
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
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16 Chs

You already decide a world!  


The shot echoed down the street, but he hadn't finished yet, he pulled the trigger until the gun was empty.

His face was strained but that terrifying look was still on his face.


The Demon King of the elven empire Yuki Yusha was calm, his face went through a series of changes so rapid that he seemed to be having an attack, his face went from fear, to confusion, from confusion to grief, from grief to surprise. , and from surprise he returned to fear.

Before the eyes of all the boy who had made a mortal decision, the blood that had left his body began to enter his body again, all his wounds healed as if they were in reverse.

Makasu - <sigh> I feel much better now, but a little more won't hurt?

The boy, not caring about the confused state of his observers, loaded the weapon and emptied another magazine. This time the boy took no time before getting back on his feet, now he had a reborn smile of true tranquility.

Makasu, join me <extends a hand> I will take you to Princess Tanasake Yura, my fiance ...

{Makasu thought -by a demon, damn god what% & ° * did you make me say!}

{Zac- insult my efforts, noooo! ಥ _ ಥ decided I will prepare it.}

Makasu remained stiff for a second, Makasu began to sweat and tremble, he removed the hand that he had previously offered to the king and brought it to his head, he pressed his head with all his might with suicidal intentions, but the only thing he managed was to create a terrible headache, the next thing he did was try to break his neck but he didn't succeed either. His face showed authentic despair, he tried to take the weapon again, however in his haste it slipped from his hand and the weapon landed at the feet of one of the subordinates of the Demon King Muraya Yura.

This guy was a shadow demon, his race is also known as the trickster race, all the members had strange and dangerous abilities, but they only used them to make very heavy jokes, in addition to leaving undefeated from all the games they played, it was incredibly obvious that they cheated, that's where their nickname came from.

The young demon named Filip saw an unrepeatable opportunity, stooped and picked up the weapon from the ground.

??? - W-what are you doing Fi-Filip

A young vampire quickly questioned Filip, who luckily reasoned at this appeal, drew his weapon and handed it to Makasu.

Makasu was sweating profusely and his face of despair was incredibly terrifying, Makasu raised his hand and tried to take the weapon, but the moment his hand touched the weapon it turned to dust and a convenient breeze carried it away as if it had never existed. , while Makasu made some strange movements with his hands as if he wanted to prevent the dust from leaving.

Only a madman could do such a thing ... it was said that cheating demons were missing a screw. Makasu fell to the floor and after a second of silence the latter began to hit his head against the floor.

Filip - HEY! Easy boy! it was just a joke ... once

With a wave of his hand the concerned Filip made the pistol appear in his hands.

Filip - I'm sorry, I apologize for my insolence ... here I'll give it back to you.

Makasu receives the weapon with nostalgia, only a few moments had passed since he bought it, but he already felt that it was his best friend, he took it in his hands, put it in his mouth and emptied the magazine ... but something strange happened ... each bullet seemed to have undergone an explosive modification and Makasu, ended up without a head.

All the blood fell on the demon king and his subordinates ...

[Blood Pact Activated, increasing level 1 - 13] (Blood Pact only works on demons and the like, this ability needs its user to have a power greater than that of the demon that will sand his soul, to activate this ability the user of The latter needs to self-inflict bleeding and stain the demon with its blood, the difference in the levels is what will determine the amount of blood necessary to seal the blood pact, the authorization of the demon only facilitates the realization of the pact, but it is not necessary for the realization of the latter)

The headless corpse got up in a hurry, even without having a head or ears, the headless Makasu heard the increase of the ability, he had no head but if he did he would have the largest face of despair in the world.

At that moment a painting appeared in the sky, inside it you could see a figure in a masquerade.

(the massacre he used)

-pom pom-

??? - Have I hello? you hear me?.

??? -It seems that everyone is watching me, well it is time to introduce myself, hello I am Zac, creator god of the FUN system, in a few words I am a Dungon Master, the world and its inhabitants do not concern me, I only care that the world is leveled and fun ... but you know I don't give a damn about all that, from now on I'm in charge, and I want to play a game. The supreme hundred who are living in this world will be nerfed and sent to a different world, but they will not be alone, nor will they be the most powerful, if their current level is 100 they will start with a hundredth of their power and will have to level up to increase your statistics, to return to your comfortable life you will have to defeat twelve beings with the ability "second life" and that's it, enjoy your gift =).

When "Zac" finished speaking, everything went white ...


Somewhere mysterious

"The explosions do not stop sounding outside the citadel, the hero is breaking through the demonic forces, if this does not work, it will be the end of the demons.

This diary is my last wish, we lost the war, the race of demons will be extinguished but ... Our evil and hatred WILL BE ETERNAL! "

I have? When did i start crying? Damn, I can't give up! it's time to end this.

The sorry state of the castle is sad, there are no servants left and only the cracks run through the corridors. I must kill the hero or die trying.

I enter the throne room and settle into my seat, the knocks on the door count the minutes of life I have left ...

PAM -after breaking my huge door in the throne room a handsome hero entered accompanied by five girls of various aspects but all incredibly beautiful.

