
The CEOS Wife

He is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world while also being the leader of the Underworld. Maintaining his privacy is his highest priority. Few people know either identity and even fewer know both. He is just viewed as an outcast in his own family. While she is just a small time director at a failing company. Trying to make her days go by and live a simple life. Avoiding her family at all cost as she feels like an outcast from their rich chasing lifestyle. What happens when he inserts himself into her life? Is it fate or is there an alternative agenda that is trying to be filled? What secrets of each other do they uncover? What are their True identities? (No rape/major misunderstanding)

Wolfpac · Urban
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Willkommen in der Wildnis

When Sara walked out of the cabin, she didn't see Seam anywhere. After walking around she finally spotted him coming from the woods with two horses and Luna following behind. Sean looked at her before asking, "have you ever ridden before?" Sara shook her head. "It's quite simple here let me teach you." After a quick lesson Sara was soon on the horse ridding along side Sean. She looked at the man who hadn't changed his normal wear except he was wearing boots now. "Why are we ridding horses we drove from your parents last night." Sean chuckled, "There's the winter festival today. It's held at a neighbors ranch, the quickest way is by horse. It's about 10 miles by vehicle on old dirt roads. It's about 3 on horse." Shortly after Sean kicked his horse causing it to go faster and Sara's horse followed suit.

About 15 minutes later they arrived at a barn. When they entered Sara saw the middle aged couple that she recognized. The walked up to her embracing her as they said hello before David spoke towards Sean, "Lighting got out again. They can't find him." Sean nodded before telling Luna to stay and hopping back on his horse. After he quickly rode away Sara looked at David puzzled, "Lighting?" David nodded, "That's the Clarkes stallion. He a racehorse that seems to be an escape artist. Sean is one of the best trackers we have out here." Sara looked in the distance that Sean had rode away in, "how did he learn to track?" David let out a deep warm laughter before responding, "my child there is still so much to learn about him. The short story is that Sean learned how to track like most people out here, by hunting. To him though it came as second nature. That boy could find a rabbit after a fresh morning snow somehow." Sara nodded before Dawn wrapped her in a sideways hug, "come child let's help out where we can. He'll be back soon."

Walking inside the barn Sara noticed how it wasn't to expectation. Instead it was just a giant empty area, looking more like a convention room. Dawn chuckled at Saras puzzled expression, "Child not every barn is used to store animals. This one is mainly used for machine storage." Sara nodded in understanding. Dawn then dragged her to the house, "come help me in the kitchen, I want to talk to you." Sara smiled as she entered the small kitchen. After helping Dawn prepare some ingredients, she finally spoke, "Honey, I know that we didn't really get some bonding time as Sean was too protective of you." Sara smiled at the lady, "it's alright. We'll have plenty of time in the future."

"Honey, I want you to understand something. Ever since he was young he had to be more mature. Graduating early and starting a company. Just give him some time please. I know he'll treat you right." Sara had water gathering in her eyes. The soft voice from the lady touched her heart. Dawn gasped seeing Sara start to tear up. She immediately walked over and embraced Sara. "Sweetie don't cry, please don't. Has he treated you poorly?" Sara could only shake her head in the warm embrace of the woman. When she finally found words she responded, "he treats me too well. He's always dropping things and setting projects aside for me." Dawn smiled at Saras words. As she let go of Sara, she chimed, "Honey that's who Sean is. He may not realize it, but when something claims his heart, he will stop at nothing to make it flourish. At first when he was real young it was music, then building an empire to dwarf the Henson's, and now it seems to be you. I heard he won't return as CEO, that means he doesn't want the trips around the world to take away time from you."

"How can you be so sure?" Sara asked with a raised eyebrow. Dawn laughed as she walked over to the stove, "Honey, when he looks at you his eyes almost turn gold. The last time I saw that in his eyes was when he received his first guitar. He wouldn't let that thing out of his sight, playing it for hours everyday. Until that day that Marcos changed everything. I thought I would never see that light until I saw him looking at you when he carried you in. So trust me, even if he won't admit it or even understands it: that boy is wrapped around your finger." Sara burst into laughter hearing Dawn's statement. 'If this woman understood just how powerful her son was would she be saying that?'

Shortly after the conversation the women resumed cooking chatting about different subjects until a tall handsome man with black hair and green eyes walked in. "Ooh who is this pretty woman?" The mans smooth deep voice said towards Sara. Sara looked up at the man and had to admit he looked decent but nothing compared to Sean. "Sorry married shoot on another goal." Sara stated as she kept helping in the kitchen. "Aww come on honey just cause there's a keeper doesn't mean I can't score." Sara glanced at the man her eyes turning icy. Before Dawn could even react Sara had snapped back, in a cold voice, "and just because there are referees doesn't mean I can't chop you manhood off and feed it to Luna." Sara then chunked a piece of meat to the dog laying down near her. The man gulped as he thought, 'who on Earth could marry someone as cold and demon like as her.' However before he could respond to the woman, he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw the woman's eyes in the kitchen turn bright and sparkle as she smiled brightly. "Honey!" She exclaimed. Sean walked past the man before embracing Sara. "Hello Max. I see you met my wife." Sean stated glancing over at the man hawking by the door. The man was shaking in his shoes 'the business king and that demon woman. What a match made in hell. But then why does it feel like sunshine when she smiles'

"Did you find the horse?" Sara stated as she turned back to help in the kitchen. Sean smiled before humming in response. As he backed up and leaned on the doorway, he glanced at Max before giving him a look of 'don't think I don't know that you tried to hit on my wife'. The man shivered when Sean looked at him. He quickly found an excuse to leave. While Max was leaving he smirked thinking, 'oh sean for once you slip up and show the Carmichaels a card. Wait until they hear about this in Bay City.' When he pulled out his phone, his hand was immediately grabbed. Looking up Max met eyes with Berkowski who just smirked before whispering in German, "welcome to the wilderness." Max fainted hearing the words that sealed his fate. He couldn't even find the strength to struggle as he was dragged out the back into a truck that was waiting.