
Chapter 4

Two days after the terrifying creature incident that rocked the school, Ethan desperately tries to convince himself that everything has return to normal. However, his hopes are shattered when he starts experiencing eerie visions that blur the line between reality and nightmare.

In these visions, Ethan finds himself dressed impeccably at a school party, but instead of laughter and joy, there is an unsettling atmosphere of dread. The room is bathed in blood, with every student lying motionless in their own crimson pools. As Ethan surveys the haunting scene, his eyes lock with a mysterious woman in a black robe, who stands at the center of it all. Perched upon her shoulder is a majestic three eye raven that seems to scrutinize him with an otherworldly gaze.

The continuous calling of his name by Andrew brought him back from the bizarre vision

"Hey man have being calling you for like 5 times where is your head at" said Andrew with his worry face on

Ethan is completely lost and looked confused cause he couldn't explain nor understand what just happened he stood up sharply and left the cafeteria

On his way back to his dorm, Ethan unexpectedly encounters a raven similar to the one from his visions, screeching ominously amidst the torrential rain and thunderous clashes outside.

Ethan enter his dorm and lay on his bed but the thought of that vision keeps playing on and on in his head

He is so lost that he didn't even noticed when Andrew came in "Bro is something wrong I was worry about the way you ran out of the cafeteria"

Ethan took a deep breath out "I had like a premonition"

"What do you mean Promonition about what"Andrew asked

"About every student in the campus dying at a party except for a old weird lady with a raven that has three eyes latched on her shoulder"

"Whoa, I had no idea you could see vision. Andrew chuckle

"Am serious Andrew cause this has never happened to me before"

"Sorry so what do you suggest we do "asked Andrew

"Let check the girmore (dark book of the forbidden spell) to see if we can find the three eye raven "

Ethann delves into research about folklores and ancient symbols associated with ravens and prophetic visions.

After 3 hours of searching the book exhaustively pages by pages they couldn't find anything that has to do with vision or raven

He exhaled out tiredlessly "There is nothing here in likeness to my vision"

"You know what let check out the library to see it we could find anything there"

They both went to the library, on there way there Ethan was perplexed by another bizarre vision like the one before only this time he saw someone standing in the shadow behind the old woman with the raven. As he attempts to take a step forward the raven flew towards him and make a loud noise in his ears the effects of the bird noise makes his nose drip of blood and his legs started to weakened and he passed out

He woke up on the floor with his ears ringing Andrew calling out his name but he couldn't hear him well

"Hey Ethan wake up" Andrew yelled continuously

Andrew pulled him up from the floor and rest his back on the wall

"I just had another vision it was still the same as before except that this time there is someone else there"

"Really do you know the person" asked Andrew

"No I couldn't see they it was standing in the shadow and I passed out"

"Ok that gives me the creeps how could you pass out in your own vision" said Andrew

"I don't know but I think we need to find out fast cause I have a bad feeling about this"

They both went into the library, they begin there search .

As they wandered through the aisles, scanning book titles and flipping through pages, they soon realized that luck was not on their side as they couldn't find anything about three eye raven.

Frustrated, Ethan's eyes roamed around the library until they fell upon someone unexpected. There, immersed in a book, sat Sofia. Ethan was instantly lost in her enchanting presence, unable to tear his gaze away.

As he tried to maintain his composure, his clumsy hands accidentally knocked over a stack of books, scattering them across the shelf. Embarrassed and flustered,

Ethan scrambled to restore order to the chaos he had created. To his surprise, Sofia gracefully approached him and helped gather the fallen books.

As she gently placed each one back onto the shelf, her touch seemed to ignite a faint glow that emanated from her fingertips.

Ethan couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious aura that surrounded Sofia. Once the books were neatly arranged, Sofia turned to face Ethan, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.Ethan mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation. " Thanks Sofia right," he began, "what brings you to the library?"

Sofia turned to face Ethan, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You must be Ethan, I heard about how you save Zachary life in the hallway that was really cool" she said, her voice as graceful as a whispering wind. "I come here to seek knowledge and lose myself in the world of books."

Ethan was both surprised and pleased that she knew his name. "I do see you here often," he said, trying to act nonchalant. "But why the library? Surely, there are many other places to study."

Sofia smiled knowingly. "Ah, Ethan, the library is more than just a place to study for me. It's a sanctuary that holds the stories of countless lives, each waiting to be discovered."

She asked him what kind of book he was searching for. Fumbling for words, Ethan managed to utter, "A book about three eye raven, it for an assignment."

A spark ignited in Sofia's eyes as she nodded knowingly. She gestured for Ethan to follow her, and together they made their way to the old section of the library. Andrew, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, couldn't help but chuckle at Ethan's predicament. As Ethan and Sofia delved deeper into the labyrinth of books,the old section.

A forgotten part of the building, it was hidden behind a heavy wooden door that creaked ominously as they pushed it open. Stepping inside, he found himself surrounded by towering bookshelves that stretched towards the ceiling, their ancient volumes filled with knowledge and mystery