
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Sign of the prophecy (4)

>>Father's mother is calling!<< a child called out to his father. Clink looked at his child, smiling. He shouted back to his child, >>I will come soon!<< He saw his child smile, and he ran to his house. Clink looked to the sky. The sky was orange and would soon be dark.

He carried his hoe on his back, and as he was about to go to his home to have dinner, however, in the distance, he saw a humanoid creature whose body was entirely made of black flames and whose clothes were extremely expensive. Clink could tell that from the first glance, but the thing wasn't human either. He felt a sense of dread coming from that thing, and he kept his eyes on it when he blinked at the being standing there in front of it.

An overwhelming heat came from it, and its hand touched Clink's cheek. The mere touch burned the skin of Clink, and it moved its shoulders to indicate it tilted its head.

>>You are good for the start<<it said. Clink did not understand it, but he then heard screams, the screams of his children and wife. He turned back and saw his house and blood on the windows. The fear he felt went away, and he ran to his house. He ran to the blood. He did not know who the blood was or why his family screamed, but he had to go back home immediately.

Anxiety was rising every second he ran to his home. When he got into his home, he felt a shiver running down his back, and what he saw was not his family standing there but just their corpses.

Their heads had been ripped off or crushed into a bloody pulp; their limbs were all ripped off, as had the bone from their limp itself. Their guts spread around the rooms, with blood covering every single wall. He then saw a thing that was there. The thing was skinless, all its muscles were exposed, and constant blood came out of its muscles. A long upper body and legs twisted, eyes not fully formed, and a head larger than the body.

Two bat-like wings then sprouted out of its back. Clink could hear how the muscle was being torn open, the bones cracking, and forming a wing. It was overwhelming the anxiety, fear, and anger that he felt. He grabbed his hoe and attacked the thing, but before his hoe could even reach the thing, the hands of Clink cut it. The pain reached his mind, and he fell on his knees, screaming. The wings then broke into pieces like tendrils pierced through Clink's chest. Was he about to die? Just like that. It was just another day.

Clink then burst into flames; the flame started at his cheek, where the thing had touched him. The beast was surprised by that, and before it could react, Clink was consumed by the flames that were entirely black, and a scream was what he let out. The scream burst the ears of the beast, making it scream from pain. That was, however, not where it stopped. Clink grabbed the beast's face and burned the beast slowly.

The muscles were not burning like coal but melting instead. The beast tried to hit Clink, but that only caused it to melt even faster. The being screamed, but the melting of its body hit where the vocal cords of it seemed to be, but it could still scream. The heat increased, and the entire house was already in flames.

He then combusted into an explosion of flame, and the entire house itself was caught in a beam of fire that destroyed not only the building and went high into the sky through the clouds, but the entire acre of land with it. All of it took only mere seconds, and Clink stood there on the ground, not moving. His face could be distinguished from the entity that caused it all.

As it then appeared, it started to pour rain down. It was raining heavily as the sudden increase in temperature in the atmosphere from the beam of fire that Clink had created made a great difference in temperature. The rain was not putting down the flames of either of the two, but the thing stretched its hand out to Clink.

The flames that he was made of were being absorbed back by the being, leaving nothing behind as if they were not even there to begin with. The being looked at the destruction that Clink had caused. The sound of the flames flickering, and the rain were the only things that would have been heard if anybody had been close enough. >>This should be enough to make it all go faster<<

It then heard the steps of people who were miles and miles away, but it heard them all so clearly. He moved when he moved; he turned into a shape of smoke, but the way he moved was not what would be described as moving; it was more like manifesting. Ignoring the laws of motion and physics all together, the next moment, the thing was beside Jack's corpse. It looked at Jack's corpse; his corpse had already lost all its internal organs as they had already decayed, with blood running out of his holes.

>>Oh Jack, look at you; without me, you immediately committed suicide<< Jack corpse started to float towards it, and it grabbed Jack's arms and started to dance with it, continuing with its speech: >>Without me, you died a miserably death. In this cold and heartless world, you need me, but look at you now dead< A slight chuckles came out as it danced with Jack corpse.

>>However, even when you try to escape reality, you still do not manage to actually die<< It then dropped Jack's corpse to the ground, and the scenario changed; it was in a dark place similar to a void where no light would be. It could, however, see clearly through it all and was right beside Jack. It looked at Jack, who was mindlessly eating. What was he eating?

>>My, my, look at you!<< If the thing had a smile, it would be smiling right now as it saw what Jack was doing. The thing he was eating was a corpse, but there were countless corpses in the billions to trillions, possibly even more, but it did not bother to count them all; it would be a waste of energy to know the exact number of corpses and the number of lives that Jack had taken. Jack ate the corpses diligently, not stopping.

I saw the expression of Jack, utterly hopeless, not caring, not even showing a sign of sadness as he ate the corpses. It also saw how the countless spirits of the people were hanging upon Jack, and every time he ate one, one would disappear and be absorbed by Jack.

>>My look at this: these spirits are draining you from every single emotion that you have, making you like a doll with you absorbing them and not doing anything better<< It let out a sight with its non-existing mouth and air that was not even here.

The entire place was not actually part of the physical world, but a mental place in Jack's mind, with the spirits having clung to his very soul to not let go and Jack consuming their spiritual bodies for nothing more to make them part of him. He was seeing their memories, their pain, their every single emotion, sense, and memory—all of it. Jack was seeing them all.

He ate and ate the corpses, not stopping or even hearing their voices. Jack was just like a robot doing something it was programmed to do. Jack got pulled, and it covered Jack's eyes and ears at the same time. The flames covered them, and it said: >>Now, Jack, you will stay here for a long time, but do not worry. The day you are let out of this place, what you will see is the far future you are then in, and you will see that it is great as you will gain many things, things that you will wish to fight for, and all thanks to me, I commit the small evils to the greater evil, which comes and can be defeated, and you can then be a hero, show everyone that you can actually save someone, and disprove the gods that you will not follow your destiny<<

It was then back outside; it was still raining. The being looked to the sky; it seemed like at least what it was looking at was the sky.

Fate got twisted, the future got changed, everything is going as it should, and it will go as far as it is needed to fully fulfill the goal of this play.

Leaves were dying, and the ground was becoming unfertile. Something was spreading from the being itself; it was evil, extremely evil, and it was spreading across the living things. It grabbed a single rose from the ground, and the rose started to mutate into something grotesque.

It threw it on top of Jack. This mutated rose grew in an unnatural way, covering Jack in vines with thorns and countless roses blowing from them. In mere seconds, Jack was hidden from the world as he was covered in rose vines.