
chapter 3

Andrew's anxiety reached its peak. He couldn't afford for the spell to fail. Summoning every ounce of concentration he had left, he shouted the incantation once more. Suddenly, the room blurred before their eyes and they found themselves inexplicably outside.

But there was no time for relief as gravity took hold and they plummeted into a water fountain nearby their dormitory. Gasping for air and drenched from head to toe, they struggled out of the fountain and quickly assessed their surroundings and go to there room

"That was close" said Andrew gasping for air "I think I owe you a big thank you" said Ethan He sleight his hands over the cloth, invoking his magic. The water within the cloth came forth, spilling onto the ground and making their way through the window.

"Thanks man ". Andrew sighed with relieve he continues "This is definitely a grimore it an ancient book of dark spell, whoever is using this book is purely evil"

Andrew continue to open the book pages by pages he stumbled upon a drawing of a shadow and calls Ethan Attention to it " is this what you saw"

"Yes this is exactly what I saw larking through the wall" said Ethan

"Are you sure cause this is an ancient creature called (Acheron) that has the power to take on a host an full control of the host, the creature is born with a dark magic by Balthazar an evil wizard to help seek revenge on the king for taking his only daughter right after he was killed by the creature first as it is the price to pay the creature"

"Wait stop what do you mean price" asked Ethan

Andrew replied"This Acheron is a last resort creature that takes it master blood and pain to inflict revenge on it's order to, we need to find whoever brought the creature to life fast before it too late, but how do we do that"

"There is a possibility that the master is already dead, what are the things needed to bring it to life"

"To do that will require a very strong and powerful spell caster" he stopped in the shaking cause of seriousness they altered the word "Zachary" together

"It has to be him I mean he is always upset with power but who could he want revenge on" Andrew deeply lowering his his voice

"Let go find out" said Ethan

They both head to the door Andrew felt the need to take the book so he went to get it, the creature came out of the book and gasp through his nose Andrew eyes turn black and there are black vain masks on his neck as the creature took him as his host.

Meanwhile Ethan suspect nothing except that he was awfully quiet as they walk through the hallway to Zachary dorm

Ethan knocked on the door nobody responded he try twisting the door nob to see if the was opened

"What do you two nut jobs want" Said Zachary

Ethan showed him the book of grimore "Any idea what this is?"

The look in Zachary face has already gave him away that he knows something about the book, he open the door for Ethan and Andrew to enter

After few moments of silence in the room ; Zachary then called out in a shaking voice from where is standing looking at the book in Andrew hands "I haven't done anything wrong I was just trying to learn some spell"

Ethan walked towards him with anger "Your stupidity is what going get you killed cause the creature you released is out there and it first mission is to kill you for being so stupid and reckless"

After a few minutes of Zachary try to justify his action Ethan expects Andrew to say something instead he just stood there awfully quiet looking out the window turn his back to the room Ethan calls out his name but totally silence from him Ethan slowly walked towards him he could hear him snarling.

Ethan can tell something is wrong he touched Andrew by the arm the dark vain on his neck has grown to all his face black drip coming out his mouth he turn to Ethan and grab him by the neck squeezing tight he throws him up the wall Ethan pass out.

Zachary open the door in hurry scared down to his bone running in the hallway Andrew taking one step after the other after him but no matter how fast or hard Zachary runs Andrew will always be in his front waiting for him.

Ethan woke up gasping for air could bearly stand on his feet by the time he got out Andrew has already had Zachary at is grasp pulling the soul out of him Ethan got the scene and he try to tap into is fire magic unfortunately for him he couldn't conjure enough fire to kill the demon but at least he was able stop to the creature from taking Zachary soul at the moment.

Ethan remember what Andrew said that the only way to kill the creature is to kill it inside a host he couldn't kill Andrew or let the creature take anyone as host so he invited the creature in himself the traditional way by cutting his wrist and and chanting the spell ("Fac mihi domum tuam aeternam") continuously The creature within Andrew screech out in black shadow and enters IntoEthan.

Ethan his body trembled uncontrollably, the rest of the students looks at him with a manner of shock as knee down trying to struggle and fighting the entity within him he screamed out in pain as the entity struggles to take full control over him he remembered that the fire magic is the most powerful magic from within your soul so he tap into the fire magic once again and this time it did it from within forcing himself to get burned from inside as the entity in him screaming pain after a few seconds of equal labs his eyes turn to normal and all the black vein in his body disappeared.

He is already passed out cold on the floor andrew stands up from where is sitting and rush to it checks this pulse, he has but bearly breathing he called out for help.

After two hours of passing out Ethan finally woke up to see their the administrator Mr Hangrave looking straight at him "Are you okay" said mr Hangrave

Ethan nodded "Yes"

" Good then you can tell me what happened in the hallway" Mr Hangrave with his serious face on

"I don't remember anything about the hallway sir"

Mr Hangrave Gwak at him "I would congratulate you for what you did but since you don't remember much well just try to get better and please no more strange things in this school okay?"

Mr Hangrave exit the room as Andrew walked in "Hey man are how you feeling cause I can bearly remember what happened I was in the room and all of the sudden am in the hallway with Zachary chocking in my hands"

Ethan sighed"I will explain everything" in a deeply lowering voice.