
The Color in Black and White

Violet lost all color in life the day her best friend Sadie crashed her car on the way to Violet’s birthday party and died. She was going to end it all. But then she met Andrew.

MoonChild27 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter Three

Violet's pov

I was staring at the cute little dimple on his cheek smiling. I was so distracted that a almost didn't notice him leaning in. I panic for a second because I've never kissed someone before. I tightly close my eyes then I feel something touch my lips. It's not as bad as I thought I would be. Kissing him just felt so natural and right. I haven't been this happy in a while. It was like I was just melting into his warmth. Then it hit me. What if I loose him like I lost Sadie. I can't go through that again. I broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry I just can't do this."

I quickly got my stuff and got up to run out.

"No! Stop! I can't just let you go and loose you like I lost her!"

I stopped in my tracks.

"What do you mean?"

"My sister was dropping me off at my mom and our shared dad's place. I was getting mad at her for leaving me there to go to her friends. We got into a huge fight and she didn't pay attention to the road. We ended up hitting another car head on. I made it with major injuries, but she died on sight. If only I had sucked it up and went to my dads. Then maybe she would still be here. I was all my fau-"

I cut him off with a hug. Maybe I can give him a chance. After all he's hurting as much as I am.

"Shhh, fine I won't go. I'm just scared. What if I lose you like I lost her. I don't think I could live after that."

"Even though we just met I really do care about you. I can't afford to lose you either."

We continued the hug for a bit longer enjoying each others embrace. Then we hear the door open and shut.

"My mom must be home. I'll introduce you to her."

We walked downstairs to see a woman by the kitchen counter.

"Hi mom."

"Hi Pumpkin, could you come help me with the groceries quick."

I giggled at the nickname she has for him.


He groaned.

"Is something wrong Pumkin your laugh sounded very high pitched."

Just then she turned around with a surprised look.

"Dear heavens you have a girl over! Oh look she's so pretty. And look at that gorgeous hair!"

She came over and started playing with my hair.

"Mom I think you're scaring her."

"Oh sorry Sweetie, it's just you're the first girl he's ever brought over. What's your name honey?"

"Mom this is Violet Peters. She goes to my school and she is also my girlfriend."

I quickly looked at him shocked.

"Oh you go to his school what grade are you in....wait... GIRLFRIEND!"

She nearly fainted on the spot.

Then she suddenly perked by up with millions of questions to ask.

"Mom we have to go I have to get her back home."

"Alright... just know Violet if he ever hurts you in anyway I give you permission to beat him, and if that doesn't work...bring him to me. I'll take care of it."

"Yes Mam. I will."

"Oh honey just call me Mom. You are dating my son anyway."

"Uh ok... Mom."

With that we went to his car and we drove to my house.

On the way we listen to music. I couldn't stop laughing because he was singing "Let It Go" and his voice kept cracking, but it didn't stop him from singing proudly. When we got to my house my dad came out.

"And who are you with little missy?"

"Umm this is Andrew my boyfriend and he's from from school."

"Boyfriend huh? Well come here Andrew let me talk to you for a bit."

Andrew's POV

Violet's dad brought be a few steps away.

"Now what are you let intentions with my daughter?"

"To treat her like a queen."

I answered

"What do you like about her?"

"Her smile, laugh, eyes, voice, hair, mind, basically her entire existence. She just makes me happy."

"I have some news to break to you now...WELCOME TO THE FAMILY SON! I'm just kidding with the seriousness. I'm not actually one of them those dads."

His face then got serious.

"All I ask is for you to not hurt my daughter. She may look tough but she is still a little girl on the inside. She's been through a lot so take care of her."

"I will sir."

"Ok good now go say your goodbyes. I'll be inside."

With that I went and told violet goodnight and left. I think this is the best thing to have ever happened in my life. I love her so much.