
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Research and resurrection chapter 3

In the past 4 months, through putting all their knowledge together, they managed to develop different types of magic formulas for war purposes, mostly while also developing magic to increase agriculture production in case the monsters come up with a sudden big attack.

With their research being more profound for magic, the development of magic was faster than that of physical weapons that a magician or dark magician would use, even those from temples, churches, or other religious places.

An elf rubbed his eyes. He has been constantly doing research and experimental testing with different kinds of magic formulas to see their effects.

In a theoretical sense, they should give a certain effect, but the results given by magic weren't that straightforward. He added a half-done triangle to the form with a cross on top of it.

He thought of the meaning he would give to it; he thought of it as a representation of their physical world and the cross as representing something beyond their physical world.

The eld was doing research into higher existences that may be beyond their understanding, as they assumed these invaders were just things from a higher existence.

The spell was used on a small object, but when activated, the object disappeared. There was no trace of the object, and seeing that the elf was surprised, not only he but the others who saw it too at that moment were also surprised.

The elf made the formular again, thinking of the same thing he thought of before using it on a bigger object, and the same thing happened: the thing disappeared.

However, when they tried to use anti-magic spells where the object should be, nothing was happening, and there, they realized that the magic formular that the elf created and used did something that was not a teleportation spell.

The spell got studied, and the thing that he took as the idea behind it was also taken by the other researchers that were there.

They wanted to study what he did, so they went through the spell and the meaning that the elf gave it. The research was done with countless experiments, and the result was always that the objects were disappearing.

They then looked more into the idea that the elf used a triangle that was not fully closed, representing their physical world, and a cross that was beyond their understanding.

Another experiment was concluded. The elf stood there and looked at his co-workers. >>I'm ready<< he said.

What was going to happen was that his colleague would use the same spell that he used on the previous objects. The spell was being worked on, everyone was tense, the spell was activated, and the next moment the elf was gone.

The researchers did not stand still or wait for the elf to return; they went back to researching while four were tasked with keeping watch of the place where the elf researcher disappeared, and the moment they noticed something being off, they shall call them immediately.

The researchers continued, but they started to use similar meanings to their magic spells to find different results.

It wasn't that they did not know of these words, but the possible consequences, or maybe not working as they are mortals, was why such research into magic was not done beforehand.

The time that the elf researcher needed to return was exactly a year and a half.

The research by the time that he was gone had gone to new ways and standards as magic was in a revolutionary state, and with no monsters attacking them and only small numbers having been sighted across the kingdoms, the research could be done easily.

However, when the elf researcher returned the way he came, he was disfigured. His entire body stretched in ways that were impossible to understand.

Bones being in places where they shouldn't be, teeth having grown across the body, and tumors that were decaying and growing in most of the area of the researcher's body.

They felt like they were going mad every second they looked at it. The species that had a weak mentality, like the human researchers, did not look at it as they could not bear the sight anymore.

When the disfigured elf researcher opened its many mouths, it had opening to speak, their hearts sank.

Many of the mouths were making sounds of agonizing pain, while others were making the sound of whimpering.

One of the mouths, however, spoke, but the way it spoke was not in a straightforward answer: >>The evil is here, the end is here, and the conqueror has come to conquer us all! His army as bigger than all and brighter than all the stars of the heavens and will come to be the lord of all<<

He preached words of what they did not fully understand, but the disfigured researcher started to melt, melting like ice.

The flesh melted first, the eyes were next, with the flesh and eyes melting, the bones were melting next, and in the end, the internal organ was just squealing like a pig from pain.

The minds of many were being damaged by the screams. There were many horrors in this world, many bad things, but many of the researchers never saw these types of things before; their mentality was weak, and these screams of pain and agony didn't go unheard.

Some of the other species that were more than centuries old, some even millennia old, were surprised by the scream and the way it was happening.

When he fully melted, it was just a puddle of skin, muscle, organs, and blood all mixed together.

The research on this would afterwards be postponed for multiple weeks. From there, it finally happened the day that was being prepared for the entire time an invasion.

The invasion of the enemy Across the kingdoms, the monsters all came out small and taller than humans. These sizes ranged from the hundreds to the thousands.

These fights were merciless; no one was showing mercy to one another. The beings slashing and cutting the monsters, ripping them apart and burning them alive, fusing, using magic and alchemy to connect monsters and make them expend from the inside to cause explosions that would be strong and fast enough to pull any nearby thing with them to die.

While the monsters were cutting through the hordes of beings with their bones like tendrils, Piercing the living beings' ears to rip their brains out

Squeezing them so much that their bodies could not hold their internal organs inside either killed them or forcefully defied how the physics seemed to work and forced the internal organs out even though they should have been crushed by the force of the squeezing.

Legs cut and ripped apart, the ones who had it the worst were the ones captured, as their screams could be heard from meters away.

When a group of scouts looked at what happened to the captured ones, they were shocked. The ones captured were being consumed alive slowly, their skin being eaten first, then their muscles.

They would be left afterwards skinless, and their muscles exposed, watched by the beings regularly attacked but never killed. It was a form of physical and psychological torment for the ones captured.