



Thirty minutes later~~~~

M city hospital~~~~

Eve arrived at M city hospital and she went straight to the front desk. 

"What can I do for you ma'am?" The lady in the front desk asked Eve.

"I am here for check up and an appointment is already booked for me before now" Eve said.

"What is your name please?" The lady asked.

"Eve Anderson Powell" Eve said. This is the first time she was using Charlie's name and it is actually not bad at all.

"Okay, excuse me ma'am, let me make a call, why not sit here and wait a little bit if you don't mind" the lady said and gestured her hand towards a chair beside her chair.

"Sure" Eve said and went to sit down on the chair beside the front desk lady.

The lady dialed some numbers on the intercom. It rang and was picked up.

"Sir Miss Eve Anderson Powell has arrived" the front desk lady told to the person on the line.

"Okay I will be there right away!" the person on the other line said in a hurry.

"Okay sir" the front desk lady said.

"Someone will be here to pick you up for the check up ma'am" the front desk lady said.

"Okay thanks" Eve said and nodded.

Few minutes later,  Eve saw two young men and one elderly men approach her with hurried steps. All three of them were putting on the regular doctor's rob so she guessed they were doctors in the hospital and for them walking towards her seems they are the ones sent to pick her up for her check up "but why are they three? One is enough though to attend to me" Eve thought.

"Good afternoon ma'am" the elderly man greeted.

"Good afternoon sir" Eve greeted the trio. "And you are..." Eve asked because the three men seem to have a high rank in the hospital.

"Oh... Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Dr Philip. I am the director of the hospital" he turns to his fellow colleagues and introduced them, "this is Dr Matthew and this is Dr Peter" Dr Philip said.

"Nice to meet you Dr Philip, Dr Matthew and Dr Peter. It is my pleasure meeting you all" Eve said.

"Dr Matthew will be the one to help with your check up" Dr Philip said.

"Oh okay. Can we start now because I am not very strong and I need to rest" Eve said.

"Oh yeah yeah. Go on... Dr Matthew lead Mrs Powell to the examination room immediately" Dr Philip said.

"Yes sir... This way" Dr Matthew said and lead the way to the examination room and Eve followed behind him.

"We should definitely not offend Mrs Powell because it seems like Mr Charles Powell does not joke with her" Dr Philip said.

"Seems so" Dr Philip and Dr Peter looked at eve leaving back.


Inside the examination room~~~~~

Eve have done all the tests and even told them to include a pregnancy test just to be very sure if she is pregnant or not but the chances of her being pregnant was 80% out of 100%. Dr Matthew told her to wait in the waiting room for the results to come out.

Few minutes later~~~~~

Dr Matthew walked into the waiting room with a big smile on his face.

"Congratulations Mrs Powell! You are 2 weeks pregnant" Dr Matthew said.

Although Eve mentally prepared herself for whatever outcome of the test maybe but she was still really stunned and shocked to hear the result of the pregnancy test is positive.

"I... I... am pre... gnant!" Eve stammered her words.

"Yes Mrs Powell" Dr Matthew said confused about the reaction of Eve. "Is there anything wrong, Mrs Powell?" Dr Matthew asked.

"Yes... Yes... Everything is fine, thanks" Eve said.

"Okay congratulations once again Mrs Powell" Dr Matthew made a turn and heads to the door when Eve stopped him.

"Please can I request of you not to tell my husband the news yet, I want to be the one to tell him about it" Eve asked.

"Okay Mrs Powell" Dr Matthew said and left the room.

Eve knew that if she didn't request for them to not tell Charlie about her pregnancy, they would rush to report to him. She wanted to surprise Charlie but if they told Charlie about the news it won't be a surprise anymore.


Jk corporation~~~~~

Charlie's office~~~~~

Charlie was still worried about Eve and wondered if she later went to the hospital. He didn't want to call Eve and ask because she might think he does not trust her and he decided to call the director of the hospital. The phone was answered on the first ring.

"Good afternoon Mr Charles" Dr Philip greeted Charlie.

"Good afternoon Dr Philip" Charlie greeted back.

"To what do I owe this call?" Dr Philip could already guess why Charlie called but he just pretended not to know.

"I just wanted to know if my wife came for check up" Charlie asked.

"Oh yes she was here for the test. Actually the test is already done and the test results are out" Dr Philip said.

"What did the test say is wrong with my wife?" Charlie asked.

"About that.... To be honest, your wife said that we should not tell you about the test results" Dr Philip said.

Charlie is surprised about what Dr Philip said and he asked "did she tell you why is that?"

"She said she wanted to tell you herself" Dr Philip said.

"Okay thank you uncle" Charlie said.

"You are welcome Charles" Dr Philip said. Charlie has known Dr Philip since he was little because Dr Philip has been friends with his father for a long time.


Eve went home straight from the hospital. On entering the mansion her phone rang. She looked at the caller an smiled.

"Hello" Eve said as she answered the call.

"Hey babe! How are you?" Sue asked.

"I am fine Sue" Eve said laughing.

"I was told you took a day off because you were sick. What kind of sickness is that? What are the symptoms?" Sue asked anxiously.

"I am feeling better Sue. You and Nars should come over after work, I have something important to tell you both" Eve said.

"What is it? Tell meeee!" Sue gossipy nature kicked in.

"I will tell you both when you are here so stop being a surprise killer and bring Nars over to the house after work" Eve said.

"Okay take care of yourself" Sue said but she sounded like a child whose candy was taken away from her.

"Okay bye" Eve said.

"Bye!" Sue said and ends the call.

Eve laughed and goes up to the bedroom to freshen up and rest before her friends comes.



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Meat pie


Fish pie

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