

After being banished from his home at an infant age. little Hilliar was found by a human astrologer in space after traveling via portals to get to our universe. He gets trained in the ways of the humans and now it was time to fulfill his purpose to humanity. What purpose? Being the son of sheim and a bromite, he is destined to save the universe and the humans from the wars of the bromite beast and after discovering his Supernatural powers as an alien from another universe, he takes up a code name as PowerMan to save the universe.

Daniellucky18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 03

The king stared at Sheim for a while, he couldn't possibly digest the words he had just heard from the cheif minutes ago, he took a while to stare at both of them and, suddenly, burst into laughter, knowing fully well that Sheim would never and can never do such a thing.

The elders who were also present in the hall, could sense the confused atmosphere and couldn't help but join the king in his laughing moment as they too were surprised at what they just heard.

The cheif was dissapointed, he didn't expect the king to express any other feelings than pain and anger for sheim. He thought his plans would work out fine, but no it was going the other way round and he lowered his head in shame while sheim kept staring at him.

The king could not help, but continue laughing that his subjects were beginning to think he was going nuts, but he managed to subdue his intense laughter, placing both hands on his throne, before he slowly got up on his feets.

The king was a man of super features, his eyes were like that of an angry cheetah at night, his muscular physique was something that could make any other man to go off board. He was a tall, dark handsome man with brown beards. His fist were clenched to his back and he made a one step forward, halting almost immediately, his deadly eyes fixed on them both.

   "Wait a minute chief, did you drink your usual liquor again?" The king asked with a smile that soon turned into a frown, "Do you know the consequences of what you are saying? Accusing my most trusted will lead you to issues you would never wish for, are you...again... standing on your words?" yelled the king as he stared at the chubby cheif who couldn't maintain eye contact with the king for so long.

   "Yes my lord...I..I..I am standing on my words, cause I am saying the truth." The cheif boldly said, still not looking at the king.

 "Silence!" The king yelled at him all of a sudden. "How dare you? And what right have you to frame him up." He asked with anger written on his face. "You need to be taught a lesson, guards seize him immediately." The king commanded, but Sheim seem to be on the opposing side.

  "My lord, if I may, I'd suggest we settle this another way please, if the chief has enough proof and evidence, then he should present them right away." One of the elders dressed in black all through, said while suspending in mid air.

The king thought for a while, perhaps the elder was right, but he was scared of the outcome. What if the chief was saying the truth? What if Sheim was trying to overthrow him? Sheim overthrow him? That's impossible.

If he wanted to overthrow him, he would have done that a long time, he had the power too, but why would a man like sheim, stoop so low into hiring a person to kill him?  He stared at Sheim and noticed he was calm as always. No, this is not happening to him, he wished he had never approved the meeting.

Trying to overthrow the king in Bromine is a great offense and a person like Sheim should know better. Why now? Was this a setup? Cause if it is, the chief will so regret it.

As all these thoughts ran through the king's mind, the chief gave a sound clap, and two muscular warriors, donned in blue metallic armour, a red helmet, red boots with blue stripes, heavily walked out from the side door, and walking tiredly in their midst was a man who looked more like a prisoner.

He had both hands chained with bruises all over his body, blood stains all over him with his face becoming disgusting to look at. And the whole crowd cautiously watched as the two guards brought him forward, halting in front of the king. The chief gave a smile, staring at Sheim, but Sheim only hummed, knowing where this was driving at. Sheim could read the mind of everyone present in the hall.

His telepathic power was supernaturally powerful that he could read the mind of everyone in the hall.

 "And who is this?" The king asked with a loud voice that everyone could hear.

    " My proof, my lord." The cheif answered with guts.

"huh? Are you serious about this Chief?" Sheim asked.

The elders signalled the king to let him proof his truth by letting the prisoner talk, but the king was on the opposing side of the idea, and he gave a hot stare at sheim, then the chief , then lastly the prisoner who just stood without moving an inch. It was best to allow him talk anyway.

"Speak!" The king ordered.

"Yes my lord. We caught this unknown warrior yesternight at the royal castle trying to penetrate through the royal Chambers.

He was holding a sword, and luckily, my warriors were on duty and eventually he was caught. They brought him here and we tortured him with the same weapon he was sent to kill with. A sword with a mallium energy." The cheif explained and Sheim widened his eyes in shock.

"Mallium? But How?" Sheim questioned.

The king hummed, "A mallium? Sheim, explain how a mallium element could go out of your protection?" He said, but Sheim couldn't understand. He was the one in charge of safe keeping the mallium elements in the whole of BROMINE, because it was the only thing that could Pierce their skin when applied only on weapons.

"My lord. My lord I..I.." Sheim tried to speak but was interrupted.

"My lord, may I let the prisoner explain better?" asked the chief.

"Yes you may." The king sighed worriedly.

"Thank you my lord." The chief said before turning to the prisoner, "Speak". He voiced in command.

The tattered prisoner adjusted his stance slowly and swallowed some saliva before raising up his head to reveal his bruised face. He was scared that moment he made eye contact with sheim. He knew how loyal and humble the commander was, but he had to do it. And he slowly licked his disfigured lips.

