
Chapter 2:

"Good morning everybody. Before you start working, there are some important news that you should know, by the end of this week a very important man will be moving into the penthouse. Also, the famous model, Katherine Diaz, will be staying for two weeks in room 869. These two are our most important guest. We need to please them however they want. Do not make them mad." our staff manager, Harley said.

"The staff that will be in charge of taking care of these important people are Marta, Josh, Frank, Ruby, Lucas and Eliza."

Damn it! I hate dealing with rich people. They are so obnoxious and think that just because they are rich, then you have to obey their every order.

"Well, time to start working people, have a great day!" Harley said.

"Oh, Lucas and Eliza you two are to escort and clean Miss Diaz room now."

Lucas and I exchanged looks and went to clean Miss Diaz room.

"Stupid rich people. Why can't they stay at another hotel or why couldn't they have picked other people." Lucas said dramatically.

"I know! Just because they are rich, they think they own the world."

"But, I can't argue that much, I mean it is Katherine Diaz, the hottest model in the world."

"As if she would ever notice you." I said chuckling.

"I bet my ass that she will, after all I am a very attractive man." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Of course you are, do you think she'll ask you to have sex with her?" I said laughing. "Let's keep up cleaning the room and go to the bed you attractive man."

"You are just jealous of how sexy I am."

"You wish." I said flicking him off.

"Hey Eli, did you get called back about the jobs?" He screamed from the bedroom.

"They told me that today I would know if I got the job or not."

"What are you going to do if you get both of the jobs?"

"Well, I did say I wanted to work part time and I already spoke to Henry about it. He says he is okay with it. You know I have to pay for my bills plus my parents and my dad's medical bill is really high."

"Yea, I know. Am I going to see you less?" He said sticking his head out of the bedroom door.

"You know where I live Lucas, you can always come and visit." I said as I got the small living room ready .

"Yea but it's not the same as working with you. Who is going to hear me bitch about these rich people and when I have awesome sex?"he said in a sassy and dramatic tone.

"Sometimes I think your gay." I said smiling at him.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." He said flicking me off.

"Eliza, Lucas. Is the room ready?"

came a voice from our "employ earphones".

"Yea Tammy, send her up, we have everything ready. Her favorite flowers are lilies right?"

"Yes Eli, thanks. Good luck with her. Looks like she is in her period."

"Haha, thanks Tammy."

"Lucas you heard, be on your best behavior and get the lilies!"

"Yes sir!" He said saluting me And grabbing the lilies.

We made our way to the door and when we heard Josh, we opened and gave her out best smiles.

"Welcome Miss Diaz! Your room is ready." I said with a big smile.

"And here, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman." Lucas said smiling at her.

"Why thank you, so nice of you." She said grabbing the flowers.

"Josh, we will take it from here."

"Very well, I hope you have a great time staying at our hotel and please don't hesitate on contacting us if you are not satisfied with something."

"Yes, of course."

Lucas opened the door for her and I picked up the luggage. She was only staying for two weeks but she packed like if she was about to stay for moths. One by one I brought in the luggage while Lucas entertained our guest, more like flirt with her.

"Miss Diaz, your belongings have been stored away. Anything else you'd like for us to do before leaving?"

"Please notify me when the man that is to move in the penthouse arrives."

"Very well Miss Diaz. Come Lucas."

Lucas gave me a look that said 'party pooper'. I smiled at him and made my way to the door.

Lucas smiled at her and made his way to the door.

"Please don't hesitate on calling us if you need anything." Lucas said with a smile.


We closed the door and made our way to the other rooms that needed to be clean.