
Chapter 5

The air was thick with the scent of old paper, and the only sound that echoed through the vast chamber was the soft whisper of turning pages. Ethan wandered deeper into the maze of shelves, feeling like a mere speck in this fascinating world of forgotten stories.

As Sofia and Ethan walked through the vast aisles to the deep in the heart of the library, amidst the dusty shelves and forgotten manuscripts, they stumbled upon a peculiar sight. A magnificent wooden safe box adorned with intricate carvings stood before them..

Without hesitation, Sofia pulled out her pair of delicate fairy wings that shimmered with ethereal magic strapped onto her back, tiny beams of light danced around as if celebrating her readiness for adventure.

With her wings fully unfurled, Sofia let out a melodious whisper, invoking an ancient spell known only to the fairy folk. She gently ran her fingers along the surface of her wings, feeling the tingle of enchantment course through her veins. As she summoned her magic, a single droplet of her blood trickled down and splattered onto the wooden safe box.

The moment the drop made contact with the wood, a soft hum resonated through the library. The box trembled and shuddered, as if it had been awakened from a long slumber. To the astonishment of Ethan, the wooden safe box slowly creaked open, revealing a hidden compartment within.

Eyes widened with wonder, Sofia peered into the compartment and it a dusty, leather-bound book adorned with intricate calligraphy. As she gently lifted it out, a sense of reverence coursed through her fingertips, as if the book held the secrets of the universe itself.

Beaming with elation, Sofia turned to Ethan and exclaimed, "This book has all the knowledge in the world."

Its worn cover spoke volumes about its age and wisdom. Sofia carefully thumbed through its pages, revealing a treasure trove of knowledge on Three eye Raven .

As Sofia read aloud, Andrew joined them, intrigued by the strange turn of events.he couldn't help but notice the peculiar arrangement.

Sofia explained that the three raven is not an ordinary bird, but a dark and powerful sprite from the underworld that helps a lost soul cross into the abyss The bird symbolized the connection of the lost soul to the realms beyond, acting as it guardian and conduit to the mortal realm.

Intrigued, Ethan listened intently as Sofia continued, describing the sprite's penchant for mischief and it ability to manipulate reality with it high level of creativity.

Sofia looked at Ethan with anticipation in her eyes. "I have to get ready for tonight, by the way, are you coming?" she asked eagerly. Ethan's curiosity piqued, and he raised an eyebrow in response. "What's happening tonight?" he inquired.

Sofia smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling. "The moon party, dummy! I'll see you there. Oh, and please don't let anything happen to that book," she added, pointing to the ancient book Ethan held in his hands. With that, she left the library, leaving Ethan and his friend, Andrew, alone.

Ethan turned to Andrew, with a concerned expression on his face. "So, it's tonight. We need to hurry up and find a way to stop the vision of everyone dying at the party from coming true," he said urgently. Determination etched on their faces, they both focused and continued reading about the three-eyed raven

In the pages, it was written that the only way to stop the three-eyed raven was to trap it and it lost soul companion in an ancient stone. Moreover, the book revealed that the only way to call forth the three-eyed raven was through a powerful spell. Once they were present, they could be ensnared within the stone, as it was the only means of their release.

Ethan set out to find a suitable location where they could trap the raven, while Andrew went in search of the specific stone required he was able to find a stone called lapis lazuli from the statue outside the school gates. After a series of adventures and close calls, Ethan stumbled upon an abandoned cave, deep within the forest. Finally the night came Ethan and Andrew went to the cave he found earlier excitement coursed through his veins as he placed the stone on a rock and began chanting the incantation ( Egredere de inferno ante oculos trium corvus ).

Suddenly, a cool breeze swept through the cave, followed by a haunting, hollow sound. A rush of fear washed over Andrew, and he clutched his head, feeling a trickle of blood down his nose. Weakened by the ordeal, he collapsed, unconscious. Ethan, too, struggled to maintain control; his legs gave way beneath him, and he crumpled to the floor, teetering on the edge of consciousness.

Meanwhile at the party nobody noticed , a three-eyed raven perched atop the roof, releasing a dark smoke that swirled ominously through the air. Back in the cave, Ethan was on the precipice of passing out when mysteriously Andrew's wand levitated and gently landed in his hand. A surge of energy coursed through Ethan, rejuvenating him in an instant. With newfound strength, he bellowed the spell with all his might and continue the spell (Sit tibi vas hoc, non est hic tibi locus)

A blinding flash of light erupted from the stone as it rose into the air, carried by a torrent of wind st the raven whirlwind of fire peels off into the stone and the blinding lights dies slowly the stone begins to glow as it is now a vessel for the raven. Ethan rushed to Andrew's side, attempting to wake him from his unconscious state. Slowly, Andrew regained consciousness, his head pounding with the remnants of a powerful headache. "Did it work?" he asked groggily.

Ethan beamed, relief flooding his features. "Yes, it worked! And I think I can cast spells now," he declared triumphantly. Assured that their mission had succeeded, they dusted themselves off and rushed home to change into their party attire.

The moon party was in full swing as Ethan and Andrew walked through the doors of the beautifully decorated school hall. Laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses filled the air. Everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives, none the wiser about the danger they had just escaped.

Sofia, stunning in her party dress, spotted Ethan in the crowd and made her way towards him. "I thought you weren't coming," she said, a mixture of surprise and delight in her voice. Ethan couldn't help but smile, captivated by her radiance. "Wouldn't miss this for the world," he replied charmingly, extending his hand to her.

Sofia's eyes sparkled as she accepted the invitation. They stepped onto the dance floor, their movements fluid and effortless. As they swayed to the music, their worries and the recent events faded away, replaced by joy, laughter, and the enchantment of the moon party.

And as they danced under the shimmering moonlight, Ethan knew that the bond forged through their shared adventure would make this night, and many more to come, truly magical.