"Greetings my lord. My name is Bonod, a citizen of ''BROMINE'' who resides in the southern city. I was paid by the commander here to end The king using my skilled techniques as an assassin. So he can takeover the throne and become king." The prisoner rapidly said and the whole crowd was shocked.

"What! My king." Sheim tried to speak.

"Let him speak sheim. Hold your peace." The king said and sheim couldn't believe his ears. Did the king just shut him up for a mere prisoner? Things are beginning to shatter.

"Thank you my lord." The prisoner continued, "I told him that I couldn't kill you, since nothing could penetrate us except for the mallium applied element. He then told me not to worry. And he gave me a mallium element, and he told me to kill you before dawn. Am sorry my king, I was forced. I didn't mean to defy your castle. Please forgive me."

The king gasped for breadth, he couldn't speak. He was more like dumbfounded all of a sudden. Sheim looked at the king and noticed tears dropping from his eyes, what has today turned into? This day was supposed to be the most happiest day of his life, but what was happening huh?

"My lord. You can't, believe that. No my lord. I would do no such thing." Sheim tried to clear himself.

The elders all sighed. They had no choice but to follow the rules of their planet. They knew it may not be true, but this is a much more proof to counter their believe. Sheim must have been so careless in safe keeping the Mallium.

The king couldn't talk, he just stood and watched sheim, knowing the Penalties that will befall him, him and his family will be considered a traitor and an outcast forever until the stars turn into a sun.

"What should we do, my lord? We can't stop the law made by our father's. What should we do now?" One of the elders asked.

"Seize, seize him." The king could hardly speak.

Sheim was shocked, "No!.. My lord, you can't. You can't do this? My wife just gave bir..." Sheim decided to speak up his present condition but BAM!!, a magic blast from the elders put Sheim down before he could finish his words, rolling twice in mid-air and balancing his stance, he stood up again with a clenched fist, but.... He didn't want to fight his own people, that would consider them right.

"You heard the king, Seize him!!" Another Elder yelled.

There was a total silence in the palace for a while, and all the warriors couldn't move, they wouldn't dare attack him, not too talk of  capturing him. They moved backwards. Even the blue force warriors were scared of coming close to Sheim. He was a deadly warrior. The cheif noticed their attitude and so he decided to cheap in.

"Capture him!!" He said.

But the warriors remained in their position, still looking at each other waiting for who would attack first. The Elders stamped their feets on the floor and immediately, the mind of the warriors were manipulated, also turning the blue force warriors against their commander.

The king was just standing and watching like a lost personality. He was still confused thinking if this was actually happening. The whole warriors charged at sheim stretching out their Swords and spears.

Sheim had no time in fighting with anyone, he literally closed his eyes and opened them like he never closed it and suddenly, From no where, a mighty wind Blew in the palace and Dachi (Sheim's pet) Landed in front of sheim. Opening his mouth and pouring out Heat blasts on the warriors. Sheim quickly jumped on it and Off, they were out of the building.

"Hmm, my lord. What do we do next?" An elder asked.




"Oh no. He's late. I wonder what's keeping him so long?" Vira said before kissing the child.

Looking out via the portal and sighing with anger, an object up in the sky, began coming down slowly revealing to be sheim on dachi. She smiled and ran to hug him, but sheims chest was covered with blood.

"Sheim!! What happened?" Vira asked. "You are bleeding.

"it's a plot. Someone is trying to jeopardize this kingdom by getting me out of the way. THE elders deadly magic is eating me inside. But don't worry its just for a while, we have to leave now.

"What?" Vira was shocked.

Sheim's senses began picking up projectiles, approaching them from afar, he Grabs vira before leaping high into air and Suddenly everything around them explodes.

They landed few miles away from the explosive scene.. And in their very eyes, were millions of Warriors marching to capture them. The Elders were Just levitating in the air with their body filled with dark auras.

"vira. Go!" Sheim said to her.

"What about our Son? What about the king? Will he let you down now?" She asked.

"I love you Vira. Go...Take our son and go." Sheim ordered.

"to where?" She asked in tears.

"Anywhere safe. Take him to my mother!"

BAM!! A deadly blast from the elders hit sheim and crashed him on the floor twice. He levitated up, cleaned his body and Cracked his neck. The elders stopped for a while looking at him.

"I never wanted to use this. But. I have to." Sheim said before staring at Vira. "Go!" he said once more.

Vira speeds out of the scene and the warriors tried chasing her but sheim's eyes became filled with red-golden auras, and by giving out a yell, his eyes released a large heat vision that killed all the soldiers, leaving their bones on the floor.

"huh?" A soldier shivered in fear.

Sheim speeds towards the rest million warriors, instantly firing heat on them, a huge blast of heat vision until they was no one left again, except the elders. Sheim appeared in front of them trying to punch one, but a force entered his body, choking him till he fell down.

"You may be strong sheim. But you can never outsmart us. We are elderly. And you are a traitor now!"

Suddenly, all the warriors began to regenerate.And the blue force warriors teleported in front of them.

"Find vira!" The elders said and they vanished.