
The Contract : Madness

Ben is a multi millionaire who runs the biggest company in America called Matrix, mandated by Grandpa Jeff to get married or lose the company. Ben was abandoned by his father, who does want to see him ever and a terrible tradegy, Ben lost his mom afterwards. Ben is the second grand son of grandpa Jeff, he was groomed by his grand pa, Ben handled 89% of his companies and businesses. Kim is a no-nonsense, stubborn woman. She's in love with a man who doesn't regard her but stays with her because all he stands to gain. It's all about romance, action, money, drama, betrayal, suspect, and mature content.

Xplorewit_Mimi · Urban
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39 Chs

The Surprise

Kim opened her eyes and blinked a few times before rolling to another side of the bed. Ben has already left the bed, she recalled they spent the night together, and both ended up on his bed.

She sat up on the bed, with rough hair, a bright red mark spot on her neck, and sleepy eyes. She felt a sharp pain in her lower back. Her phone rang, and reluctantly she stretched out her hand and picked the phone up on the lamp table.

"Hello," she groaned.

"What! You're still sleeping by this time!" Lola shouted.

Kim's eardrum was almost blocked by the shouts.

"What happens?" She was rubbing her eyes lazily.

"Have you forgotten that we have an exam this morning, we're entering the hall anytime soon." Her friend said on the other side.

"Oh my God, oh my God!" She quickly got up from the bed, flung the blanket away, and rushed out of the room. She did not even notice there was a small yellow poster card that Ben left for her on the table. Inside the card was written 'SEE YOU SOON'

She got out of the car and ran towards the school entrance, then to the department hall, where her friend was waiting for her. Kim sights them from afar and rushes towards them panting hard.

"Someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed." Lola teases the tall slim girl with fringe hair.

"I'm sorry girls." She apologised.

"Did you even bathe or comb your hair?" Olivan asked disgustingly. 

"I called you 30 minutes ago. The journey from your house is one hour." Lola said. 

"Let that slide, the most important thing is that I'm here." Kim snapped.

Lola's eyes wandered to her neck and saw the bright red mark on her neck. "Did something bite your neck?" 

She wants to touch it but Kim moves backward and adjusts the polo of her shirt to cover it.

Kim clears her throat. "It's nothing."

Olivia laughed. "Someone got dirty last night."

Kim fluttered her eyes to her in irritation.

The bell rang and the students entered the hall to start the examination. After one hour and 30 minutes of the exam, students start to come out one after the other till the bell rings again.

"Did you finish the question?" Lola asked Kim who was in the middle of them as they were walking out of the hall.

"Yes." She replied.

"Oh, my God. I just did three out of six questions." She almost cries.

"Same here, same here," Olivan said, chewing gum.

"I told you guys to study hard." Kim said.

"You can't compare your brain with ours, we all know you're smart. You're not like Olivia with little brains." Lola blurted out and Kim burst into laughter.

"You this little witch!" Olivan snarls and wants to get into fights with her.

"Okay, can you guys calm down!" Kim screamed.

They saw students gathering around a black car, they were murmuring asking for autographs. "What's going on there?" Lola asked.

"Let's go find out," Olivan suggested.

Some of the students moved aside, giving space to see who is who. Kim gasped in astonishment when she saw Ben writing his autographed signature on the student's hand.

He looked up and saw her. He smiled and waved his hand. Ben was looking all clear and devastatingly handsome.

"Oh, my God! It's Ben King. My crush!" Lola said, fanning herself with her hand. "Wait. What is he doing here?" She looked at Kim and saw both of them staring at each other. "Oh No!"

"He's here for Kim. Is it true that you two were dating?" Olivan grabbed Kim's hand.

"Take it easy." She removed her hand and walked toward the crowd.

"Excuse me, thank you," Ben said, and the students walked away, some still hanging around.

They moved closer to each other. "I heard you guys were having the exam, I wouldn't have come to distract you if I had known."

Kim tucked some of her hair behind her ear smiling. "What are you doing here?" She asked him.

He sighed and looked at Lola and Olivan who stood beside Kim smiling brightly.

"Oh sorry, those are my friends O…" Kim said. 

"I'm Olivia." She interrupted. "And that is Lola." Olivia said.

"I can introduce myself." Lola snapped at Olivan.

Kim rubbed her forehead. They were getting annoying. "They're my friends."

"Nice to meet you, girls." Ben stretched her hand and they both took it at the same time.

"I'm your fan," Lola said smiling.

"I hang your pictures on my bedroom wall even on my pillow, so that I can be able to dream of you," Olivan muttered.

Ben looked at Kim and she shook her head telling him not to mind them.

"Let's take a pic," Lola suggests.

"I hate taking pictu." before he could complete his sentence they had already taken a picture of him with them on their phones.

"Okay bye," Lola said, dragging Olivia with her.

"Okay, They're weird." Ben huffs.

"I'm sorry, they're something else." Kim said. 

"Let's go." He opened the car door.

"Where are we going?" Kim asked.

"Let's find out." He gets into the driver's seat, starts the car, and zooms off.

The car went to the highway and Ben pulled over in front of a salon shop. "Your hair looks so tangled." He said without looking at her.

"Oh.." Kim exclaimed, touching her hair as if she didn't know. "I was in a hurry this morning, I forgot to comb it." She smiled.

"Let's get it fixed." He came out of the car, and she did the same.

They entered the saloon. 

"Welcome, sir." The lady and her workers bow their heads. "This way." She leads.

Ben sat at the back reading magazine as Kim was getting her hair fixed. After some minutes her hair was done, and she was standing in front of Ben showing him her hair. The hair looks straight and shiny.

He raised a thumb. "Perfect."

They loop back into the car. "Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Uhm. Amusement park." She uttered.


The car entered one of the biggest amusement parks in the city. People were seen playing different games.

"Kids come to an amusement park," Ben said smiling.

"There are adults here too, it's Been twenty years since I came here, "There's not much difference between you and those kids." He chuckled.

"Look." Kim pointed at the roller coaster. "I want to ride that." She said.

"Okay, I'll wait here, you go." Ben replied. 

"Come, let's go together." She grabbed his arm and dragged him with her.

They sat in the front row of the roller coaster and buckled their belts. Ben took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, No I'm scared of heights." Ben replied. 

"Should we get down?" She asked. 

"No." Ben responded.

The roller coaster starts to move, and the speed increases all of a sudden people are heard screaming. Ben holds Kim's  hand tightly as a gush of wind rushes to them blowing their hair.

"Kim, I like you!" Ben screamed, panicking.

"What did you say?" Kim said loudly, she cannot hear him due to the noise of people and the wind.

The rollercoaster finally stops and people get down. Ben first went to find somewhere to sit to relax as his heart beat fast.

"I'm sorry I won't let you follow me next time." She said, "I'll be back."

She went to buy ice cream and give Ben one of them. He held it, and they were walking around the park. The ice cream starts to melt in his hand.

"Why are you not drinking it?" She asked.

"I'm allergic to ice cream." He muttered.

"You should have told me, bring it." She takes it away from him.

"Ha, what a beautiful couple. Can you pose if I want to take your picture?" The man holding the camera said.

"Okay," Kim moved close to Ben and held his arm.

"Can you please look at each other and smile a little bit?" The man said.

Ben looks down at her, while she tilted her head up looking back at him. They smile brightly as the cameraman clicks the camera.

"Thank you." The man smiles. "I'll bring the photo to you."

"I'll follow you." Kim went with the man.