
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Death Of The Hero  

Makasu perspective

It's surprising, but I think I already found out what FUN's blessing was, if it weren't for that I didn't feel so ... Good.

I clench my fists, if I feel alive now, it's funny isn't it? now that I am undead I really feel alive.

Girl1: By the gods, a Durahan !!!

I direct my eyes in the direction of the scream, and there I meet a red-haired girl who wears a red dress with exaggerated ruffles, she had a cane in her hand so she is surely the magician of the group.

I felt like the passive ability "malice I" was activated inside me, Fun's blessing is incredible in a second I know what I want to do.

I take my head with both hands and put it under one of my arms, I feel as if this was a natural compliment, after placing my head in that position and doing a pose that seemed great to me, I continued with my plan.

I raise my finger pointing at the redhead and activate the ability that drains a quarter of my MP.

Dullahan - Thief of senses [stole: sense of pity, sense of pain, understanding of language]

The girl was blank for a second, looked around confused.

Redheaded - JAJAJAJA, who is this guy so useless, quickly put an end to the .

Girl 2 - right away princess

The redhead looked confused again, I know what they want to ask but they don't, I pointed my finger at the girl who answered, she was another beauty, she seemed to be a paladin and she wore a white armor that looked very good with her golden hair.

Dullahan - Thief of senses [was stolen: hearing, taste perception, reality perception]

A fort was stolen, it will be really fun to see how the situation develops, the paladin's face twisted in a gesture of hatred, and a battle against an unreal enemy began, it is fun, to see how it attacks nothing, how it twists its face every time it seems to receive an attack, as it crashed against the walls and kept pressing against them without knowing that there was a wall there.

Girl 3 -Zabrina what the hell ?!

Redhead - did you say something?

It is very funny to see that, just losing the perception of reality is already serious but if we add the loss of hearing, the first effect is multiplied by 100, meanwhile the redhead is still lost can speak and give orders but not listen or understand his companions.

Redhead - Answer me Yan , did you say something or not!

Yan - what do you mean by that princess?

I'm making a tremendous effort not to laugh , I don't need to kill these girls.

Paladin - Satoru ? ¿ To the end these corresponding my feelings? Oh yeah! ¡¡¡ By Please use me !!!

The paladin began to scream incoherently and take off her armor, while she began to kiss a column, the redhead makes a worried face, it's too funny if it were the case ...

Redheaded -I do not understand, moves his head to answer, now you understand me?

The girl named Yan nodded but the redhead did not understand what that meant, the fourth girl who seemed to be a black haired cat girl, attacked me from behind, my MPs are a bit low so it would be better if I reload them once, there is Several people off guard but I decided on the one in the best condition .

Dullahan - Eater of Souls

Yes, the cat girl is the one in the best condition, but I am not that trashy, I pointed my finger at the other companion while dodging the cat girl's attack and used the soul eater on the girl named Yan , restoring all my It manages suddenly, however it seems that I can no longer use this ability, the redhead is a little surprised by the death of her partner but without hesitation, she ran out trampling the body of her deceased friend.

Redhead - They're all crazy if they think I'll stay

Verla run no matter what but at least his friends made me feel weird, does it hurt was strange ?, maybe ... well it's time to take care of to the cat girl.

Dullahan - Thief of senses [was stolen: sense of duty, sense of satisfaction, sense of soul]

Combination fence, it's funny what I got, the cat girl kept attacking me but her attacks became weak, when she realized that I had no intention of countering. The cat girl clicked her tongue and turned her back to me, sat next to the column where the now naked paladin is kissing with a pillar. A bad feeling came to me and the paladin's eyes became furious and she turned to attack the cat girl, the cat girl did not notice and continued to sit in a fetal position with her legs brought to her chest, taking away her "sixth sense" the most powerful demi- human couldn't feel the sudden danger. Before that happened the hero came out of the shock he was in, and quickly beheaded his partner.


The action of the supposed hero was ... weird, I raise my finger, point at the hero and try to use my ability again.

Dullahan - Thief of Senses

Hero - Protection!

[ Is stolen: self-perception, sense of satisfaction, sense of pain] [Effects of Senses thief were canceled]

Dullahan - Oh?

The Hero disappeared after canceling my attack, then I felt his sword cut the arm that was holding my head, it took a couple of milli seconds but I finally reacted.

