
Chapter 3

I have been cleaning rooms and welcoming guest the whole day and I have been doing it alone for the past three hours. Lucas shift ended at 2pm because he is studying and also has another job. My shift ends at 5:30pm and I have already received the news that I got one of the jobs. I am waiting for the accounting one now.

"Eliza, you can leave. You have worked a lot." Harley said.

"Thanks Harley" I said smiling at her.

I made my way to the lockers when my phone started vibrating. I took out my phone and answered it.


"Is this Miss Nazario?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Miss Nazario, I am calling about the accounting job. You are to be at work tomorrow by 8am. Can you make it?"

"Um.. Yeah, sure."

"Very well, you will meet Mr.Sherlock tomorrow."

"Who was I speaking to?"

"His assistant, Mia Greger."

"Very well, have a great afternoon."

"You too Miss Nazario."

I hanged up and made my way to Henry's office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door and went in.

"Hey Eli. What's up?"

Henry was a very nice old man. He was 70 years old and was still running the hotel.

"Henry, I am not coming in tomorrow morning. Nor will I will be coming on Friday. I got both jobs! Tomorrow I have to go to Sherlock Inc. and on Friday, I have to go to 'Help conserve the Marine Life' organization, the whole day. What days can I have off?"

"That's great Eli! Well, you need to at least have a day off so take Sunday off. You can work Mondays and Fridays here. The same shift as always." He said smiling at me.

"Very good! How is your wife, by the way?"

"She is good, she has been asking when are you planning on visiting her." He said chuckling.

"Well, soon." I said smiling.

"Very well, anything else Eli?"

"No, just that. Thanks! Don't leave the hotel too late. And say hi to Milly for me." I said as I stood up and walked out the door.

"I'll be sure to let her know. Goodnight Eli."

"Goodnight Henry!"

I made my way to the elevator and into the parking lot and I drove off to my apartment. It was 6pm when I finally arrived at my home. I opened the apartment door and went to take a shower. After the shower, I prepared dinner for myself and called Nicole.

"Hey sis, how is the family doing?"

My sister was married to her high school boyfriend and had two beautiful girls, Molly and Mavis.

"Hey big sis, they are fine. Guys! Auntie Eliza is on the phone."

"Hey Eli, how are you?"

"Hey Nathan, how's work? And I am fine."

"Work is work and I am glad you are fine. How are things over there?"

"Haha, everything is great. I got called back from both jobs!"

"That's great! Eli."

"Auntie Eli! We miss you!" Molly screamed.

"Oh baby, I miss you guys too!" I said blowing a kiss to the camera.

We spent an hour talking before Nicole made me hang up because I looked tired. I changed my alarm to 6:30am and texted Lucas.

Hey man, how was the uni?

-It was okay. Got a girl's number.

Don't you have enough sex already?

-Yes, but I am single and on my early 20s

Yea, I am also on my early 20s.

-you are in your late 20s, you are 26 years old. And you haven't gotten laid since well... that incident.

Lucas you know that I am okay with it now, it happened 3 years ago. And well I have things to do and focus on, that I don't have time to go mingle.

-that's what you aways say. Anyway, how was work? Did you get called back?

Yes, actually I got both jobs. Tomorrow I won't be in the morning and I won't go on Friday. And work was tiring like always.

-That's awesome Eli! But don't you think you are overworking yourself?

Maybe but I have bills to pay. I need the money.

-I know, I know. Just please take it easy.

I always do, anyway, I am going to bed tomorrow. Goodnight, sweet dreams. Love you!

-Goodnight, love you too!