

After being banished from his home at an infant age. little Hilliar was found by a human astrologer in space after traveling via portals to get to our universe. He gets trained in the ways of the humans and now it was time to fulfill his purpose to humanity. What purpose? Being the son of sheim and a bromite, he is destined to save the universe and the humans from the wars of the bromite beast and after discovering his Supernatural powers as an alien from another universe, he takes up a code name as PowerMan to save the universe.

Daniellucky18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 05



''Secret dungeon of Thalma''

Two men dressed in black, black hoods covering their faces, with a fire stick on their hands, stood in front of a rocky door watching as ancient words were been absorbed into it until they vanished. The door shook all of a sudden and suddenly began to slide upwards, dropping some rocky particles on the floor as it went upwards. After the door must have gotten to its opening limit, the two men walked slowly into the dark room and the door immediately slammed down again on its own accord.

The secret dungeon; was a large, well built prison in the whole of bromine. It steels were made from pure Vanadium; the steel of the divine Guardians of creations. It is the second most hardest steel in the whole of creation, so the bromites put their deadliest prisoners here. But unfortunately the prisons were empty, except for one. The two men walked close to the prison door, unveiling their hood and occupying it, was a man standing close to the wall, as he kept peeping through the slight opening that was made on the hard walls of the prison. He suddenly hummed after noticing their presence and he turned around only to be revealed as the commander, "Sheim" as his physique remained dashing like always. His eyes gave a short glow of golden hue and his presence alone was too much to handle for them. He was so, so powerful, so powerful he could destroy the entire kingdom in seconds, but that was the main reason he was locked in the most strongest dungeon, made with a vanadium.

Sheim already knowing who they were, looked aside, then clenched his fist, as he asked "What do you want? And why have you come here?"

One of the unidentified men on hood, gently took of his hood as he was seen to be the king, "Sheim, I come in peace. Please hear me out." The king said in a low voice that called for dialogue.

Sheim gave him a hard stare, "No" he said calmly. "Not anymore." Sheim tilted his head to the left.

"Sheim listen..I" The king tried to speak but wasn't given the chance.

"I don't want to listen or hear anything from you. Our friendship is over. You've done it already." Sheim said as he was at the verge of tears.

"Sheim please listen." The king insisted to speak out once more.

"I trusted you! I did!" Sheim raised his voice at him. "Where is my wife? My child? Wait a minute" He paused for a while, "Don't tell me you did it, did you?" He asked

The king after hearing those words,   sighed as he dropped his head in shame, not knowing what to say next.

"Sheim, your wife is not in prison, she is safe with a certain herbalist in the west Arena, 200 kilometers from here. And your mom?, your mom became unconscious after hearing what happened, she is still in coma in the Energy Room, our scientist are working on her. It seems, her shock was on a high level.

Sheim let a tear from the left eye, "And my son?" He asked.

The king sighed instantly, "Am sorry sheim. But...I couldn't avoid the law. I tried but I couldn't. I failed to protect your son sheim. Am truly sorry, please find a place in your heart to forgive me." The king kept pleading for his forgiveness.

But Sheim slowly removed his hands from the prison's door which he had been holding unto for the past ten minutes now, and then, he fell on the floor with both hands on his laps and without any shame, sheim began to cry like a child.

"No, No. I don't, I don't believe you. I don't, I don't." Sheim said as he sobbed out his painful tears. He brought his head up to the king and gulped down. "You did it, you, you actually did it. How could you? I trusted you! I served you with my life, with my strength, with everything I've got, why repay me this way?" He inquired from the king who was lost of words as of now.

The king went silent for some minutes, but before he could say anything, Sheim had gone berserk as he suddenly gave to the ground, a sound and heavy punch that a blue shockwave was released, spreading itself in the prison room, but thanks to the power of the vanadium steels, present in the prison, the shockwaves were unable to prevail out the prison, and so they all came back into Sheim, but that was not all.