Hero - Your reign of terror is ending now, prepare to perish before my sword.

Demon King - Hahahahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAJAJAJA, what a funny thing you say.

I send an evil smile to the hero, if only we were able to control our instincts ... We could propose peace ... But a demon will never appear towards. I raise my hand and prepare the spell.

Demon King - Blood Sacrifice Catastrophe Summoning! This spell is one of my trump cards, it consumes 20% of my life and in return summons an army of undead, each one with the ability to kill 1000 common soldiers and it is only the beginning, prepare yourself for the next one. .

A sword pierced my chest and made me spit out a handful of blood.

Hero - <whispers in a contemptuous tone> dies.

Demon King - impossible.

It was not the cruel and cold attitude of the hero that surprised me, nor was it the fast attack, what really surprised me was the amount of damage received, everything turned out just as I thought, the speed and strength of the attack were just what I thought What they would be, but the damage still did not fit, my HP was in negative numbers, in a few moments I will die, if I did not receive damage from the sword, the only thing left is ... I look up and look at my army not to die ... they are not, the summoning circle was active and was still sucking his life.

Zac - demon king your invocation comes to me like a nail to the flesh, surely you realized that your HP is negative, if they reach -1000 your soul will break ... sorry (* ^ _ ^ *)

FUN- -200, -330 -501 .743 -999.

Demon King - Demons ⊙ ﹏⊙ ∥

FUN - -1000.

The last thing I saw as I felt like my body and soul were breaking was that a Dullahan appeared from the circle. (pronounced Durahan)

Makasu perspective

After the burst of light, everything went dark and a status screen appeared before my eyes.

×xx\\\ `` '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '

Breed: Dullahan - Exsupremo

Name: - - - - - - - -

Level 1

Equipment: Abyss Suit, Abyss Sword Zeus Breeches, Sig Suaer P226

Active Skills: Blood Pact XIII, Eyes of the Abyss I, Eye in the Sky I, Dark Flash I, Thief of Senses I, Soul Eater, Time-Space Slash, Pandemonium.

Passive Abilities: A Place to Die, Storage, Malice I, Camouflage I, Blessing of the God Zac, Blessing of the FUN system.

×xx\\\ `` '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '

FUN - you know you are the only one with the "Blessing of the Zac god" although I would say that more than a blessing is a curse ["blessing of the Zac god" was renamed by the FUN system to "curse of the Zac god"] but go ahead, now You can no longer participate in the game <think for a second> Zac thought a lot or was very lucky ... the latter. Anyway you already heard it "enjoy your gift".

The voice sounded out of nowhere and without giving me time to react, everything went off again, I felt as if a rope was pulling my body until almost tearing my muscles, when everything stopped I heard a scream and opened my eyes ...




Skills previously mentioned

[eyes of the abyss, inflicts a negative status effect on the person who enters the range of vision of the possessor] [the eye in the sky, unique ability of the undead type Dullahan throws the head to the sky and keeps it in that place for 15 minutes, can be used once every half hour, and cannot pass through structures] [Dark flash, gives negative effect blindness and fear to all enemies in range for 30 seconds, MP cost 1000, effective range 1km] [thief of senses, I permanently render 3 random senses of the target, cost 8000 MP, one use per target, senses contemplated: sight, hearing, touch, taste perception, reality perception, self-perception (will not be quotient of himself and will only move by instinct, if he is afraid he will run away, if he is hungry he will marry, if you attack him he will avoid), understanding of language (he will not be able to communicate anything), communication skills (he will not be able to communicate in any way), sense of pain, sense of love, s understanding of piety, sense of satisfaction-happiness (you can only feel bad no matter what you do, this does not cancel out strong feelings such as love, courage, faith, duty, it only limits them so that the target does not feel happiness nor satisfaction of these), feeling of duty and obligation (you will feel that you do not owe anything to anyone and will not do anything that you do not want to do by yourself causing a cynical attitude), feeling of the soul (usually known as sixth sense, you will not be able to feel surprise attacks, will not feel the mana, will not have instinct or hunches)] [soul eater, the user's HP and MP will be refilled every time the soul of a living being is removed (through murder or other means)] [ Space-time cutting, it will cut with an edge layers of tearing space-time, the speed of the attack will be instantaneous and but the range depends on the weapon used, if it is used with a weapon that does not have a minimum edge the attack will be lost and the user will receive a pushback that It will destroy the user's arms regardless of the strength of the latter, it can be used once a week, mana cost 30000] [pandemonium,% & / ¨ * $! °] [storage, consumes 1 mana every second for having 1cm cubic mass inside] [malice, everyone around you will take you for an evil person, if you have this passive it is because you really are, don't you tell me I don't know (  ̄へ ̄) ] [camouflage I, you are bad person but you are a very clever son of a chihuahua since nobody knows, you can change your appearance to your liking just by wanting it] [Curse of the god Zac ... random effects are granted ... the god Zac rules over your destiny. .. enjoy your gift ... =) ...] [Blessing of the FUN system, ?????]