
The Captured Girl Found Her Purpose

Auctions held throughout the Empire, were the only way to rid themselves of any type of nauseous. Shu Venya was a victim of this horrid transaction, born from a unity of two races, many saw her as an inferiority. Resulting, in her social standing being decided since the downfall of her village. From the very beginning of entering rock bottom, she finds herself without any sort of purpose or goal. Until a spark is ignited within her, when she discovers a boy a few years older than her suffering in the clutches of the Military. Her heart becomes enraptured by the young boy thus, she finds a goal to end his struggles; free him. Over the years of separation from her lost love, she turns the attention of the Empire, becoming someone of high importance from the business world, once a slave now someone nobility bow to. Obstacles all throughout, Shu Venya suffers a great deal, yet her resolve never strays. The thought of the young boy with sharp eyes keeps her heart alive. Hoping to reunite with him once more she prevails in her struggles. Credit goes out to the artist of the cover.

aspiring_authorkn · History
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18 Chs

Failed Confessions

Feigning a look of hurt, he glanced towards the fields once more. "I shall take no offense, for I find oddness to be a perk rather than a flaw."

"As you should, since I meant it as a compliment." Shu said, her grey eyes gleaming in delight. Taking her focus away from the sky, she to glanced at the fields, finding faults with the land that Altan found so beautiful.

Shu was a slave that spent her days out here, unpleasant memories were bound to surface. Yet, it was quite refreshing at observing the emotions that bubbled up on the face of a newcomers. Silence soon followed, as both reveled in their own pleasantries.

While Shu glanced up at the sky that reminded her of a canvas, with a sea of stars displayed for the pleasure of one, and the moon becoming a decoration in her eyes. Altan observed the earth, with the smell of the green filling his lungs, as the feel of the fertile soil remained just beneath his finger tips.

Suddenly Altan broke the silence, snapping his neck towards her. "Why have you not asked why I chose to remain hidden?" he said, looking her straight in the eyes with a serious expression.

Having glanced at him for a second Shu proceeded to observe the moon. "I don't mean to pry in your business. Whether or not you choose to tell me, the decision is up to you. My asking questions would be moot if you won't answer them." she replied.

A pregnant pause followed, though long enough to create tension, and make Shu focus her attention fully on him.

Altan spoke, his gaze unwavering but his voice laced with shame. "I was planning to run away tonight."

Though shocked by his blatant confession, Shu quickly glanced around, rousing sitting position to a stand. Bending her small frame over his own, she observed his eyes attempting to find any hint of humor in the pools of honey.

Quietly Shu whispered "If what your saying is true. Why haven't you taken action yet? Do you have family still living?"

Flashes of emotions broadcasted themselves across the boys face, as each question was brought up. Reaching out for her small hands, that remained balled at her sides, he gestured her to sit down, facing her like he had done previously in the shrubs.

Half smirking he waved her off. "Relax. As you said before, your questions are moot if I won't answer them. I just... I just find myself with the inability of leaving behind the rest of the boys that were collected with me back in my country."

Nodding in a slight daze, her eyes were glazed over in thought. "Although, I don't completely understand your reasoning. I find it logical for someone that creates emotional attachments easily."

A amused twinkle made its way along Altan's features, moving forward in interest. "Emotional attachments easily, huh? Now what made you conclude this analysation, young lady?"

Not taking note of his teasing tone, Shu enlightened him on her perspective. "Well, your demeanor is one thing, holding an easy going attitude leads to many people becoming close to you from feeling comfortable. The concern you graced upon me from my first impression, would also be a major factor on the empathy you feel towards those around you-"

Holding up his hands on mock surrender he looked at her in astoundment "I get it. I get it. Change of topic please."

The action providing delight to Shu from the unusual quirk that seemed to showcase itself when he lost interest in a subject.