All of a sudden, a forcefield made up of lightning, began to form around Sheim and in an instant, his eyes were  filled with heat energies begging to be released. The guard who escorted the king couldn't bear this tremendous disaster no more as his armour were beginning to rip out one by one.

The whole kingdom began to vibrate and the clouds darkened, and the next thing that followed, was a heavy, deadly thunder clap.

Gbom! The dungeon vibrated to a shake, and dusty particles began to drop on the king and his guard. Sheim was able to levitate off the ground floor, as his body was engulfed in the lightning forcefield. No one has ever seen him like this before, and so it was a strange moment for both of them, but as the king of Bromine, he maintained his stance.

"My king let's go. His gone berserk." The guard shouted as the dungeon vibrated forcefully.

The king quickly shunned him, "No! Am not leaving this place until his fine." He said.

The guard was frightened by the kings words, and so, his eyes were widely ooen "But my lord. I might get incinerated in the process of waiting. Please let's go, please I beg of you." He pleaded with the whole of his heart, but it seemed like the king wasn't paying attention to him at all, as his attention was focused on the angry Sheim.

"Let's just watch him calm down." The king said.

Gbam!! Bomm!!

The whole Prison began to vibrate once more, windows were ripped off, and the ground floors were squeezed like papers. All matter in the prison except the king, suddenly began to levitate and the king gasped in shock as he noticed this.

"My king, help!" The guard screamed for help as he soon began to levitate as well, not been able to control his movement.

The king took his eyes off sheim and when he noticed the huge damage that Sheim would bring to the thalma dungeon he sighed, then touched his guard by the shoulder, hereby Imputing gravity on him and also rendering the force of levitation weak.

The guard went back a little, "My king, I told you, he'll kill us all. Look at him now!" The guard pointed towards Sheim and the king turned around to see that Sheim was now having a physique full of light and energy that even the king had never experienced before.

"What is this?" The king asked himself. He knew Sheim to be powerful and fierce, but not to this extent. Sheim was practically transcending his current state of power and if that is allowed, he might do the unthinkable.

Just like the voice of the Omni was upon them, Sheim's light was bright enough to shut down the eyes of the guard to a total blackout that he fell on the floor, screaming so loud in pain. The king was quick enough to turn his face around but the light was able to leave a scar on his brow. The king knew sheim so well. He knew sheim So well, not to be a coward, and so he had hopes or ways rather, in calming him down.

"Sheim, calm down. Your son will be....be fine. I promise. If you continue like this, you might end up destroying your world including your people. Please do not do this again. Please!" The king said as he tried to avoid the loud noise coming from sheim's clenching of his fist.

"I will ask you once, where is my Son?" Sheim said as his eyes were becoming more intensifying with the cosmic light that overwhelmed him.

"Your son will be fine, I promise. Please calm down, and let's talk Sheim. Please." The king said while facing the wall and avoiding the bright light from sheim.

Sheim's eyes were covered with lights that soon deduced in its intensity, followed by the ones on his body, and before we knew it, he began to levitate down. But all sudden, as soon as his feet touched the ground, a loud yell came out from his mouth, and it was so loud that the vanadium steels had a hard time in absorbing the sounds and so they couldn't go beyond the prison. His body was doused with normality and he clenched his fist again and again, staring the vanadium steels like he wanted to rip them off.

The king noticed the serenity in the prison and so he turned around, only to find Sheim on his feet, back as a normal being and out of his berserk situation.

"I don't want to listen you. Go" Sheim said.

"Sheim, you have to.."

"Where is vira?" Sheim said as he forcefully turned around to face the king. "Where is my wife? Where is she?" He asked with pain in his eyes.

The king sighed, "I told you already. Vira is 200 kilometers away from here, and she is with the old witch."

"The old witch?" He asked in surprise.



•The Water desert.


Wind howled and lightning strikes consumed the clouds above the earth. In a small hut, an old woman was busy reading a spell book as she practiced on another woman laying on the bed identified to be ''vira''. She looked cold anyway, but thanks to the old woman's spell, she was coming back to normal.

