
The CEOS Wife

He is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world while also being the leader of the Underworld. Maintaining his privacy is his highest priority. Few people know either identity and even fewer know both. He is just viewed as an outcast in his own family. While she is just a small time director at a failing company. Trying to make her days go by and live a simple life. Avoiding her family at all cost as she feels like an outcast from their rich chasing lifestyle. What happens when he inserts himself into her life? Is it fate or is there an alternative agenda that is trying to be filled? What secrets of each other do they uncover? What are their True identities? (No rape/major misunderstanding)

Wolfpac · Urban
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51 Chs

Grandma McAlester

After a few hours of helping in the kitchen Sara looked up to see Sean still leaning against the doorway. "How long have you been there?" Dawn chuckled, "he's been there since he returned. Honey remember what I said." Sara blushed hearing the words while Sean raised his eyebrow, "What did you talk about me for?" Dawn smack her sons arm, "Girl talk. Now go help you father or something. We need to have more girl talk." Sean glared at his mother who seemed to ignore his existence, finally he sighed as he left.

As Sara wiped the sweat off her brow she heard Dawn question, "so when is the wedding?" Sara blushed hearing the question, "we still haven't talked about it. However I'm thinking a spring wedding would be nice, I have a spot in mind but I don't know if he'd like it." Dawn chuckled, "that boy just stood there to watch you cook for hours. He would have a wedding inside a volcano if it made you happy." Sara nodded before responding, "this spot is a little special, so I want to make sure." Dawn nodded in understanding when a woman walked inside the kitchen.

"Mom why did Sean bring the two stallions?" Dawn coughed hearing Monica's voice before nodding her head towards Sara. Monica squealed seeing Sara before embracing her in a tight hug. "He actually brought you! we definitely are going shopping this weekend now." Sara shook her head at the reaction from Monica. "Have you started planning the wedding yet? Don't forget about me. I want to design the rings." Sara could help but laugh at the enthusiasm from Monica. "Not yet but we are starting the foundation it seems. What colors does Sean like?" The pair responded in unison, "Black" Sara was stunned, "I want it to be a wedding not a funeral" the women chuckled at Sara's words. "don't worry about these things. As long as you're there, he'll be there next to you. Trust me I know him better than he thinks." Monica said looking at Sara's downcast face. An old woman's voice was heard from the doorway, "who are we talking about?" Monica chimed hearing the voice, "that old ice block you call your grandson." Sara turned to see Sean's grandmother standing at the doorway. The little kitchen was getting quite crowded it seemed. The old woman looked at Sara before saying, "child come with me"

After Sara followed the old lady to a bedroom, she sat on the bed before patting it saying, "come here we need to have a talk." Sara sat down as nervousness started creeping up inside her. The old lady sat in silence for a moment before she finally sighed and said, "There are lots of things going on in his life. Some good and some bad. It's not as simple as one sees from a certain point of view." Sara nodded before responding, "Yes I know. The company is busy but he also has another problem creeping up." The old lady looked at Sara shocked before saying, "it seems the Carmichaels made the first move. He told you this?" Sara nodded, "He's told me everything about the two lives he leads." The lady nodded before pondering over Sara's words. After a few minutes she spoke, "That makes this talk a lot less complicated. I know you are planning on taking over one of the two, I could see the determination in your eyes at the press conference he made."

"Wait all this time you knew both identities, you've got to be…" the old lady cut Sara off, "The only family member to know his dark side. He didn't have a choice. Hospitals have always generally been viewed as sanctuaries from the Underworld. Not so much in the mob days but since then yes. But Sean made it official, however before that you'd patch up guys with clear knife wounds saying they got hurt falling off a bike or other junk like that. Gradually we become in tune with these people and kept information. Once they started talking about this guy the Black Wolf and his sinister brown eyes. I had an idea and confronted Sean and he confirmed it. I retired shortly after and moved to the Henson home and kept out of contact with him unless family functions. It was safer for him and me."

"You know grandma, that's not the whole truth is it." The old lady chuckled, "you are a bright one. I can see why you captured his attention. However, you're right, I worked in the Underworld aswell. Lots of men and women would come to our clinic after hours to get patched up. So I knew he was involved in it before he became the king. But back to my point, a war is brewing and I think that it be best if you come stay with me for a while."

Sara immediately shook her head, "I can't do that." The old lady looked at her instant reacting with pride growing in her eyes, "honey it to keep you safe." Sara stood up heading to the door, "I'm not going to hide in some place while he's put there fighting it. I'm his wife not some random person. If he wishes for it, I'll still fight him over it." The determination and fire in the normally bright blue eyes made them brighter somehow. To old lady nodded before saying, "very well but my offer still stands." Sara left the room and walked outside the house fuming at the old lady. When the old lady walked out of the bedroom to run into Sean.

"Grandmother I told you not to do it now she's angry. Stay out of this, I will decide what's best for us not you." The old lady looked at Sean before sighing, "Sean if her secret gets out it'll become more dangerous. Do you think that Old Man Carmichael would let you just marry his granddaughter like that. He'll come after you even more ferociously if he does find out, remember what you sacrificed the last time. You can't pay that price again." Sean nodded, "I've learned grandma, and she's not as weak as you assume. Rob has been training her for half a year." The old lady chuckled as the two walked back through the house, "This I know, just by her reaction to me suggesting to move out to my place. The determination to stop being looked down upon by people, is strong and bountiful. Also her aura when she's angry is powerful, she's born to lead and not going to stand by idly as you wage this war. Be careful Sean. You can't afford to lose her and we can't afford to lose you." Sean nodded, "I'll be careful grandmother. I know the old man has tricks up his sleeves, but so do I." The old lady nodded before Sean grabbed the door to the back porch, "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find my wife."the old lady shook her head as Sean walked out the door.