
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
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16 Chs

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Makasu perspective

If she fainted again, it would be rude to leave her lying on the floor, so I left her on my bed before I left, it would be good to find me a change of identity, I do not want to suffer the wrath of any fan.

She claimed to be a princess but just in case it would be better to look at her stats ... Would it be rude to look inside someone?

I hope Muraya Yura doesn't find out about this I still don't know him but if he finds out that I have his daughter here, I'm not going to finish them, really look what, look what.

×xx\\\ '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Race: Black Demon

Owner: Satou Makasu

Name: - - - - - - - -

Range: F +

Equipment: - - - - - - - - - - -

Active Skills: Demon Eyes, Demon Claws, Demon Wings, Undead Creation, Curse, Deadly Sins.

Passive Abilities: Second Life, Ruler's Sovereignty, Bloodlust , Pandemonium , Regeneration, Blood Pact.


I'll pretend I never read that.

Zac to ... 6 of fe ... fe ... iron of ... 2 XVZ, however enjoy your gift =) ... ° - °

[ Eyes of the demon can access the database on anything this in your range of vision, limit 10 per day] [ clutches of demon allow partially modify the extremities of the body , giving a bonus of attack, limit one hour daily] [ wings of demon allow its wearer to be moving in an instant anywhere known mana cost 10,000 limit 10 uses daily] [ creation of dead no minimum level of each is not dead and maximum 1 is 50, the user receives 50 levels to invest in undead (he can spend it in any way) penalty - the undead disappear after two hours] [ curse- can inflict one strong curse per day or three normal ones] [ deadly sins- demons negatively influence weak beings around them] [ second life - user can revive] [ ruler's sovereignty - anyone with a lower social status will not be able to disobey a direct order given by the holder of the ability but consequently the user's defense will drop when he is in a castle or similar] [ bloodlust- under certain circumstances a second of blood will emanate from the possessor's body, giving a powerful debuff to the target of this bloodlust] [ pandemonium - * + #% & # $ = {* -] [regeneration -... EDI told me the skills needed a describción , but you know ...!? that chihuhuas ! That is hump !, regeneration does not need a describcion !] [ Pact of blood- a blood pact turning the demon into an entity that will conduct the caller was held]


How strange, I don't remember any castle there, do I have new neighbors?

I don't really care, but I'd better not hang out with that person, he's probably obsessed with fantasy ... Like almost everyone here.

I've come to the gun store and everything here is pretty COOL but after seeing it hundreds of times

This shop is set in medieval times with touches of fantasy here and there, the architecture is not well recognized, but the information sign says that it was built by a certain Leonardo ... Surely another madman.

The shelves are packed to overflowing with various weapons, from wooden spears to photon cannons.

After walking for a while I find what I was looking for.

Makasu - Excuse me clerk <store clerk appears> could you tell me the price of this.

Clerk - ah! What a good eye a young adventurer has, Zeuz's breeches capable of dissipating the force of any attack directed at the noble parts, their price is 400 credits.

Makasu - why is this in the weapons section? It doesn't matter I buy them, but actually I wanted the price of the gun.

Clerk - a Sig Sauer P226

It is a pistol of German and Swiss origin with a capacity of 15 shots of 9mm ... Do you happen to come from that world?

Makasu - What an annoying question, tell me the price.

Dependent - right away, sorry to bother you, its price is 300 credits and each cartridge costs 50 credits.

Makasu - I'm taking the breeches, the pistol and 100 clips.

The store clerk gives me all the products and I pay him 5700 credits, it seems that I will not be able to play video games for a few years.

Before leaving the store I equip my pants and load the gun ... They probably charged me the cleaning fees if I left any stains.

At the exit I meet many people mysterious - looking, has a poster'm an idiot in front of fantasy, I try to get as far away more quickly as you can, but in the rush I hit a guy with horns, the moment I see surrounded me the other eleven people.

For the love of God, fantasy lovers get too into their role, they don't see that we are in a neutral zone right now, they don't need to continue in their roles, and if they are going to take their creations for a walk, keep it under control, these eleven people are too loose, do you want them to run away and create trouble in people's zones ?


A clueless boy accidentally collides with the demon king.

Instantly eleven people prepare for combat surrounding the boy.

The boy reluctantly apologizes to the demon king.

But the latter is too terrified to even pay attention to such details.

The demon king's face turns white as his subjects narrow their stances in preparation for their attack.

