

After being banished from his home at an infant age. little Hilliar was found by a human astrologer in space after traveling via portals to get to our universe. He gets trained in the ways of the humans and now it was time to fulfill his purpose to humanity. What purpose? Being the son of sheim and a bromite, he is destined to save the universe and the humans from the wars of the bromite beast and after discovering his Supernatural powers as an alien from another universe, he takes up a code name as PowerMan to save the universe.

Daniellucky18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 04

The blue force warriors opened a portal and walked inside as the portal closes instantly.

The cheif slowly walked towards the elders seeing what just happened. He was pleased to know and see that things were going to his Favour and he smiled with a clenched fist. But something was bothering him all of a sudden, "What do we do with him Elders?" The cheif maned up to ask.

One of the elders was forced to speak up in anger, as he said "The fact that we are trying to follow the laws governing of our planet, doesn't mean we are against Sheim. But beware that once sheim is vindicated, your punishment will be worst and deadly." He said to the chief who stood and watched with a wide eye.

Whom!! A bright portal opened above the elders, slowly casting its rays on them all, literally dragging them together with Sheim into itself before closing again and the chief smiled.

"Don't worry Sheim, everything will be fine." He said, before twitching his fingers and a portal from a spatial opening sucked him in as well.


Hall Of Judgement

The king was sitting on his throne, thinking and playing with his beards as he twisted them slowly in a circular manner. On his left, was an empty chair meant for his commander, but at this moment it was empty.

The hall was filled with Bromines from different locations, who came to witness if the rumors about their loving commander was true and in no time, a bright portal opened eight feets in front of the king and the elders walked out with sheim who was partially unconscious based on the dark spell casted on him earlier by the elders.

"My lord, Lady vira got away, but the blue force warriors are after her. Should we bring her alive, or kill her?" One of the guards who knelt In front of the king said, with his eyes staring at the kings foot.

The king didn't respond, instead he stood up and walked down a little, halting few feets away from the elders. His heart was boiling and you could tell with the look in his eyes. No one knew what was bothering him, but all they knew was that, he would never allow Sheim to suffer.

The king lowered his head, "Begin the judgment process." He yelled suddenly and all the warriors, and Other Bromines who were present, gasped in surprised as they couldn't believe what they heard.

  "My lord?" One of the elders asked. Still not sure of what he heard.

The king sniffed in, "You heard me, begin the Judgement process!" He yelled.

The Elders were not in power to reverse his words in any way. Yes they were cosmic beings with higher authority, but they were still subjects under the king. And moreover, this law was made my their ancestors who were now long gone into a realm beyond the physical plane of existence. They heard him say it again, but was still not sure of what action would be fitting to take. They looked into his eyes, it was filled with rage and pain, sorrow and pity, why must it be his own commander? Why? The elders could read his absolute mind to a limited point, and due to what they had seen, the king was trying to be strong and they new it won't last for long.

  "Yes my king. It would be done, right away." The elder with the Scarlet necklace said, as he and the others assigned some warriors to do the job

Kpack!! Kpack!! Crack!!

Sheim was chained to the wall with a Scandium Steel. His both hands,  spread above his head and his feet tightly chained to the column of the building and as the chaining process continued, Sheim slowly opened his eyes to see his present state and be was bitter.

Another portal opened close to the crowded area, and the chief together with his armies, walked out from the portal that soon shut down. The mallium blade, was given to the executioner that will be in charge of beheading sheim after his judgment had take place. The elders summoned the book of law and it opened on its own accord producing a bright light as it opened page by page.

"The law of 12 'order' written in this book, says and commanded that 'Anyone found guilty of royal assault will be beheaded and his/her family will be banished to void space outside of this universe." The elder read out to the king.

  "Hmm, Are those the real words?" The king asked.

The second elder was confused "Yes my lord, it is."

The elders instantly had a proof that he didn't want to harm Sheim or his family in anyway. If not, why would he forget about the law he has been studying for years? They thought as they lowered their heads in depression and sadness, but the chief on the otherhand, was becoming restless, he was so eager to see Sheim's death but looks like it wasn't going to happen.

Sheim was able to slowly get back in form. He raised his head and managed to stand upright as he gazed at the king who couldn't maintain an eye contact with his commander.

Sheim smiled, "I am not afraid to die your highness! neither am I ready to fight against you all, if I wanted a fight, the planet will be a small place.. But all i am asking is you leave my family out of this. I am the one you want, you've gotten me, let her and my son go. Please" He begged.

"Never my lord. No! We can not forgive this traitor and his..." The chief tried to talk, but


A cosmic lighting from an unknown direction, slams on the chief pulling him off the ground and crashing him through countless pillars as the whole crowd turned around to see where the attack was coming from, and what they saw was a Scarlet portal opening and a woman in front of the portal was walking out majestically, later revealed to be Vira.

"My husband is not a traitor! Release him right way!" Her rude voice swept across the kingdom and into the ears of the king, but he just remained silent.

The whole crowd were shocked and surprised at the same time. It was getting more interesting. The warriors grabbed their blades and Sheim, on seeing vira, knodded his head to her, but he knew she was going to be in danger.