Dullahan - Eyes of the Abyss [caused target X dizziness, duration 5 seconds]

Quickly with my arm that was still intact I took out my pistol and pointed at the Hero, the Hero staggered and dodged 3 shots, the fourth bounced off his armor, I hurried to point the gun at the Hero who was still on the ground, after another 4 shots I realized that this attack will not do anything to him. I drop my weapon in that place and I bend down to take my head, I throw it to the ceiling and activate the "eye in the sky" ability, I start running towards the paladin's sword, the hero started to get up but right at time I take the paladin's sword and prepare to launch my final attack.

Dullahan : Space-Time Cut! [Insufficient mana, recoil activated]

I made a fatal mistake, it shows that several decades have passed since my last RPG game, because my current MP is 32000 but I spent 16000 on thief of senses and 500 on eyes of the abyss, I lament while my good arm is destroyed and I receive one incredible amount of damage.

Barely 15 minutes have passed since I came to this world and I'm going to die curse.

Hero's Perspective

Silence reigned in the room as the Dullahan's headless torso fell to his knees the contempt he felt for that undead did not diminish for a second as he walked, I approached the headless corpse of my platonic love and I turned it on. flames, before that Shizuca did not flinch or alter her position, she seemed to have lost the will to live.

Hero - Shizuca are you okay?

The cat girl nodded but nothing else, turned my gaze grabbing the other side of the hall the throne, the body of the main guard princess was on the ground, but say it was a corpse indeed serious wrong, no she's dead, she lost her soul. { That damn princess, I already knew that at some point she would abandon us}, the fight against the demon king was not a fight but because of trusting myself I ended up killing Misha , and Shizuca is in a sorry state.

But it's all over, an armless Dullahan is like a wizard without mana.

Hero -What did you do to Shizuca ?

The Dullahan was silent ... Do you think that if I can't find his head he won't be able to die? I look up and on the ceiling I see the Dullahan's head .

Hero- Don't make me repeat myself

The Dullahan began to tremble with fear.

Dullahan - II hem ...

I pierced his shoulder with my sword while yelling.

Hero - TELL ME!

Dullahan - ro-ro-ro- be his-her.

Key more deeply my sword and started to twist.

Dullahan - I'll tell you!

Stop for a second.


Dullahan - she thinks she owes nothing to anyone anymore! Nor will he feel happiness for anything he also lost his sixth sense.

Hero - ...

The Dullahan begins to shake non-stop.

Dullahan - p-please someone save me !

Hero - After what you did you ask for salvation ? Do you think someone would take pity on you? Is there a god who roars for the good of the undead?

After hearing my words the Dullahan stopped shaking and his head came off the ceiling, it would crash to the floor and I would be there to step on it until it exploded, but ... it fell into the hands of a girl.

Girl - even if you look like Mina right now I will enjoy my revenge.

After saying that a terrifying smile appeared on that girl's smile.

Dullahan - Tranquila Take there will be time later.

Take - who gave you permission to call the black demon princess by that name ?!

The red-eyed girl retorted furiously.

Hero - I 'm sorry to interrupt that emotional talk but let me tell you little one that the demon king did not have children, it is also impossible for you to be a demon, you do not have horns or a tail.

In the apparently did enrage but more giving, it's just like a vampire or snotty.

Hero - I also just killed the Demon King.

Take - you are wrong on this right here

At that instant a demonic figure with a power undoubtedly greater than that of the Demon King appeared next to the girl.

??? - WHO DARES INSULT MY HIIIII - daughter! !? What happened to your horns ?!

Take - Thank this guy.

The girl claimed giving him a couple of blows to the head.

??? - Do not tell me the is

Take - it seems so.

??? - <ducks down> Satou , do you think you can get the rest out?

After saying that, eleven other figures came out of nowhere.

Trickster Demon - surprises me how everything went and cast 'm a little upset

Vampira - oh come on Filip , at least we managed to reunite the king with the princess.

Filip - <sigh> I guess you're right.

Vampira - come on don't be discouraged, we still need to plan the wedding.

Human ??? - not think the princess will have married in this hovel.

Take - Wedding?

Dark Elf - Peace of mind, first we must take care of what concerns here.

Take - these changing apropósito subject?

All but Take it turned to me, my sword quickly remove the body of the Dullahan and started to think of all possible escape routes.

Hell 1- I guess it's time to take out the trash.

Dullahan - currently only kill it to the , nor think about touching them to the cat girl

Trickster Demon - Neither time and are you already being unfaithful to the princess?

Those were the last sad words I heard in my life as I saw everything from a higher plane for having lost my mind.

Hero {yes ... it turns out that having your head in the sky gives you an incredible advantage against the opponent, with this last wish to become a Dullahan in a next life, I Satoru Muchizuki Hero summoned to finish off the demon king, I abandon this world} ...