
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Attack of the unknown

Attacks happened across the kingdoms. The attacks were few at first, with some people missing and some homicides in the smaller kingdoms that were not aware of the oncoming danger.

The major kingdoms had not come to an agreement around that time about whether they should tell everyone about the oncoming danger that was about to come or if they should keep that hidden.

With the increase in death and birthrate, and signs of mutations having been found across the kingdoms and villages, there was no choice for the major kingdoms but to inform everyone about the oncoming thing that was going to happen.

There was quite an uproar with some of the kingdoms and a lot of uproar with the smaller ones, but they all ended with force immediately.

However, the people of the kingdoms, the majority, after they had also heard that the major kingdoms would all work together, disliked that as the majority hated one another and the acceptance between races was non-existent, with only a few accepting other races while even fewer allowed interspecies marriage.

There was research into the development of weapons, magic used for war, and more budget for the army. There was, however, a sudden thing that none of the major kingdoms expected: a baby boom.

The number of children suddenly increased not twice the number but tripled even more than five times what the average amount was for the normal rate of childbirth.

The shortage of food was temporarily reduced by all kingdoms working together; they also managed, through the use of magic, to increase the production of food.

There was a lot of trouble with more work requested, the need for food having increased, and more budget put into research to improve war weapons.

It was all to prepare for a future that no one knew what held for them except the divinations they saw.

The signs of invaders were not yet there, but the suspicion that they were there existed in the common people with the increase of deaths that were done with such outmost violence that even the demons who are part of the monster species felt disgusted by the scenes, even though they are a species that is known to be especially cruel.

It finally happened then.

>>RUN! << civilians screamed as a creature got into a city. The creature was mostly skinless, with the muscles completely exposed, but the bones, like tentacles, were sticking out from its back and cutting anyone that was close by it.

Civilians were cut in half, their arms cut off, and blood flowed out like a fountain. Many died from blood loss alone.

The guts were spread around with organs and limbs that were stuck on the monster bone tentacles that were sharp at the ends of theirs like knives.

>>SURROUND IT NOW! << an elven knight shouted. The different races surrounded the beast without getting too close to it.

The ones that held shields watched as the bones of the beast cut their shields like paper. When magic was used to restrain them, the beast managed to easily break free from the magic.

The sudden attack of the beast caught them all off guard, as it had only been a few months since the search for better magic and weapons started, but to see it all break so easily.

The beast's bones cut down the knight's armor and their stomachs. The aim was precise, hitting their stomachs and cutting just so deep down that their skin and muscles were cut, and their guts were falling out from there. The magicians chanted magic, and the ground was moving.

The beast let out an unholy scream that was bursting eardrums open. The ones who had even more sensitive ears felt a constant ringing in their ears, and most of them had become deaf.

The beast's skin then erupted. The skin flew at such speed that the air made the sound of an explosion constantly, and like an arrow, it pierced through them all, killing most of the knights.

Civilians that were still nearby felt a sense of terror seeing the might of a single beast that had appeared. Doing so much damage all alone.

The beast was going to run, killing more civilians, when it looked in the sky and a spear, faster than the beast could react, struck it.

The spear penetrated its head, ripping it cleanly off from the neck and sticking it on the ground.

The people looked up to the sky, and what stood there was a person in the sky with huge divine energy coming out of it who was a saint. The saint of the human species had come out to fight.

The saint shouted out aloud: >>EVERYONE DO NOT FEAR THESE BEASTS NO MATTER WHAT EVEN IF THE KNIGHTS FALL, I WILL THEN FIGHT FOR THE CIVILIANS HERE<< a saint fighting that was something unheard off.

Saints would usually just heal the wounded and be predictors of the future but then go to battle for others, which was not done before.

But it hit them deep in their hearts, and civilians, once in fear, started to cheer upon hearing that.

Other saints came and healed the wounded. While others prayed to their gods in hope of getting permission to bring the dead back to life.

This incident brought the kings all together to discuss what to do in the future.



>>You two, this is not the time to fight between one another! << the fairy king said, but the two did not listen to him.

With their pride, honor, and own beliefs, none actually liked one another; the disagreement was all on a personal level and with their own racial motivation, with some seeing themselves as superior to others.

None of the kings could say they did not see themselves as superior, nor could all of their people say that, as they believed they were better than the other species.

Then came winter, and the death rate seemed to have calmed down all of a sudden, and the invaders rarely popped up, but whenever they did pop up, they killed, with the death rate always being in the hundreds.