Boom!! The chief flew out from the ground as blue energies surrounded his fists. He couldn't believe that a woman had just put him down, and he didn't believe that woman to be sheim's wife. He onced had love for her in the past, during their youthful days, but she choosed Sheim and not him, and since then, he has hated her with passion and vira had same feelings for him, nothing but hatred.

He smirked, "You have come to join him? You are all traitors. You are all family of traitors. Leave at once, or you will regret ever coming here." The cheif threatened.

Vira smiled clenching her fist, "Am not here for you dummy. But if its a fight you want, I'll give it to you." She said, without fear in her eyes.

"Arhh!!" The chief yelled in anger solidifying a heat energy into a long sword that he projected at vira aiming for her head.

But in an instant, time witnessed an ultimate freeze as everything slowed down a bit and the chains holding sheim were shattered into pieces and all we could see was a blue light speeding into the way, shielding vira and causing the sword to vanish into thin air as time continued In its normal form once more.

The blade vanished on reaching sheim's body whose eyes were Full of heat visions ready to Flow out and the chief was shocked to see this.

Sheims eyes were filled with yellow hue of light as he breathe in heavily andsaid, "You can do anything to me. But not my woman. Leave her out of this." He said in anger as he spreads his arms wide into the air, channeling stellar energy into his body and smashing the floor with a punch, releasing a Cosmic waves that repulsed the chief backwards a little and destroying the warriors blades and armours.

The king just stared at Sheim knowing the Kind of man he is, he ordered the elders to take him down. But as they were conjuring a spell, sheim Clapped his both hands, solidifying his Heat energy into multiple blades then accompanies them with heat vision sending them at the elders.


The elders quickly Moved their hands creating an energy Force field that Stopped the attack absorbing it force and the blades disappeared.

"I don't want to fight. We can settle this. But let my wife go!" Sheim pleaded.

The blue force warriors teleported into the scene with their body Filled with Cosmic lightning and tightly held in their hands was a child, sheim's son, and they stopped as their eyes fixed towards him. And as vira saw them, she was shocked as her eyes were widely open.

"Your sons life is in danger, Surrender now." The king said. The king so much didn't want to harm her. But it was too late.

Vira tried to attack, but the chief sends her flying backwards with a momentum hit, and as Sheim saw this, he speeds behind the chief, landing a Lightning punch on his chest taking him high into the clouds then he Stretched his hands at the blue force warriors and slowly absorbed their energy.

The warriors began to fall one by one as they were becoming weak. Sheim was Busy focusing his attention at these energies, when suddenly a sword pushed through his chest bursting out from the front. The king gasped on seeing this, he didn't want it to be like this but he was wrong. Now he could see that there could be a reason he wanted him dead. The chief of course, he smiled as he pushed the mallium sword deeper and deeper into the chest of sheim.

Vira Called out sheim's name with a loud cry, she holds the chief with a telekinetic force and began to shrink his inner system with her whole might. The pain was becoming unbearable for him and he waved his hands and instantly they was a meteor Shower in the hall damaging and destroying The hall.

Sheim was hit, fallen down with a great intensity, he Looked at his chest, the mallium sword was eating his heart slowly , he could feel it. He stared at the king who stared back at him with tears in his eyes. Vira slowly got up, she must have been hit by the meteors also. She saw sheim on the floor lying weak and she heaved for breadth.

"Sheim!" She called out as sheim was unable to respond to her call.

The elders walked out from the Protective field they shielded themselves with, knowing sheim was kind of weak. They all grabbed him with a telekinetic force, lifting him up a little before blasting him with optic beams, each from their hot eyes then throwed him towards vira who moved with her little strength towards her husband. She Looked up and saw her child in the hands of her enemies, what could they do next? She Lay on sheim's body waiting to die next. A portal opened above vira and sheim raining down multiple Stellar blasts on them and they were covered in black smokes.

The elders approached them to confirm if they were still conscious, but they wasnt. They heaved a sigh of relief and the chief stood up holding his chest.

"Traitors. We should throw them into the Destructive Cave." The chief said in anger.

"That's enough. I've had enough. No more words from you all!" The king yelled.

One of the elders levitated, "My Lord I suggest we put them in the strongest dungeons for now till."

"I believe we haven't figured it all. Something is still fishy." The second elder said with a smile.

The cheif gave a fearful look, "And the child? He is a son of the traitor, the rules forbid they live with us."

The king stared at the Chief for a while before deciding to speak, "since you know the laws so well. You should decide the child's fate. But remember the future lies ahead." The king said as a bright light took him away.

On seeing this, the elders vanished instantly and the chief smiled, Snapping his fingers and Summoning his personal warrior to come before him.

"As law demands. Throw the child into deep space. Out of our universe, let his fate be decided by the voidness of the outside." The chief commanded his warrior.

"Yes my Lord. It shall be done." The warrior said as he grabs the child, constructing an energy jet and flew into the red clouds of BROMINE.

The chief smirked, "One down, two to go." He smiled.