
Nausea feeling and fatigue


"Does it mean that I am pre...." Eve didn't complete the word before shakes her head and removed her thought away from thinking about that scenerio.

"That can't be true. Maybe I am having an irregular menstruation cycle this month and it will come later... Yes! That's it! That's it!" She came to the conclusion that she was having an irregular menstrual cycle. She hurried up with her daily routine and went to bed.


Charlie is in his study going through some documents that he told his secretary to send to his email when his father, Mark called him and asked for the process of dealing with Eve's relatives. Charlie told him about everything that had happened recently and even told him about the pen recorder.

His father told him to be careful and talk things slowly like his wife advised him. After that his father brought up the topic he doesn't like.

"When will you give me grandchild?" Mark asked.

"Soon dad... Soon" Charlie said. 'As soon as Eve agrees' Charlie thought.

"Okay I will be waiting for the good news" mark said and cuts the call. Charlie tidied up his desk and goes back to the bedroom.

Charlie entered the bedroom and he saw Eve sleeping peacefully on the bed. He smiled and used his hand to push back the hair that covered her face.

"When will you be willing to have my child?" Charlie continued to caress her hair and face. "I will wait for you no matter how long it takes" Charlie thought.

He pulls back the quilt and lied down close to Eve, spooning her. They slept like that through out the night.


The next morning~~~~~

Charlie's mansion~~~~~

The sun shines through the windows into the room to show it was already morning but Eve was feeling weak and nauseous and was not able to get out of bed.

Charlie who has already gotten up from bed 30 minutes earlier and is already dressed up for work looked at Eve on the bed still sleeping and is surprised. The Eve he knows always wakes up early everyday. "Is she sick?" He thought. He becomes very curious and went to the bed and sat on one side of the bed and tried to wake Eve.

"Little bunny! Wifey! Are you feeling well?" Charlie asked the half asleep Eve on the bed.

"I don't know Hun. I feel tired and nauseous, Brrrr...." Eve stood up in a rush and went into the bathroom. Charlie became anxious. 

"The sickness must be serious for her to be vomiting" Charlie thought.

Eve came out of the bathroom few seconds later. She was looking really tired. She went and lied down on the bed again.

"Why not I take you to the hospital so you can be examined, so we can know what is wrong with you" Charlie said.

"Don't worry about me and go to work, I will take a day off and rest. It might be as a result of stress. I just have to rest and I will be as good as new by tomorrow" Eve weakly.

"You don't look like you would be okay with just rest. It is better safe than sorry Eve" Charlie said still insisting on taking her to the hospital.

"Okay if it is fine by you I will go to the hospital later for check up, are you satisfied?" Eve asked Charlie.

"That is fine by me but make sure you go I will make one of your bodyguard drive you to the hospital" Charlie said.

""Hmm..." Eve hummed her answer.

Charlie looked at Eve and caressed her hair before getting up from the bed and goes out of the bedroom.


At around 12 noon~~~~~

Eve was finally able to get a little bit of strength to drag herself up from the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up so she can go to the hospital.

Actually Eve already had an idea or should I say a hunch on what is wrong with her but she just wanted to be sure before telling anyone that is why she agreed to go to the hospital to get tested.

She dressed up and went downstairs to the dinning area to eat.

"Good afternoon Miss Eve!" The chubby and cute looking maid greeted her smiling. Eve was always friendly with the servants in the mansion. She did not see them as servants rather she took them to be her friends and gossip buddies that is why the servants so much like her and respect her very well because of her kind and accommodating character. Her character is opposite of Mr Charles who always wears a cold face when talking to them.

"Good morning Evelyn! How are you this morning?" Eve greeted and asked Evelyn about her night.

"It was splendid Miss Eve and yours?" Evelyn asked cheerfully.

"It was fine thank you" Eve said.

"Should I serve your brunch (because it is already past the time for breakfast) for you Miss Eve?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes please do, I am so hungry" Evelyn turned to rush to enter the kitchen before she called her back.

"Did my husband eat before leaving for work?" Eve asked.

"Yes he did" Evelyn answered truthfully.

"Okay you can go now" Eve said nodding her head.

"Okay Miss Eve, I will go get your food" Evelyn said and went into the kitchen.

"Mhm..." Eve hummed.

After her brunch she headed to M city hospital to check herself. Charlie has already informed the hospital about Eve's coming so she won't need to stress herself going through the procedures in the hospital.


Thirty minutes later~~~~

M city hospital~~~~

Eve arrived at M city hospital and she went straight to the front desk. 

"What can I do for you ma'am?" The lady in the front desk asked Eve.

"I am here for check up and an appointment is already booked for me before now" Eve said.

"What is your name please?" The lady asked.

"Eve Anderson Powell" Eve said. This is the first time she was using Charlie's name and it is actually not bad at all.

"Okay, excuse me ma'am, let me make a call, why not sit here and wait a little bit if you don't mind" the lady said and gestured her hand towards a chair beside her chair.

"Sure" Eve said and went to sit down on the chair beside the front desk lady.

The lady dialed some numbers on the intercom. It rang and was picked up.

"Sir Miss Eve Anderson Powell has arrived" the front desk lady told to the person on the line.

"Okay I will be there right away!" the person on the other line said in a hurry.

"Okay sir" the front desk lady said.

"Someone will be here to pick you up for the check up ma'am" the front desk lady said.

"Okay thanks" Eve said and nodded.

Few minutes later,  Eve saw two young and one elderly men approach her with hurried steps.


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Chocolate shortcake


Coconut shortcake

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