"Itri' affectt', idu' affectt' I command you to live again!" The throaty voice of this old woman said, as she continually waved her short but healthy hands towards vira.

"Oh come on, work will you?" The old woman screamed in tiredness.

She sighed and then stopped for a while, her eyes were golden colored and it made her look like the witch she was called. She took a deep breath and decided to try it one more time.

"Okay, it seems, Bromites system are extremely strong and firm, if I don't get it this time, am obviously going to stop." She said to herself. "Okay let's go, itri' affectt, idu' affectt, I command you to!!!...." She tried to complete her words but the eyed of Vira were forced open and she flip high into the air, landing with a great stance that even the old woman was scared and forced to grab her wand.

"Easy there my lady, are you alright?" The old witch asked.

Vira was dumbfounded, as she couldn't recognized who this woman was, or where she was either. The only thing she could do was to look around.

"Who are you? And what am i doing here? Where is my husband?" She asked in confusion.

"Hold on young lady. One question at a time please, am old and so I can't store those words in my head, you understand me?" The woman said as she swinged her wand and their location was altered into a different one entirely.


•The downtown

"Where is this place? Where have you taken me too?" Vira asked in shock.

The woman smiled, "Just come with me, you'll find out." She said in a low tone, but soon frowned, "And never you ask me such question again!" She waved her wand and a black portal opened in front of her. "Shall we?" She asked but vira shook her head.

"I am not coming with you." Vira said.

The woman smirked, "Yes you are!"

"No am not!"

"Do you want to lose yourself? You are not even healed yet."

"I don't care! My husband is in danger and I need to save him from the hands of his adversaries." Vira said.

The woman smiled, "The king would have probably helped by now."

Vira smiled, "Not when he is the reason for his pain." She spat on the floor and turned around to leave. "How can I get out of here?"

"Wait. I don't understand, but the king was the one who brought you to me for treatment. Why are you saying this things about him?"

"I don't know about what you just said, but if its true. Then my husband needs me."

"Who is your husband by the way?" The old woman asked and vira smiled.

"His name is Sheim!" She said and a thunder clap followed the powerful name she just called out.


(Secret Dungeon of thalma)

There were smokes everywhere, dust everywhere and standing in the midst of these substances, Sheim held tightly to his clenched fist. He was already calm and so, the environment was as peaceful as ever.

The guard whom lost his sight during sheim's berserk mode, was now back in sight as he stood not too close to the king. The king remained in his normal position, close to the doors of the prison and after they might have had a long talk, am sure he isn't yet satisfied.

"Sheim, am sorry. Please we can fix things as of now." The king voiced out but Sheim was not ready to listen.

"Go. Leave now!" Sheim said as he walked slowly to the window and stood there to watch.

The king deeped his hands in his pocket and brought out a tiny blue orb, dropping it on the prison ground with ease. "This is a gift from the elders, when you are calm. Take a look at it." The king said, then turn to leave, but halted.

"Till we meet again. I will be visiting you time to time. Don't worry, your family are in good hands, trust me." The king said and with his thoughts, he was out of sight.

As soon as the king left, the guard got on his knees, "I will forever be loyal to you commander, you made me who i am now, I'll never forget that." The guard said and Sheim smiled.




In the dark empty space outside the 10th universe, space shrinked to an opening, revealing the inner part of itself, and from the opened space, a warrior dressed in blue attires, floated out with a baby in his possession, wrapped in a red attire with a bromite signature. The warrior brought his hands forward, and suddenly, blue energies began to form together and a big blue jet was created from it.

On seeing it, the warrior quickly placed the baby inside the jet, and without a second thought, he commanded the jet to flee into the deep void of space, and then he sighed.

"I can never let my hands, to be stained with your blood. I can't bite the fingers that fed me, never. I will always be on the commander's side. Yes. I will." He said and vanished out of sight.