Even if hundreds of civilians were not a lot, but those were still hundreds of lives that died because these beasts somehow entered the kingdoms without anyone knowing.

The king's relationship was a cold war between one another individually, and their people all knew it, which is why even the common people started to not even speak with the other nobles; they would look at one another with eyes that showed not only hostility but also no form of trust for one another.

The children were the ones left to stay with the other species, but complete trust was still not there; their children did not understand the things that were happening, or at least did not fully understand them yet, with the parents all just saying to have fun with one another.

>>Jeez this patrolling is killing my legs<< a human knight said.

>>I agree that for us to patrol multiple miles is really too much<< They were fresh graduates from the knight training camp and had been sent to patrol the entire kingdom around them.

It was not that they would get tired of it, but that it was just a bother to do that when magic could be used instead.

The two laughed around as they continued their patrol, they did not actually bother to look for anything suspicious, as they did not think anything suspicious would happen.

An attack happened, but the knight blocked the attack in the last second. The attack was quick; it moved fast, and the sword that the knight had pulled under a second and even faster than under a second was about to break, but from the sheer strength of the beast, it was a bone like tendril.

The knight immediately knew what was happening and shouted to his companion: >>IMMEDIATELY PULL YOUR SWORD; IT IS ONE OF THESE BEASTS FROM 4 MONTHS AGO.<< His comrade pulled his own sword from his sheet. He first cut the tail of the beast.

His sword managed to cut the skinless flesh easily, and an ear-piercing scream was what the two heard next, but the scream was not as intense as they heard from the knights who actually fought the first beast that had been sighted before.

The beast then came out of its hiding place in the tens of meters range; it came out from a tree.

The statue was small, but the one sighted for the very first time was said to have been as big as a regular adult. The beast growled, and the tail retreated into being close to its back; it had only one tendril. It regenerated almost immediately.

>>There are even child variants of these things<< One of the knights cursed, but his comrade said to calm him a bit: >>At least he is easier to kill; we did not go deaf, and his skin is easily cutable.<<

>>Yeah, you are right<<

The monster was wary of them and started to run away.

They ran after the thing. The thing was quick, quicker than anything they had seen before; it was moving many miles in just mere seconds, with the two barely keeping up with it.

They then stopped following it when it went even faster by leaping forward, being just twice or even faster than it was while running.

>>Dammit, it ran off! << A curse slipped out from the two knights as they were finally out of breath; they had run for multiple miles now just to follow that small one.

>>Let us go back and report that we sighted one of these creatures<< his colleague said out loud, with the knight having been confused, but seeing his colleague doing hand signs to speak, he understood the signs and then also started to speak aloud: >>Yeah, sure, let us go back now<<

They were talking loudly to lure any of the beasts nearby. There was nothing to say that that was the only beast nearby, and maybe more were just meters away from them.

They walked back, then made sure to walk slowly to get their stamina back as they walked. They were moving what is known as aura around their bodies, with aura being the knight's equivalent of what a mage would call mana.

If they did that long enough, they would recover their stamina entirely. His colleague still had his sword out, just to be sure. While his sword was broken, he had to rely on his hands.

It then came out thanks to his colleague reacting fast enough, and he stabbed it using the sword, which went into the beast's chest. It was a bigger one, being close to their height of nearly 190 cm.

The monster wanted to strike with its tendril, but the knight surrounded his aura around his hands and grabbed the head of the beast and ripped it cleanly off from the monster's body. The body, however, still moved, and the tendrils managed to penetrate the limbs of the knight.

His colleague, seeing that, started to cut the monster into tiny pieces. Even when cut into hundreds or thousands of pieces, there were small, thin lines of blood that connected the small pieces.

However, when the knight cut something, the thing he hit was not something visible with mere eyes, but he had cut it, and the monster stopped and fell.

The pieces all fell to the ground, and the tendrils fell on the ground. The two looked at the monster, now dead.

>>Let me carry you while you use the aura to stop the wounds from healing<<

Meanwhile, at the now-advanced research building, where the best minds of the major and smaller kingdoms were all here.

Through everyone being there and disliking one another generally, their interest in wanting more knowledge was more for the researchers above than racial discrimination.

Congrulation you finished the last chapter of chapter 2!

Hope you enjoyed the story till now if the chapters feel short then I'am really sorry as I have still no idea how long a chapter in this platform should be and this is the first time I have improved myself and write a actual full lenght novel with my everything!

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