
Chapter 1:

"Wake up Eliza. Wake up Eliza." ringed my alarm clock.

I extended my right arm and shut it off. It was set to ring at 4am and after 3 years of getting up at 4am in the morning, I still had trouble waking up. It took me about half an hour to get up from the bed and then fifteen minutes to make my bed and take a shower. Fortunately, I lived alone. So I didn't have to wait for anybody. I have been living in Australia for well, 3 years. I moved after I finished the university, but the accent never stuck.

"Today it's going to be a good day Eli, today your going to get an answer to see if you got the job as a marine scientist and that accounting job."

I got up from the bed, grab my towel and work clothes and went to the bathroom. I took off my pajamas and put play on "I was made for loving you" by KISS. I've always been a big fan of the 80's rock music.

I grabbed the shampoo and started singing. "I was made for loving you baby, and you were made for loving me.."

After a 5 minute shower, I turn off the water and got out. Picked up the towel and dried my self off. I brushed my teeth and out the bathroom I was. I put on my uniform, which was a hotel maid uniform. I worked at "Four Seasons Hotel Sydney", put a little bit of makeup, grabbed my phone, earphones, keys, jacket, helmet and wallet and out the door I was. I lived on the last floor of the apartment building, fifth floor to be exact. I pushed the bottom down on the elevator and in a couple of minutes I was at the parking lot. My ride was a 12-16 ZX1400 Ninja motorcycle in the color black.

I put my helmet on and turned on my baby. Just as I was about to back up from the parking space, my phone vibrated. I look at it and saw that I had a reminder for me to call my mom. I shut off my phone and inside my pocket it went. I made my way to the entrance of the parking lot and left for work.

My mom lived in New York, USA. She lived with my brother Jack and my father, who by the way they are divorced, Mark. Mom had to take in dad because he got seriously sick and had no one to take care of him. While my mom took care of my dad, Jack would study and me and my sister, Nicole, helped pay the bills even though I was in Australia and my sister in California.

I started work at 6am but because I lived about half an hour away from the hotel, I had to get up early and leave at 4:45am.

I got to work at 5:15 and parked my motorcycle on the employees only parking lot. I grabbed my things and inside the hotel I went.

"Good morning, Miss Nazario."

"Good morning, Mr.Smith, how are you today?"

Mr.Smith was the doorman at the hotel. He was the first person to talk to me when I started working here.

"Very good, Miss Nazario. How about you?" He said smiling at me.

"Doing well, Smith." I smiled back as I hugged him and went to where the staff lockers were.

"Hey, Eliza."

"Hey Lucas."

Lucas was my partner. He helped me clean the rooms and get everything ready for the clients. He also was a great friend of mine. He started working about a year later after I started working here.

"How are you today?"

"Swell, how about you?" I said with a little bit of sarcasm.

"I am doing fine! Yesterday I got to fucked two hot girls." He said smirking.

"Congratulations. Hope you got one of them pregnant." I said rolling my eyes at him and laughing.

"Don't you ever say that."

I chuckled and left to get breakfast.

"Hey, wait for me!"

"You are the one that is taking a long ass time to get ready. Come on, I got to call my mom."

We made our way to the dinning area and picked up our breakfast. We both got pancakes, eggs and bacon.

"Well, hurry up. I wanna say hi to your mom." Lucas said as he sat closer to me.

My parents loved Lucas for some unknown reason.

I turnes on my phone and face-time my mom.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey sweeties. How are you guys today?"

"We are good, how are you and the others?"

"Well, you father is nagging a lot and well, your brother will be calling you for a math homework and for you to help him study for an exam."

"Well, he knows when I am free." I said shrugging.

Lucas took my phone off my hand and started talking with my mom.

"Cynthia, how is Nicole?"

I laughed and went to eat my breakfast. About 10 minutes later he and my mom finished talking and it was almost time to start working.

"Hey guys, it's 5:50am, we have a staff meeting in a couple of minutes so Lucas say bye to mom."

Lucas said bye to mom, grabbed our plates and gave me the phone back.

"Hey mom, sorry. I love you and dad and Jack. Please don't hesitate on calling me. Even though I live on the other side of the world, I want you to know that you can count on me, okay?"

"Yes baby, love you! Have a great day."

I said my goodbyes to my mom and dad, who got up before I hang up. I got up from the table and made it to the staff room.