one way to find out.

Ben alights from his car and crosses the road, he makes his way inside and meets a girl in front of the counter.

"Sir this is a private restaurant." She said not looking out of the book she was writing.

Ben drops ten notes of money on the counter in front of her. She looked up and smiled wryly.

"You're welcome, sir. Take the stairs up." She directs him.

He walked up the stairs and ended up in a room with a red light. People sat drinking beer while others were playing Casino.

He pulled a chair and seat. Not far from Noah and the man. 

"Give me one beer, please." He requested it from a waitress.

"I'll handle the rest, just make sure that old man doesn't return home. We've to remove heavy wood before taking out the lights." Noah muttered.

"I'm already sticking to the plan, it'll go as we plan. But I think there might be a problem." Stone said.

"What is that?" Noah asked. 

"Ben," Stone said. 

When Ben heard his name, chills ran down his spine, he had goosebumps.

"What's wrong with him?" Noah asked. 

"He might be suspecting us." Stone said

"As for Ben, knows nothing, what did he do when his brother died? He can't even hurt a fly." Noah laughed maniacally.

Ben fists his hand into a ball, he was so furious and burning with rage. He had heard enough, so he stormed out of the place. Stone glared at the entrance and saw a shadow.

"This is not a nice place to have a conversation like this, let's get out of here." Stone suggested.

The waitress gets to where Ben was seated before and couldn't find him.

Ben gets back into his car and dials a number. "I think I might know who killed my brother. Now I'm ready, it's time for revenge." His voice was deep and harsh.

Ben was sitting in the corner of a dark room smoking cigarettes and puffing the air out through his mouth and nostrils. His face has a hint of grimness.

The door opened and Henry entered. "They're here." Two men followed him inside, Ben turned to look at them. The one with gold hair, tall and slim, and a dragon tattoo on his neck. The other one has black low-cut hair, not too tall but choppy.

"They're the people you said will be perfect for the job?" Ben asked. His brows furrowed together, danger in his eyes.

"Yes, boss," Henry replied.

"They don't look smart." Ben said emotionlessly.

"Those two were one of the best, that's why I picked them. This is poison." He points to the guy with golden hair, " He is a spy, he has once worked in the military, a masterpiece. And the other one is Roby, a sharpshooter, he can handle technology, ex-ADC agents." He explained.