
The Color in Black and White

Violet lost all color in life the day her best friend Sadie crashed her car on the way to Violet’s birthday party and died. She was going to end it all. But then she met Andrew.

MoonChild27 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter Two


Just then I was being pulled backwards into someone's arms. I admit it startled me so I clung on to them like a koala. I sat there with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Phew... you scared me there kiddo."

Wait that's a guys voice. I slowly look up to see him staring at me. Once we locked gazes he winked at me. I screamed and jumped off him and took a few steps away from him.

"Hi my name is Andrew Wes and you are?"

I stared at the ground really not wanting to talk to him. He seemed like the type to have a bunch of friends...you know like a cool guy or something.

"Umm hello???"

He waved his hand in from of my face then tilted my head up with his finger.

"Oh...umm. I'm Violet Peters."

"Oh you're the new girl."

I nod.

"And a cute one at that."

"I am not cute.😠"

"Oh and feisty too. I can already tell that I like you."

"No I don't need you to like me. I'm fine by myself."

With that I started to walk away to the other side of the roof. He started following me which ended up with him chasing me around the roof with us giggling. I don't know what it is but it's really easy for me to talk to him. Maybe I can give him a chance. After we were done chasing each other, the bell rang signaling the afternoon classes. We had the same class so we decided walked together. Half way there I realized I forgot my headphones on the roof. I started to have a anxiety attack with all the people talking and walking around us so I unconsciously grabbed his hand. Surprisingly he picked up on what was happening and put his earbuds in my ears. I was going to let go of his hand, but he held mine tighter and gave me a small smile. Holding his hand actually worked better than the music. That's weird. We then walked to class together once again. During class we were partnered up so we decided that I would go to his house after school to work on this project. Also to talk about what happened in the hall. The project was about histories of different countries, and we had Spain.

After all the afternoon classes I texted Dad and said that I was going to work on a project at someone else's house and would be back around sevenish. Then we got in Andrew's car and went to his place.

"Make yourself at home. Do you want to work in the living room or my room."

"Anywhere is fine for me."

"Okay follow me."

When we got to his room we started to set up.

"So wanna tell me about what happened."

I told him the whole story but left out Sadie's name because it still hurt to say it. He was so understanding. Plus now that I'm actually looking at him he's quite cute. He had not medium length brown hair for a boy with green eyes. He also had a cute little dimple on his left cheek when he smiled. I think I'm starting to crush on him.

(Andrews POV)

I noticed her staring at me with a cute little smile that melts my heart. Why does such a beautiful girl like her have to go through all this crap. She is literally the image of perfection. She has long dirty blonde wavy hair. Long eyelashes with icey blue eyes. Not to mention her lips. They are perfectly plumped and rosie. Without realizing it I started leaning in, and before I know it I was kissing the girl of my dreams.

It’s kinda a jumbled mess, but I’m trying my best. I’ve been trying to go through and correct mistakes but some still might be in there. Thanks for reading.

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