Clueless guy - don't you think you should stop? This level of acting is very advanced and is starting to bother me.

At such words the demon king shudders and before his subjects made a suicide attack, the demon king prostrated himself before such a boy, with such speed that his horns were stuck in the concrete.

Demon King: Please forgive my insolence and that of my subordinates, I am Demon King Muraya Yura and I am looking for my daughter.

A macabre smile appeared on the boy's face, everyone was paralyzed with fear, while the boy holstered a weapon, everyone knew what that meant, he was going to kill the king, but the boy's presence was such that they could only wait have a quick and painless death.

Boy - nice to meet you, I'm Satou Makasu , your daughter is in my apartment

Tas make such a statement the boy named Makasu pointed the gun at his hundred and pulled the trigger, a roar echoing through the street, as blood came out of the boy and a light smoke came out of his pistol.


- pom pom -

Zac -he hello? ¿ Will you hear me ?.

A screen had appeared completely covering the sky and on it a masked person appeared.

Zac seems that all I are watching, well it's time to introduce myself , hello I'm Zac , god creator of the FUN system, in a nutshell I'm a dungon Master , the world and its inhabitants do not concern me, only care about me the world be level and fun ... but you know I don't give a damn about all that, from now on I'm in charge, and I want to play a game. The supreme hundred who are living in this world will be nerfed and sent to a different world, but they will not be alone, nor will they be the most powerful, if their current level is 100 they will start with a hundredth of their power and will have to level up to increase your statistics, to return to your comfortable life you will have to defeat twelve beings with the ability "second life" and that's it, enjoy your gift =).

After saying that the god snapped his fingers surrounding everyone in an infinite light, when all the supreme ones disappeared and only a huge void remained , the god turned to face the shadow, the core of the FUN system that coincidentally it looked like a teddy bear ...

Zac -what did you think of my counter measure ?, Wonderful ?, Splendid ?.

FUN - you did another stupid thing.

Zac -.........

FUN - <sigh> mad god, and as lost your charm, having only 13 user that only skill one will fulfill that mission, if two different supreme defeat two users each will be impossible to complete the search, or am I wrong ?

The god Zac received a slap from reality, which curiously felt like a salmon crashing into his face.

Zac -... this is ... very exciting.

Perspective Muraya

Is this supposed to be an important meeting? I am Muraya Yura the demon king of the Black Demon am currently in a meeting with Yoki Yusha the demon king of the kingdom elfico , we should be talking about politics and that the apparently elves require greater influence on decision-making (as if having an elf prime minister wasn't enough), but we're not really talking about that even though the prime minister is present he doesn't give much importance to this issue either. We were talking about the results of the last dodgeball game, when my daughter burst into the room.

Everything was going well, normal, but everything changed with his question from the supreme.

??? - There is a fourth way

A cold voice echoed throughout the room

Tanasake -then I'll take it

An incredible thirst for blood over my body accompanied by an unceasing desire to kill my daughter, I did everything I could to resist , but even so the attack with an attack that destroyed half of my castle ... even after that I had to make a tremendous not I ran after her effort, my legs were shaking and I felt like a million needles burrowed into my brain as more resist me if Take had luck she could escape , but after two minutes everything was back to normal , the spectral silence that had arisen after the commotion was suddenly broken by the maid Mina ... I was the only one in the entire castle with enough strength to try to oppose the desire to attack, that idiot should not have done that, Sinf , sinf , the tears began to flow from my eyes when I saw the destroyed corpse of my daughter next to a servant who had broken into a deep cry caused by the guilt she felt.

Now she is dead and I was the first to attack, I am the only culprit, if it had been more strongly this would not have happened, I would have saved her , Mina tried to take his lifeless repeatedly but I would not let him , I couldn't let that happen.

The funeral will be held this morning, I am depressed and tired, I feel that my heart broke and my body began to weaken, after the funeral I will leave the post of demon king.

??? hello ' I guess these cuchando but I hope I'm not wrong again demon king, do not want to kill more of those, but only to Confirm Are you are the demon king Muraya Yura ?

Muraya - yes

??? - oh what a relief, I am Zac and I will be brief, your daughter is alive, you and eleven of your subjects will obtain a special ability and will be sent to the world where she is, having said that the entire castle will be taken together with the aforementioned people and then enjoy your gift =)

A crack echoed through the world and the castle of the black demons disappeared leaving a colossal crater in the middle of the city of Tenebris .
